Awarding the Friendship Medal to Chinese Ambassador Hung Ba

Ngọc Vân |

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son awarded the Friendship Medal of the State of Vietnam to Chinese Ambassador Hung Ba.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that on August 27, 2024, at the Government Guest House, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son received Chinese Ambassador Hung Ba to say goodbye at the end of his term of office. in Vietnam.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and Ambassador Hung Ba emphasized the importance of bilateral relations between Vietnam and China in the overall foreign policy of each country; expressed joy at the historic milestones in the development of relations between the two Parties and countries over the past years, especially during the nearly 6 years Ambassador Hung Ba worked in Vietnam. Notably, the two sides have deepened and enhanced the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, agreeing to build a strategically significant Vietnam-China Future Sharing Community; Very successfully implemented mutual visits by the General Secretaries of the two Parties, most recently the State visit to China by General Secretary and President To Lam (August 18 - 20, 2024).

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Bui Thanh Son congratulated Ambassador Hung Ba on successfully completing his term in Vietnam, recognizing and appreciating Ambassador Hung Ba's contributions and positive contributions in promoting relations The two Parties and two countries develop deeply, comprehensively and substantially, especially in economics - trade, investment, connecting development strategies, and cooperating in new fields such as digital transformation and green development. ; people exchange...

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister emphasized that in the coming time, the Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam will continue to work with Vietnamese ministries, branches and localities to promote comprehensive, substantive and effective implementation of common perceptions. important of the senior leaders of the two sides, especially the Joint Statements reached during recent mutual visits by the top leaders of the two Parties and two countries.

Speaking at the meeting, Ambassador Hung Ba expressed his honor to be entrusted by the Chinese Party and State with the task of being the Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam, and to have the opportunity to act as a bridge and contribute to promoting , strengthening friendly and cooperative relations between the two Parties and countries of China and Vietnam.

Ambassador Hung Ba affirmed that after the end of his term, no matter what position he holds, he will always carry with him good memories and feelings about the country and people of Vietnam; continue to actively contribute to building a strategically significant China-Vietnam Future Shared Community.

On this occasion, at the Government Guest House, authorized by President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam To Lam, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son awarded the Friendship Medal. of the State of Vietnam to Comrade Hung Ba, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Vietnam for the positive and effective contributions of Ambassador Hung Ba in promoting cooperative partnership relations. comprehensive strategic cooperation between Vietnam and China during the working term of comrade Hung Ba in Vietnam.

Ngọc Vân

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