Military officers who retire too early are very wasteful


It is expected that at the 8th Session, the 15th National Assembly (October 2024) will give opinions and consider approving the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army (Law on Officers) according to simplified order and procedures.

After the Ministry of National Defense compiled a request dossier, the Government issued a resolution proposing to develop a Law project to amend and supplement a number of articles of the Law on Officers , which is basically consistent with the 3 policies under proposal of the Ministry of National Defense.

That is: Completing regulations on basic positions and equivalent positions and titles of officers of the Vietnam People's Army (People's Army) to meet the requirements of building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern Army. grand; raise the age limit for active duty service of Vietnam People's Army officers; regulates the highest military rank for positions and titles of Vietnam People's Army officers.

Talking to Labor, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu - former Deputy Minister of National Defense - said that the above policies are very necessary to be revised and supplemented to suit the practical situation. Especially the regulations on active duty service time for People's Army officers.

According to Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu, practice shows that currently, the retirement age for military officers is lower than that of the general workforce and even in the armed forces. This can lead to a waste of human resources, especially human resources with experience serving in the military.

Therefore, to be consistent with the Social Insurance Law, the Labor Code and to preserve a team of experienced officers, it is necessary to increase the active service age of People's Army officers. This policy adjustment will have a positive impact on the current military officers' performance of their duties.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu - former Deputy Minister of National Defense. Photo: NVCC
Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu - former Deputy Minister of National Defense. Photo: Provided by the character

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu said: "According to the current Law on Officers, retiring too early has obvious disadvantages. Meanwhile, military officers are trained through formal schools and their short working time will be a waste of human resources."

However, due to the special nature of the profession, the military can consider reducing the retirement age due to reduced working ability.

"This helps ensure the rights of military officers in terms of working time, social insurance payment time and pension benefits as well as age, health, and working time" - Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu said.

In addition, the Ministry of National Defense also needs to have calculations and plans in using a team of leading experts and scientists to promote the capacity, strengths, and valuable experience in building the Army. Refined, compact, strong.

According to the current Law on Officers amended in 2019, the retirement age of military officers is divided according to rank. Accordingly, the lieutenant is 46 years old; Major level is 48 years old; lieutenant colonel is 51 years old; The rank of lieutenant colonel is 54 years old. The above ages apply to both men and women.

From the colonel level, the maximum age limit for men is 57 years old, and for women is 54 years old. For generals, men are 60 years old and women are 55 years old.

The law also clearly stipulates that, when the military needs it, officers with sufficient political and moral qualities, good expertise, good health and can voluntarily have their service age extended. compared to regulations but not more than 5 years; Special cases may take longer.


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