Approval of Mr. Rah Lan Chung to hold the position of Chairman of Gia Lai province


The Prime Minister has approved the election results for the position of Chairman of Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee for Mr. Rah Lan Chung, Deputy Secretary of Gia Lai Provincial Party Committee.

On September 12, the Office of the Government announced that Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed Decision No. 957/QD-TTg approving the election results for the position of Chairman of the Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee for the 2021-2026 term for Mr. Rah Lan Chung, Deputy Secretary of the Gia Lai Provincial Party Committee.

The decision takes effect from September 11, 2024.

Previously, on August 27, the 21st Session (special session) of the 12th Gia Lai Provincial People's Council elected Mr. Rah Lan Chung - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to hold the position of Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for the 12th term (2021-2026 term).

Election results, 62/62 delegates present elected Mr. Rah Lan Chung to hold the position of Chairman of Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee, term XII (2021 - 2026), reaching 100% of the votes.

Mr. Rah Lan Chung was born on August 4, 1971, in Chu Prong town, Chu Prong district, Gia Lai province; professional qualifications: Bachelor of Security University, majoring in criminal investigation, master of political science; political theory level: Advanced.

During his career, Mr. Rah Lan Chung held the following positions: Deputy Head of District Police, Permanent Vice Chairman of District People's Committee, Permanent Deputy Secretary of District Party Committee, Chairman of District People's Council, Secretary of Chu Pah District Party Committee; Deputy Head of Internal Affairs Department, Head of Gia Lai Provincial Party Committee.

On May 19, 2024, he was approved by the Secretariat to hold the position of Deputy Secretary of the Gia Lai Provincial Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term, after being elected to this position by the Gia Lai Provincial Party Executive Committee.


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