Announcement of the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee

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Implementing the full-term working program, the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee met from September 18 to September 20, 2024 in Hanoi.

The 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee discussed and gave opinions on the following contents: Draft Political Report of the 13th Party Central Committee; Draft Summary Report on a number of theoretical and practical issues on the socialist-oriented renovation process over the past 40 years in Vietnam; Draft Report of the 13th Party Central Committee on summarizing Party building work and implementing the Party Charter; Draft Report on evaluating 5 years of implementing the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021 - 2030; directions and tasks for socio-economic development in the 5 years 2026 - 2030; Summary Report on the implementation of the Party Election Regulations issued together with Decision No. 244-QD/TW, dated June 9, 2014 of the 11th Party Central Committee and draft amendments and supplements to the Party Election Regulations; Draft Summary of the personnel work of the 13th Party Central Committee and the direction of personnel work of the 14th Party Central Committee; introduction of the planning of the Politburo and Secretariat for the 14th term, 2026 - 2031 term; supplementary planning of the 14th Party Central Committee, 2026 - 2031 term; Report on the implementation of the 2024 Socio-Economic Development Plan, projected Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2025; Report on the assessment of the implementation of the state budget in 2024, state budget estimates for 2025; National 3-year state budget - finance plan for 2025 - 2027; investment policy for the entire North-South high-speed railway project; policy on establishing Hue city directly under the Central Government; election of additional members of the 13th Central Inspection Committee and a number of other important contents.

General Secretary and President To Lam chaired and delivered important opening and closing speeches at the Conference.

1. On draft documents submitted to the 14th National Party Congress

1.1. On the Draft Political Report to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress

The Central Executive Committee has studied, discussed, and basically approved the structure and main contents of the Draft Political Report submitted to the 14th Congress; analyzed, emphasized, and deepened the meaning and theme of the 14th Congress; affirmed that the Draft Political Report has many new contents, highlights different from the 13th Congress, of strategic and historical significance, and of the nature of a Platform to be implemented in the coming period; marking a particularly important milestone for Vietnam to develop rapidly and sustainably, in accordance with the requirements of the times, opening a new era, the era of the Vietnamese nation's rise.

The Central Executive Committee unanimously assessed: In the context of many difficulties and great challenges, but with the high will and determination of the entire Party, the entire people, the entire army and the entire political system, the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress has achieved outstanding achievements and results: (1) Economic development has basically fulfilled the main and important goals. (2) Cultural, social and human development has made progress in many aspects. (3) National defense and security have been constantly consolidated; foreign relations and international integration have been upgraded. (4) Building and rectifying the Party and the political system in a synchronous, clean and comprehensive manner; the fight against corruption and negativity continues to be vigorously promoted, achieving many important results.

The Central Executive Committee determined that, during the 14th Congress term, it is necessary to continue to strengthen the building and rectification of the Party and the political system to be clean and strong in all aspects; promote the strength of culture, people and the great national unity bloc combined with the strength of the times; promote innovation, digital transformation, green transformation; develop the country rapidly and sustainably and firmly protect the Fatherland; maintain a peaceful and stable environment; turn our country into a developing country with high average income and modern industry by 2030, practically celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding, towards realizing the vision by 2045, completing the goal of the 100th anniversary of the country's founding, turning our country into a developed country with high income; create a solid premise for the country to enter a new era of development for a peaceful, independent, democratic, prosperous, happy Vietnam, firmly advancing towards socialism.

1.2. On the Draft Report on Summary of Some Theoretical and Practical Issues on the Socialist-Oriented Renovation Process Over the Past 40 Years in Vietnam

The Central Executive Committee unanimously assessed that the Draft Report had been carefully prepared, comprehensive, and quite profound; demonstrating new theoretical issues drawn from practice. This is a very important Report that contributes to perfecting our Party's theory on innovation and national development over the past 40 years; from which to build directions, viewpoints, goals, and solutions for the next stage. The Central Executive Committee affirmed that the achievements that our country has achieved in 40 years of construction and development following the Party's innovation policy are enormous and of historical significance, while also frankly pointing out the limitations and difficulties in each field, on that basis, orienting solutions to continue to comprehensively and synchronously promote the innovation, construction, development, and protection of the Fatherland in the new stage.

