Prime Minister: Flood prevention goes hand in hand with production recovery

Trần Tuấn |

Inspecting in Bac Giang, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh directed: Flood prevention and control go hand in hand with production restoration.

At noon on September 10, right after checking the actual situation, at the headquarters of the Viet Yen City Party Committee, Bac Giang province, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired an online meeting, connected online with a number of points in the provinces and cities of Yen Bai, Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho, Vinh Phuc, and Hanoi on the work of responding to floods, natural disasters, overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3, ensuring the lives, health, safety, and livelihoods of people in the provinces.

Focus on preventing storms, floods and inundation

Reporting at the meeting, Chairman of Bac Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong said the province is focusing on responding to flooding in residential areas and roads; evacuating people from dangerous areas.

The province has evacuated about 2,600 households from the flood-diversion area and may have to evacuate about 1,000 more households. These are flood-diversion areas so there was a plan in place in advance, and people have been trained and prepared.

Along with that, the province focuses on responding to the flood situation on rising rivers (Thuong and Luc Nam rivers are both above alert level 3; flood on Cau river is below alert level 3 by 10cm but is rising slowly, expected to peak this evening, exceeding alert level 3 by 30cm).

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh personally visited and encouraged people in a residential area cut off by floodwaters in Van Ha commune, Viet Yen town, on the morning of September 10 - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh personally visited and encouraged people in a residential area cut off by floodwaters in Van Ha commune, Viet Yen town, on the morning of September 10. Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

About 10 dangerous locations have appeared on the dykes of three major rivers in the area, but the forces have completed handling them and are ready to respond in case of an incident.

There are 24 large lakes in Bac Giang, the largest of which is Cam Son Lake, but it is unlikely that the bottom water will need to be released in the near future if there is no rain exceeding 200mm. Currently, 27 pumping stations in the area are operating.

Leaders of Yen Bai, Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho, Vinh Phuc, and Hanoi said they have been evacuating people from flooded areas; mobilizing forces to repair and restore damaged infrastructure; cleaning up the environment; especially organizing the provision of food, foodstuffs, and necessities to serve the lives of people affected by floods; proposing that armed forces support forces, vehicles, especially helicopters to bring necessities to areas isolated by rain and floods...

Flood prevention and control go hand in hand with production recovery

Through on-site inspection and situation assessment, the Prime Minister highly appreciated the Party Committee, government, army and people of Bac Giang province for actively and proactively responding to storm No. 3 in recent days and achieving good results, minimizing damage.

However, there are still people dying and being injured due to storms and floods in the area. On behalf of the Party and State leaders, the Prime Minister sympathizes with the families of those who died and were injured, and at the same time requests that localities properly implement policies for people affected by storms and floods; reward units and individuals who do well and strictly handle individuals and groups who are irresponsible in this difficult time.

With a relatively large flooded area, the Prime Minister directed Bac Giang to urgently save rice and crops. Review specific damage, classify and resolve support policies for affected families and organizations. If necessary, propose support from the Central Government, so that no one goes hungry, cold, or without a place to live. Students must be able to go to school early.

Bac Giang is an industrial province. The Prime Minister requested that, along with responding to and overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, efforts should be made to maintain production and business, restore agricultural production to normal, and especially production in industrial parks because the province is one of the major industrial centers.

At the same time, quickly fix problems, maintain power supply and ensure telecommunication waves to serve the work of responding to and overcoming the consequences of floods, production, business and daily life, and stabilize people's lives.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long speaks at Yen Bai bridge - Photo: VGP/Duc Tuan
Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long speaks at the Yen Bai bridge. Photo: VGP/Duc Tuan

Propaganda, mobilize people, quickly stabilize and restore production after floods; support each other in the spirit of mutual love, mutual assistance.

Regarding Yen Bai, the Prime Minister requested Yen Bai province and the Army and Police forces to coordinate by all means to supply food, provisions, and necessities to people in isolated areas, proactively and creatively finding ways to approach, including using air, water, and road routes...

The Prime Minister also requested the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to grasp the situation, do a good job of flood forecasting , and provide timely information to news agencies, newspapers, and people. Lao Cai, Yen Bai, and Tuyen Quang provinces should deploy solutions to control upstream areas, make efforts to reduce water flow to dams, and reduce the risk of dam overload.

Ministries, branches and localities coordinate to promptly handle the response and overcoming of flood consequences according to instructions. Issues beyond their authority must be promptly reported to competent authorities for resolution.

Trần Tuấn

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Trần Tuấn |

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