Closing speech by Comrade To Lam, General Secretary and President at the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure


Dear Politburo members, Secretariat members, and Central Party Committee members!

Dear Conference attendees.

After 3 days of urgent work, with a high sense of responsibility, the 10th Central Conference of the 13th tenure has completed all the contents and programs set out. The Central Committee discussed enthusiastically, frankly and reached consensus on many important issues. The Central Committee highly appreciated the innovative and open-minded approach of this Conference. The Central Committee basically agreed with the assessments, lessons learned, situational context, viewpoints, directions, key tasks and breakthroughs stated in the draft Reports.

On behalf of the Politburo, I acknowledge, appreciate and commend the scientific, straightforward, responsible, effective and innovative working spirit of the Central Committee; the thoughtful, thorough and quality preparation work of the Sub-committees, the Central Party Office and relevant agencies. The Central Conference was shortened in time but ensured quality. Here, I would like to summarize, emphasize and suggest a number of issues for unified leadership, direction and implementation:

1. The conference reached a high consensus on the awareness and determination to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress: Unanimously identifying that successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress is the highest goal of the entire Party, people and army in 2025. This task will be carried out with the highest determination, greatest efforts, drastic actions, focus and key points with the most effective implementation solutions, concentrating all resources and measures, striving to achieve and exceed the set goals.

The Central Committee is highly unanimous on the direction and tasks of socio-economic development in 2025, on the context, development perspective, goals, targets, tasks, and main solutions. With the results achieved from 2021 to present and the expected socio-economic development in 2025, we will strive to achieve and exceed most of the main targets for the 2021-2025 period set by the 13th National Congress; In reality, there are still difficulties and challenges, especially in implementing the GDP target - an important target reflecting the quality of growth and ensuring the implementation of strategic goals.

The Central Committee requires the entire political system, first of all the Government, heads of departments, ministries, branches and localities to be truly determined, determined to do, have drastic, decisive and accelerated solutions to successfully carry out the socio-economic development tasks in 2025 approved by the Central Committee; achieve the targets, especially the GDP target and continue to create strong changes in the following years. It is necessary to focus on the highest priority solutions to ensure high economic growth along with environmental protection, social security, and best care for people's lives, especially for localities that suffered severe consequences of storm No. 3; firmly ensure national defense and security, improve the effectiveness of foreign affairs and constantly enhance Vietnam's position and contribution to peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

2. The Central Committee basically agreed on the main contents of the draft documents, personnel work and some specific issues.

2.1. Regarding documents submitted to the 14th National Party Congress

The Central Committee unanimously assessed: With the position and strength accumulated after 40 years of renovation, with the consensus and joint efforts of the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army, with new opportunities and advantages, under the wise leadership of the Party, we have gathered all the necessary conditions and the documents of the 14th Congress must set out strategic directions, tasks and important solutions to liberate all productive forces, maximize internal resources, take advantage of external resources, take internal resources, human resources as the foundation, science - technology and innovation as breakthroughs to bring the country into a new era, the era of the Vietnamese nation's rise.

The draft Political Report submitted to the Central Committee basically met the requirements of being a central, clear and new Report in terms of viewpoints, guidelines and major policies; the reports on socio-economic development strategies: Party building and implementation of the Party Charter are truly specialized reports, important supplements and concretizations of the Political Report; the Summary Report on 40 years of innovation has summarized quite comprehensively the bases for building the Political Report. On the basis of firmly maintaining the Party's principled guiding viewpoints; the reports have clarified the major orientations on economic, cultural, social, human development, national defense, security, foreign affairs, and Party building, basically perfecting the overall policies and measures, "correct", "accurate", and having breakthrough characteristics to bring the country into a new era. The summary of 40 years of innovation has demonstrated new theoretical issues drawn from practice, which is an important basis for the development of documents to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress.

However, the Central Committee also requires that we continue to focus on reviewing, supplementing and perfecting the reports. For the Political Report, it is necessary to reach the level of a scientific work that crystallizes the theoretical level, intellectual height of the entire Party, the beliefs and aspirations of the entire nation, reflects the objective laws, new trends of the times and the country's reality; crystallizes the entire quintessence and value of the past, present and towards the future; is not too long, clearly indicates the major orientations for Party committees at all levels and all Party members to absorb and implement; is truly a "lighting torch" leading our entire Party, people and army into a new era, soon achieving the strategic goals of 100 years under the leadership of the Party, 100 years of the founding of the Country. The report on socio-economic development strategy and Party building must clearly demonstrate the general arguments in the Political Report; The summary of 40 years of renovation must fully reflect the reality of moving towards socialism in Vietnam, consolidating solid arguments to determine methods for the Vietnamese Revolution in the new era.

