Building the National Defense Academy into a leading research center

Vương Trần |

General Secretary and President To Lam requested to build the National Defense Academy into a leading center for military science and military arts research in the region.

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital, towards the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Army, the 35th anniversary of the National Defense Day, on the morning of September 12, the National Defense Academy held the opening ceremony of the 2024-2025 school year, according to VNA.

General Secretary and President To Lam attended and delivered a speech. Also attending the ceremony was General Phan Van Giang - Politburo member, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Minister of National Defence.

Speaking at the ceremony, General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized that the great achievements in protecting the Fatherland have important contributions from the National Defense Academy.

Tong Bi thu, Chu tich nuoc To Lam va cac dai bieu tham Phong truyen thong cua Hoc vien Quoc phong. Anh: Lam Khanh/TTXVN
General Secretary and President To Lam and delegates visit the Traditional Room of the National Defense Academy. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA

Pointing out that the world is in a period of epochal change, and that there are factors in the country that can cause sudden changes, General Secretary and President To Lam emphasized that this context places increasingly high demands on the task of protecting the Fatherland, requiring correct awareness and good resolution of relationships between partners and subjects.

Faced with the requirements and tasks of protecting the Fatherland and building a lean, compact, and strong military force that is disciplined, elite, and modern by 2030, General Secretary and President To Lam requested the Academy to thoroughly grasp and effectively implement the Party's policies and viewpoints on comprehensive fundamental innovation of education and training associated with protecting the Fatherland in the new situation, contributing to improving the quality of cadres of the Party, State, and armed forces in the new period.

In particular, the Academy must clearly demonstrate its role as the leading unit in implementing the Party's directives, resolutions, and conclusions on innovation in education, training, military, national defense, and security; continue to strongly innovate programs, content, training methods, and school management in a scientific and modern direction.

Training content must be close to the country's defense and security tasks and the development of the Army; profound in theory, rich in practice, updated and supplemented with theoretical knowledge and new information on modern military science, especially theory and practice on defending the Fatherland in the new situation, suitable to the combat objects and practical methods of conducting war in the world today.

At the same time, focus on digital transformation, management, big data exploitation, digital education development, smart education, creativity, adapting to the development of artificial intelligence, building digital academies, smart academies. Strive to build the Academy to become the leading center for military science research and military arts in the region.

Tong Bi thu, Chu tich nuoc To Lam trao chan dung Chu tich Ho Chi Minh tang Hoc vien Quoc phong. Anh: Lam Khanh/TTXVN
General Secretary and President To Lam presents a portrait of President Ho Chi Minh to the National Defense Academy. Photo: Lam Khanh/VNA

General Secretary and President To Lam requested the Academy to do a good job in Party building, to be truly clean and strong; to build a team of cadres, lecturers, and leading scientists who are shining examples of political courage, moral qualities, good professional expertise, profound strategic thinking, intelligence and practical capacity to meet the requirements of the task; to focus on building an advanced and exemplary cultural and pedagogical environment, resolutely not allowing negative manifestations to penetrate the Academy...

With a glorious tradition of 47 years of construction, development and growth, with a team of cadres and lecturers with good professional qualifications, strong political will, enthusiasm, responsibility and high determination, General Secretary and President To Lam believes that the National Defense Academy will continue to make important contributions to the cause of building and defending the Fatherland in the new era.

Vương Trần

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