The Central Executive Committee contributed many profound, intellectual and responsible opinions to continue perfecting the Draft Report, focusing on researching and contributing many opinions to evaluate the development of our Party's theoretical awareness in 6 areas: National independence and socialism, continuing to raise high the ideological and theoretical flag of "national independence associated with socialism"; on socialism and the path to socialism; on creativity and theoretical breakthroughs in developing a socialist-oriented market economy; on culture, society and people; on national defense, security and foreign affairs; on building and rectifying the Party and a clean and strong political system.

1.3. On the draft Report summarizing the work of Party building and implementation of the Party Charter to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress

The Central Executive Committee assessed: The current Party Charter has been implemented for 3 terms; the contents of the current Party Charter are basically suitable for practice; the regulations and instructions of the Central Committee are specific and convenient for implementation, thereby ensuring the leadership and ruling role of the Party, meeting the requirements of Party building and rectification work, and building the political system in the new situation. The Central Executive Committee agreed on the policy of not supplementing or amending the Party Charter at the 14th Congress; on the basis of summarizing the implementation of the Party Charter, it proposed that the 14th Congress assign the 14th Central Executive Committee to direct the relevant agencies to continue to research and summarize the implementation of the Party Charter right from the beginning of the term to report to competent authorities for consideration and proposal to supplement and amend the Party Charter at an appropriate time.

1.4. On the Draft Report on 5 years of implementing the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021 - 2030; directions and tasks for socio-economic development for 5 years 2026 - 2030

The Central Executive Committee assessed that over the past 5 years, in the context of extremely complicated and unprecedented developments in the world and in the country, with heavier impacts than forecast, under the leadership of the Party, the management of the State, and the efforts of the entire political system, the entire people and the entire army, our country's socio-economy has achieved many important, outstanding, and quite comprehensive results, basically completing the main set goals. The macro-economy is basically stable, inflation is under control, and major balances of the economy are ensured. The implementation of three strategic breakthroughs has achieved positive results, especially in infrastructure development. Cultural and human development, progress, and social justice have made many advances. Administrative reform, improvement of the investment and business environment, and the fight against corruption and negativity have achieved many results. National defense, security, order, and social safety have been ensured. Foreign affairs and international integration have achieved many important successes, and Vietnam's position and prestige have been enhanced.

Regarding the limitations and weaknesses, the Central Executive Committee frankly pointed out: The economic growth rate has not reached the set target. Economic restructuring associated with growth model innovation is still slow. The foundation of industrialization and modernization is not solid. The quality of human resources is still limited. Science, technology and innovation are not really important driving forces for growth model innovation. The effectiveness and efficiency of economic and social leadership and management in some aspects are not high...

Based on analyzing the causes of the results, the causes of limitations and weaknesses, drawing lessons, forecasting the domestic and international situation in the coming years, the Central Executive Committee discussed and gave opinions on the directions, tasks and solutions for socio-economic development in the 5-year period 2026 - 2030.

The Central Executive Committee approved the basic contents of the draft documents to be submitted to the 14th Congress (above); assigned the Politburo to base on the Central Committee's discussion opinions and the Politburo's acceptance and explanation report to direct the Sub-committees to complete the above draft documents to collect opinions from Party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress.

2. On the Summary Report on the implementation of the Party Election Regulations issued together with Decision No. 244-QD/TW, dated June 9, 2014 of the 11th Party Central Committee and the draft amendments and supplements to the Party Election Regulations

The Central Executive Committee assessed that the 11th Party Central Executive Committee had issued and unanimously implemented the Party Election Regulations at the right time, promptly concretizing the Party's principles and regulations on election work, removing obstacles, promoting democracy, tightening discipline and order within the Party, meeting practical requirements. Basically, most of the contents of the Party Election Regulations are still consistent with current practice. Based on the summary of the implementation, the Central Executive Committee agreed to supplement and amend a number of contents to clarify, ensure strictness, specificity, and a more reasonable structure, meeting practical requirements.

