Opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure by General Secretary and President To Lam

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Lao Dong Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure, by General Secretary and President To Lam on September 18, 2024, in Hanoi.

"Dear Politburo members, Secretariat members, Central Party Committee members,

Dear Conference attendees!

Implementing the entire working program of the term, today the 13th Party Central Committee organized the 10th Conference. The Conference took place at a very special time: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, an exceptionally outstanding leader, thinker, and theoretical flag bearer of the Party, left us at a time when the entire Party, people, and army were determined to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; storm No. 3 caused extremely heavy damage to people and property in most of the northern provinces and cities; when the entire Party, army, and people were focusing their utmost efforts to overcome the consequences caused by the storm...

On behalf of the Politburo and the Secretariat, I would like to welcome the Politburo members, Secretariat members, Central Executive Committee members, and all delegates attending the Conference; wish you good health, happiness, and many successes in your work and life.

Cac lanh dao Dang, Nha nuoc bieu quyet thong qua chuong trinh hoi nghi. Anh: Duong Giang/TTXVN
Party and State leaders vote to approve the conference agenda. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

Dear comrades!

This Central Conference takes place earlier and shorter than expected, we will work outside of office hours. The Conference will discuss and give opinions on 10 contents belonging to 2 groups of strategic issues and some specific tasks; the documents have been sent about 1 week in advance, I suggest that comrades continue to spend time studying to have truly accurate opinions, reflecting the reality of their ministries, branches and localities. Focus on contributing specific issues and general issues, especially practical issues that have not been mentioned in the draft documents but need to evaluate and summarize important contents on viewpoints, guiding thoughts, innovative policies with breakthrough strategies and high feasibility. We identify the 14th Congress as the Congress marking the moment when the country enters a new era - the era of national development, requiring that right from the process of document building, each comrade member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Secretariat, member of the Politburo needs to promote his or her intelligence and responsibility to the highest level. In that spirit, I would like to suggest the following issues:

Firstly, the work to accelerate the "finish line" to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress

Successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress is the highest goal of the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army in 2025; it is the foundation for successfully implementing the 100-year strategic goals under the Party's leadership and towards the 100th anniversary of the founding of the country. This goal must be achieved with the highest determination, the greatest effort, drastic actions with the most effective implementation solutions, ensuring that the set goals must be achieved and strive to exceed them; this is the Party's responsibility to the people, to the glorious and heroic history of the nation, to international friends; it is a testament to the Party's leadership, governance and fighting capacity, so it is necessary to concentrate all resources and measures to complete it. The socio-economic development plan for 2025 has set out the main goals, targets, tasks and solutions; Analyze the ability to complete the 5-year socio-economic targets for 2021-2025 based on the implementation of the 2024 socio-economic development plan. The Politburo discussed very carefully, made a comprehensive assessment, considered all aspects and decided to report to the Central Committee for discussion and comments.

Phien khai mac Hoi nghi lan thu 10 Ban Chap hanh Trung uong Dang khoa XIII. Anh: TTXVN
Opening session of the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee. Photo: VNA

Second, regarding the preparation work for the 14th National Party Congress, there are 3 issues:

Firstly, regarding the documents submitted to the 14th National Party Congress: With the position of the Political Report as the center; Summary of 40 years of innovation is a very important report to distill the quintessence into the documents of the 14th National Party Congress; Report on socio-economic development strategy, Report on Party building and implementation of the Party's charter are specialized reports, comrades are requested to focus on discussing and clarifying: (i) Has the content of the Political Report submitted to the Conference met the level of a central report in terms of viewpoints, guidelines, policies, has it summarized the values ​​of the past, present and towards the future? Has it been a "lighting torch" leading the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army to achieve the strategic goals set by the 13th National Party Congress? (ii) Strategic reports on socio-economic development; Party building and implementation of the Party's charter; Have the theoretical and practical issues drawn from the summary of 40 years of renovation fully covered the basis for the general arguments in the Political Report? Are the reports consistent with each other and consistent with the Party's viewpoints and policies on national development in the 2026-2030 period and vision to 2045? (iii) Specific content in each report, especially assessments of existing problems, limitations and strategic directions and breakthrough tasks set out. It is necessary to clarify whether the policies and measures are "correct" and "accurate" enough to bring the country into a new era? What are the new elements of practice that need to be added?

Regarding some specific issues, I hope that comrades will pay attention to discussing: (i) Regarding strategic breakthroughs in the next term, is it appropriate to focus on institutional and development breakthroughs, strongly innovate personnel work, synchronously perfect and strongly make breakthroughs in building and developing socio-economic infrastructure. Developing new productive forces together with perfecting production relations creates opportunities and new development spaces, creating key driving forces for the cause of national development and national defense; together with developing new productive forces (combining high-quality human resources with new means of production) and strategic infrastructure (focusing on transport infrastructure, digital infrastructure and energy infrastructure). (ii) Regarding strategic directions and solutions: is it appropriate to focus on perfecting production relations, focusing on (1) Streamlining the apparatus of the Party, State, National Assembly, and socio-political organizations to operate effectively and efficiently; Innovate the Party's leadership and governance methods to move our nation forward. (2) Promote decentralization and delegation of power with the motto "locality decides, locality acts, locality takes responsibility", the Central, Government, and National Assembly strengthen institutional perfection, play a constructive role and strengthen inspection and supervision; at the same time, thoroughly reform administrative procedures; (3) Arouse motivation and spirit of dedication to the country, unleash all social resources and resources among the people; (4) Promote digital transformation, green transformation, take science and technology, innovation as the main driving force for development, have a mechanism to focus on technology, especially source technology, core technology... at the same time, development must have focus, key points, not spread out. Proactively and actively mobilize external resources, combine national strength with the strength of the times.

Second, about preparing personnel for the 14th Congress.

The personnel work of the 14th National Congress is an important task, the "key" of the "keys", of decisive significance to the successful implementation of the Party's policies and guidelines to bring the country into a new era. The report summarizing the personnel work of the 13th Party Central Committee and building the personnel direction of the 14th Party Central Committee is very important, serving as the basis for preparing personnel to participate in the 14th Party Central Committee, Politburo, Secretariat, Central Inspection Commission and key leaders of Party and State agencies for the 2026-2031 term. I believe that the Central Committee will uphold its responsibility to the Party, to the people, to the glorious history of the Party and the traditions of our ancestors to do this well with a spirit of impartiality, transparency, science, objectivity, caution, and thoroughness, putting first the common interests, the interests of the nation, the people and the prosperous and happy life of the people.

Third, on Party building and implementation of the Party Charter: I would like to ask you to discuss and give your opinions on the results achieved, the limitations and obstacles, and propose directions, tasks and solutions for Party building in the 14th tenure. What limitations and obstacles are caused by the provisions of the Party Charter, to what extent, is it necessary to supplement and amend the Party Charter? Or is it only necessary to adjust the regulations and instructions of the Politburo and the Secretariat?

I believe that collective intelligence will be highly promoted at this Conference. On behalf of the Politburo and the Secretariat, I declare the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee open; wish the Conference effective work and great success.

Thank you very much."


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