Prime Minister as Head of Steering Committee for implementing Resolution 136

Mai Hương |

Minister and Head of the Government Office Tran Van Son announced the Prime Minister 's Decision on the establishment of the Steering Committee to implement Resolution 136/2024.

On the afternoon of August 31, in Da Nang, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a conference to disseminate and implement Resolution No. 136/2024/QH15 dated June 26, 2024 of the National Assembly on the organization of urban government and piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang.

Politburo members: Party Central Committee Secretary, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh; Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang; Party Central Committee member, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai co-chaired the Conference.

At the Conference, Minister and Head of the Government Office Tran Van Son announced the Prime Minister 's Decision on the establishment of the Steering Committee to implement Resolution 136/2024 of the National Assembly.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attends the Conference to implement Resolution No. 136 of the National Assembly on the development of Da Nang City.
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attends the Conference to implement Resolution No. 136 of the National Assembly. Photo: Mai Huong

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh is the Head of the Steering Committee to implement Resolution 136/2024 on organizing urban government and piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang.

The Steering Committee for the implementation of Resolution 136/2024 of the National Assembly is an inter-sectoral coordination organization that assists the Prime Minister in researching, directing, and coordinating the resolution of important, inter-sectoral tasks in the process of organizing the implementation of Resolution 136/2024.

The Steering Committee's mission is to assist the Prime Minister in urging relevant ministries and agencies to implement Resolution 136/2024. Research and propose to the Prime Minister directions and solutions to resolve important, inter-sectoral issues regarding the implementation of Resolution 136/2024.

View of the Conference to implement Resolution No. 136 of the National Assembly on the development of Da Nang City. Photo: Mai Huong

At the same time, direct relevant ministries and branches to implement the Regulations on organization and operation of the steering committee, the plan to implement Resolution 136/2024 and other related tasks in Resolution 136/2024 according to assigned functions and tasks.

The Steering Committee coordinates closely and effectively in advising and proposing solutions to implement Resolution 136/2024. Timely reports difficulties and problems beyond its authority and proposes solutions to submit to competent authorities for consideration and handling of problems arising in practice (if any).

Regarding the membership structure, the Head of the Steering Committee is the Prime Minister, the Deputy Heads of the Steering Committee include the Minister of Planning and Investment and the Secretary of the Da Nang City Party Committee.

The Steering Committee members include representatives of the Ministries of Planning and Investment, Finance, Transport, Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment, Home Affairs, Science and Technology, Agriculture and Rural Development, Public Security, Justice, Information and Communications, Construction, Government Office and the Chairman of the People's Council and Chairman of the People's Committee of Da Nang City.

The standing body of the Steering Committee synthesizes and submits to the Head of the Steering Committee for decision on specific personnel members assigned by ministries and agencies. In case of urgent need to change personnel of the Steering Committee, the Head of the Steering Committee shall temporarily appoint a replacement or assign the relevant ministry or agency to appoint a suitable replacement.

Mai Hương

Thủ tướng chủ trì Hội nghị triển khai Nghị quyết 136

Mai Hương |

Đà Nẵng - Chiều 31.8, Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính chủ trì Hội nghị triển khai Nghị quyết 136 của Quốc hội về TP Đà Nẵng.

Thủ tướng Chính phủ chỉ ra bài học kinh nghiệm trong chuyển đổi số

Mai Hương |

Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính nhấn mạnh mục tiêu tạo thuận lợi nhất, phục vụ tốt nhất cho người dân, doanh nghiệp thực hiện thủ tục hành chính.

Thủ tướng chủ trì Hội nghị về dịch vụ công trực tuyến

Mai Hương |

Lý giải lý do chọn Đà Nẵng là địa phương tổ chức Hội nghị, Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính cho biết, Đà Nẵng là địa phương đi đầu về xây dựng Chính phủ số.

Danh tính nạn nhân trong cabin xe tải dưới cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Cơ quan Công an đã xác định được danh tính nạn nhân được phát hiện trong cabin xe tải gần khu vực cầu Phong Châu bị sập.

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Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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Đinh Đại |

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