Trung uong thong nhat xac dinh 05 nhom van de lon de tiep tuc hoan thien Van kien do la: (1) Ve dot pha chien luoc, thong nhat cao xac dinh dot pha manh me hon ve the che phat trien, thao go diem nghen, rao can, lay nguoi dan, doanh nghiep lam trung tam, huy dong, khoi thong moi nguon luc ben trong, ben ngoai, nguon luc trong dan, phat trien khoa hoc va cong nghe dong bo, thong suot, tat ca vi su phat trien kinh te - van hoa - xa hoi cua dat nuoc va phat trien nang cao doi song vat chat va tinh than cua Nhan dan; doi moi manh me cong tac to chuc can bo; dong bo va dot pha trong xay dung ket cau ha tang kinh te xa hoi la uu tien cao nhat. (2) Ve phuong huong, giai phap chien luoc, co 08 van de do la (i) Tap trung xay dung mo hinh xa hoi chu nghia Viet Nam, trong tam la xay dung con nguoi xa hoi chu nghia, tao nen tang xay dung xa hoi xa hoi chu nghia ma Cuong linh cua Dang da xac dinh (dan giau, nuoc manh, dan chu, cong bang, van minh, do nhan dan lam chu, nha nuoc quan ly, Dang Cong san lanh dao). (ii) Kien dinh phat trien kinh te-xa hoi va bao ve moi truong la trung tam, day manh 3 dot pha chien luoc, xay dung Dang la then chot, phat trien van hoa la nen tang, tang cuong quoc phong, an ninh va day manh doi ngoai va hoi nhap quoc te la trong yeu, thuong xuyen. Tap trung phat trien luc luong san xuat moi (ket hop giua nguon nhan luc chat luong cao voi tu lieu san xuat moi, ha tang chien luoc ve giao thong, chuyen doi so, chuyen doi xanh) gan voi hoan thien quan he san xuat. (iii) Giu vung doc lap, tu chu; bao dam cao nhat loi ich quoc gia - dan toc tren co so cac nguyen tac co ban cua hien chuong Lien hop quoc va luat phap quoc te; bao ve vung chac To quoc xa hoi chu nghia tu som, tu xa; kien quyet, kien tri giu vung doc lap, chu quyen, thong nhat, toan ven lanh tho, bien, dao, vung troi cua To quoc. Tiep tuc xay dung luc luong vu trang tinh-gon-manh, chinh quy, tinh nhue, hien dai theo tinh than tu luc, tu cuong. (iv) Kien tri duong loi doi ngoai doc lap, tu chu, da phuong hoa, da dang hoa, la ban, la doi tac tin cay, la thanh vien tich cuc, co trach nhiem trong cong dong quoc te; kien dinh lap truong, quan diem va thuc hanh nghe thuat ngoai giao thoi dai moi the hien cot cach con nguoi Viet Nam “Di bat bien, ung van bien,” “hoa hieu,” “lay chi nhan thay cuong bao”; tang cuong dong gop thiet thuc cua Viet Nam trong duy tri hoa binh, on dinh, phat trien o khu vuc va tren the gioi. (v) Phat trien van hoa, con nguoi; kien dinh lap truong, quan diem va thuc hanh “Dan la goc”, “Nhan dan la chu the, trung tam cua cong cuoc doi moi”; khoi day manh me tinh than yeu nuoc, tu tin, tu chu, tu luc, tu cuong, tu hao dan toc, khat vong cong hien cua moi nguoi dan va suc manh dai doan ket toan dan toc voi phuong cham dan biet, dan ban, dan giam sat, dan kiem tra, dan thu huong. (vi) Xay dung Nha nuoc phap quyen xa hoi chu nghia cua Nhan dan, do Nhan dan, vi Nhan dan, do Ðang Cong san Viet Nam lanh dao. Day manh phan cap, phan quyen voi phuong cham “dia phuong quyet, dia phuong lam, dia phuong chiu trach nhiem”, Trung uong, Chinh phu, Quoc hoi tang cuong, sang tao hoan thien the che, giu vai tro kien tao, phuc vu va tang cuong kiem tra, giam sat; dong thoi, cai cach triet de, giam toi da thu tuc hanh chinh, chi phi tuan thu cua nguoi dan, doanh nghiep. Khuyen khich tu luc, tu cuong, chu dong, sang tao cua cac dia phuong. (vii) Tiep tuc xay dung, chinh don Dang va he thong chinh tri trong sach, vung manh toan dien; day manh phong chong tham nhung, tieu cuc, khuyen khich bao ve can bo nang dong, sang tao, dam nghi, dam lam vi loi ich chung, dong thoi phai phuc vu phat trien kinh te - xa hoi, khong lam anh huong, can tro phat trien kinh te, xa hoi. (viii) Day manh cong nghe chien luoc, chuyen doi so, chuyen doi xanh, lay khoa hoc cong nghe, doi moi sang tao lam dong luc chinh cho phat trien. (3) Ve mot so van de moi tu thuc tien can tiep tuc khan truong tong ket, lam ro de xac dinh trong Van kien, nhu: quan tri quoc gia va quan tri dia phuong; su dong bo giua co che dieu hanh, quan ly, quan tri phat trien trong nen kinh te thi truong; moi quan he giua tu duy quan ly va tu duy phat trien; noi ham, cach thuc, con duong de thuc day cong nghiep hoa, hien dai hoa; noi ham, muc tieu, giai phap thuc hien thanh cong doi moi sang tao, cong nghe so trong ky nguyen moi; cach thuc thuc hien cac chuong trinh muc tieu quoc gia de bao dam hieu qua, chong lang phi; doi moi tu duy, quan diem, quy trinh xay dung Luat, co quan lam luat; van de dung vai, thuoc bai trong thuc hien “Dang lanh dao, Nha nuoc quan ly, Nhan dan lam chu”; chinh sach xa hoi di doi voi phat trien xa hoi; noi ham doi moi noi dung, phuong thuc hoat dong cua Mat tran To quoc va cac to chuc chinh tri - xa hoi, nghe nghiep. (4) Khac phuc cac han che da neu trong cac bao cao chinh tri, kinh te - xa hoi (ve the che va phap luat; van hanh bo may; huy dong, su dung, phan bo nguon luc; cong nghiep hoa, hien dai hoa, lien ket vung, cong nghiep van hoa, cong nghiep phu tro, cong nghiep che bien, che tao, o nhiem moi truong; ve hieu qua san xuat).

