Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh receives leaders of SpaceX Corporation

Thanh Hà |

SpaceX is ready to prepare and wants to invest and provide Starlink satellite Internet service in Vietnam.

On the afternoon of September 6, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Senior Vice President in charge of government relations and global business of SpaceX Corporation (USA) Tim Hughes, according to VNA.

Welcoming the Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Global Business of SpaceX Corporation to visit and work in Vietnam on the occasion of the two countries celebrating the first anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed that Vietnam considers the US an important partner and wishes to continue promoting and deepening relations with the US. In particular, cooperation in science and technology, innovation, high-tech industry and semiconductors has been identified as an important pillar in the content of the relationship between the two countries.

The Prime Minister said that with more than 1,300 investment projects with a total registered capital of more than 11.8 billion USD from the US in Vietnam, the economic relationship between Vietnam and the US is not commensurate with the potential and comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. The Prime Minister said that Vietnam always creates the most favorable conditions for US businesses to succeed in Vietnam, in the spirit of "harmonious benefits and shared risks".

The Prime Minister wants large technology enterprises, including SpaceX, to cooperate and invest in Vietnam.

SpaceX's Senior Vice President said that SpaceX started providing Starlink Internet service (satellite Internet) in the US since October 2020, and to date this service is serving nearly 3 million customers in more than 100 countries around the world.

SpaceX Senior Vice President Tim Hughes highly appreciated the investment environment in Vietnam. SpaceX is ready to prepare and wishes to invest and provide Starlink satellite Internet services in Vietnam, including providing Starlink services in the fields of education, training, disaster prevention and control, etc.

The Senior Vice President of SpaceX Corporation suggested that Vietnam prepare infrastructure and other necessary conditions for the project to be highly effective, contributing to Vietnam's Internet coverage to 100% of the population.

Congratulating SpaceX Corporation on its successful direction, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh welcomed SpaceX's interest and investment in Vietnam; highly appreciated SpaceX's ideas and investment cooperation proposals in Vietnam, expecting that these proposals will soon become reality.

The Prime Minister said that Vietnam has sufficient infrastructure conditions and mechanisms and policies for businesses in general, including SpaceX, to invest and do business effectively in Vietnam.

The Prime Minister requested SpaceX to coordinate with relevant ministries, branches and agencies of Vietnam to implement cooperation projects to ensure compliance with legal regulations, ensure information network security and safety; and promote cooperation in areas where SpaceX has strengths and Vietnam has potential.

The Prime Minister also asked SpaceX to help Vietnam transfer technology, train human resources, and gain management experience; expand partnerships with Vietnamese enterprises, focusing on increasing the content of high technology, digital technology, and green technology; develop supporting industries, develop ecosystems, research and development, transfer technology, provide secondary services, and bring Vietnam deeper into the global value chain.

Thanh Hà

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Thanh Hà |

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Thanh Hà |

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Thanh Hà |

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