The Central Executive Committee assigned the Politburo to base on the Central Committee's discussion opinions and the Politburo's acceptance and explanation report to direct completion, approval, and implementation.

3. On the draft Summary of the personnel work of the 13th Party Central Committee and the direction of personnel work of the 14th Party Central Committee; introducing the planning of the Politburo and Secretariat for the 14th term, 2026 - 2031 term; supplementing the planning of the 14th Party Central Committee, 2026 - 2031 term

The Central Executive Committee unanimously assessed that, in the context of many advantages, difficulties and challenges, the 13th National Party Congress elected the 13th Central Executive Committee, Politburo and Secretariat, which basically ensured quality, quantity and structure in accordance with the Personnel Work Direction of the 13th National Party Congress; ensured the succession, innovation and continuous development of the Party's senior leadership team; contributed to leading and directing the successful and comprehensive implementation of tasks and goals in the spirit of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress in all fields; enhanced the country's potential, position and international prestige; and strengthened the people's trust in the Party.

The Central Executive Committee emphasized that the personnel work of the 14th Party Central Executive Committee is an important task; the "key" of "keys", having decisive significance for the successful implementation of the Party's policies and guidelines to bring the country into a new era. On the basis of democratic, responsible and frank discussions, the Central Executive Committee determined the goals and requirements for the personnel work of the 14th Congress, in which the 14th Party Central Executive Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, especially the key leaders of the Party and the State must be a clean and strong collective, truly united, highly unified in will and action; exemplary in intelligence, political qualities, lifestyle ethics, leadership capacity and prestige; steadfast in the goals of national independence, socialism and the Party's renewal policy, closely attached to the people. Implement well the motto: Strengthen the Party's leadership, maintain principles, discipline, and order, go hand in hand with promoting and expanding democracy; ensure high solidarity and unity.

The Central Executive Committee assigned the Politburo to base on the Central Committee's discussion opinions and the Politburo's acceptance and explanation report to direct completion, approval, and implementation.

4. Regarding the draft Report on the assessment of the implementation of the 2024 Socio-Economic Development Plan, the projected Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2025; Report on the assessment of the implementation of the State budget in 2024, the State budget estimate for 2025; The 3-year national financial and state budget plan for 2025 - 2027

The Central Executive Committee basically agreed with the Draft Report and reports submitted by the Government Party Committee; acknowledged the Government's efforts in implementing the objectives and tasks set out in the context of many difficulties and challenges in the international and domestic situation. The Central Executive Committee discussed, analyzed, and deepened the results achieved; frankly pointed out the limitations, shortcomings, difficulties, obstacles, bottlenecks and causes, and deeply analyzed the lessons learned in implementing the socio-economic development plan and the state budget for 2024; On that basis, develop the socio-economic development plan, state budget for 2025 and the national 3-year state budget and financial plan for 2025 - 2027. In particular, the Central Executive Committee focused on discussing and giving opinions on breakthrough solutions that need to be focused on implementing in 2025, striving to complete the expected difficult targets and achieve higher targets than the expected targets of the 5-year plan 2021 - 2025, creating a basis for creating momentum for the new term.

The Central Executive Committee assigned the Politburo to base on the Central Committee's discussion opinions and the Politburo's Report on reception and explanation to direct the completion of the issuance of the Conclusion; direct the Government Party Personnel Committee to complete the Reports and submit them to the 8th Session of the 15th National Assembly for consideration and decision.

5. Regarding the investment policy for the entire North-South high-speed railway project

The Central Executive Committee emphasized the need to invest early in the Project to realize the Party's policies and orientations, the Resolutions and Conclusions of the Politburo and implement plans; strengthen regional and growth pole connectivity, create spillover momentum, open up new economic development space; ensure transportation needs on the North-South corridor, the largest transportation corridor in the country, meeting the requirements of socio-economic development associated with national defense and security.

The Central Executive Committee agreed on the investment policy for the entire high-speed railway project (350km/h) on the North-South axis. The Government Party Committee and the National Assembly Party Delegation directed relevant agencies to urgently complete the dossier to submit to the 8th Session of the 15th National Assembly for consideration and approval of the policy, some specific mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources and investment procedures for the Project.

6. The Central Executive Committee agrees in principle to establish Hue City under the Central Government. The Government Party Committee shall coordinate with the National Assembly Party Delegation to direct relevant agencies and localities to complete the Project to submit to the 15th National Assembly for consideration and decision at the 8th Session.

7. The Central Executive Committee approved the Politburo's Report on important tasks that the Politburo has resolved from the 9th Conference to the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee and a number of key tasks from the 10th Conference to the 11th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee; Report on Party financial work in 2023.

8. The Central Executive Committee elected two additional members of the 13th Central Inspection Committee, including: Comrade Ha Quoc Tri, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the 15th National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa Province and Comrade Dinh Van Cuong, Director of Department of Area I, Central Inspection Committee.

The Central Executive Committee calls on the entire Party, people and army to strengthen solidarity and unity, strive to overcome difficulties and challenges, focus on overcoming the consequences of storms and floods, soon stabilize people's lives, restore production, determined to successfully carry out the tasks of 2024, accelerate to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; successfully organize Party congresses at all levels for the 2025-2030 term towards the 14th National Party Congress.


Phát biểu bế mạc của đồng chí Tô Lâm, Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước tại Hội nghị Trung ương 10 khóa XIII


Kính thưa các đồng chí Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, Ủy viên Ban Bí thư, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng!

Thưa các đồng chí tham dự Hội nghị.

Trung ương giới thiệu nhân sự quy hoạch Bộ Chính trị

Vương Trần |

Hội nghị Trung ương 10 khóa XIII đã bế mạc tại Hà Nội vào chiều nay (20.9), sau 3 ngày làm việc.

Phát biểu khai mạc Hội nghị Trung ương 10 khóa XIII của Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm

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Báo Lao Động trân trọng giới thiệu toàn văn phát biểu khai mạc Hội nghị Trung ương 10 khóa XIII của đồng chí Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm ngày 18.9.2024, tại Hà Nội.

Danh tính nạn nhân trong cabin xe tải dưới cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Cơ quan Công an đã xác định được danh tính nạn nhân được phát hiện trong cabin xe tải gần khu vực cầu Phong Châu bị sập.

Quan hệ với Tổng Công hội Trung Quốc đặc biệt được coi trọng

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hà Nội - Ngày 20.9, diễn ra Hội đàm giữa Tổng LĐLĐVN và Tổng Công hội Trung Quốc (ACFTU).

Thông xe cao tốc Nội Bài - Lào Cai sau 8 ngày sạt lở

Đinh Đại |

Sự cố về sạt lở đã khiến nút giao cao tốc Nội Bài – Lào Cai (IC18) không thể hoạt động và mất nhiều ngày để khắc phục.

Cựu lãnh đạo SCB khai mẹ và dì cũng là bị hại của mình

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Cựu Tổng Giám đốc Ngân hàng SCB - Trương Khánh Hoàng cho biết, bản thân ân hận, xót xa vì có nhiều bị hại trong vụ án, trong đó có mẹ và dì của bị cáo.

Đánh người đấu giá đất ngay trụ sở UBND thị trấn ở Bình Định

Hoài Phương |

Công an huyện Phù Cát (Bình Định) đang vào cuộc làm rõ vụ đánh người tham gia đấu giá đất xảy ra tại trụ sở UBND thị trấn Cát Tiến.

Closing speech by Comrade To Lam, General Secretary and President at the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure


Dear Politburo members, Secretariat members, and Central Party Committee members!

Dear Conference attendees.

Central Committee introduces personnel planning for Politburo

Vương Trần |

The 10th Central Conference of the 13th tenure closed in Hanoi this afternoon (September 20), after 3 working days.

Opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure by General Secretary and President To Lam

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Lao Dong Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure, by General Secretary and President To Lam on September 18, 2024, in Hanoi.