2.2. Regarding Party building and implementation of the Party Charter: The Central Committee highly agrees that in the new period, it will continue to focus on groups of solutions for Party building, which are: (1) Continue to focus on building and streamlining the organizational apparatus of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government, the Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations to operate effectively and efficiently. In particular, streamlining the apparatus and organizing Party agencies, truly being the intellectual core, the "general advice", the vanguard leading state agencies; building a contingent of cadres, especially leaders at all levels, with sufficient qualities, capacity, and prestige to match the tasks in the new conditions. (2) Focus on perfecting institutions, improving the capacity to plan the Party's policies and guidelines; strongly innovating the promulgation, dissemination, and implementation of Party resolutions; Make each newly issued resolution solve practical problems, be guiding, pave the way and be effectively implemented in practice for new factors to develop. (3) Promote administrative reform, especially administrative procedures in the Party; innovate leadership style, methods, principles, working guidelines, and working methods of Party leadership agencies from the Central to the grassroots levels. Strengthen the application of information technology and digital transformation in Party activities.

The Central Committee unanimously assessed that the supplementation and amendment of the Party Charter is a very important and important issue that needs to be prepared with utmost care, science, and thorough research, and carried out simultaneously with the research, supplementation and development of the Party Platform when our Party celebrates its 100th anniversary. Basically, the contents of the current Party Charter are consistent with reality; the regulations and instructions of the Central Committee are specific and convenient for implementation, ensuring the leadership and ruling role of the Party, meeting the requirements of Party building and political system building in the new situation. Difficulties and shortcomings in the implementation of the Party Charter can be resolved and overcome through the supplementation and amendment of documents and guiding regulations of the Central Executive Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat. The Central Committee unanimously decided not to supplement or amend the Party Charter at the 14th Congress; Based on the summary of the implementation of the Party Charter, it is proposed that the 14th Congress assign the 14th Central Executive Committee to direct relevant agencies to continue to research and summarize the implementation of the Party Charter from the beginning of the term to report to competent authorities for consideration and proposal to supplement and amend the Party Charter at an appropriate time.

2.3. The Central Committee agrees with the proposed contents to amend and supplement the Party Election Regulations; agrees to assign the Politburo to direct the reception of the Central Committee's opinions, complete them for timely promulgation.

2.4. Regarding the direction of personnel work: The Central Committee agrees with the Submission and the Summary Report on the personnel work of the 13th Party Central Committee and the development of the personnel direction of the 14th Party Central Committee, assigning the Personnel Subcommittee to seriously absorb the opinions of the Central Committee, complete the direction of personnel work of the 14th Party Central Committee for promulgation according to regulations.

2.5. The Central Committee reached high consensus and basically agreed with the socio-economic report, state budget revenue and expenditure in 2024 and socio-economic development orientation in 2025.

2.6. The Central Government agreed on the investment policy for the high-speed railway project on the North-South axis, identifying this as a political task and prioritizing investment resources for early implementation; agreed on the policy of establishing Hue city directly under the Central Government and a number of other important issues.

Thus, the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee has completed its program and achieved great success. I hereby declare the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee closed. I wish you all good health, happiness, and success; and that you, your Party Committees and units, effectively implement the Resolution of the 10th Central Committee Conference, focus on the "finish line" work to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the best preparations for the 14th Party Congress; the Sub-Committees focus on completing and ensuring the highest quality of documents for discussion at Party Congresses at all levels, and soliciting opinions from cadres, Party members, and the people.

Thank you very much!


Thảo luận phương hướng nhân sự Trung ương khóa XIV

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Discussing personnel orientation of the 14th Central Committee

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Opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure by General Secretary and President To Lam

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Lao Dong Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the opening speech of the 10th Central Conference, 13th tenure, by General Secretary and President To Lam on September 18, 2024, in Hanoi.

Continuing to strongly innovate the Party's leadership and governing methods, an urgent requirement of the new revolutionary stage

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General Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam

President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam