Building a civilized - cultural - modern capital


Many experts and scientists have analyzed and summarized domestic and international lessons learned to create a breakthrough in the development of the capital in the coming period.

On the morning of October 7, the Central Propaganda Department, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security and Hanoi Party Committee organized a national scientific conference "New vision, new opportunities to build a civilized, modern, and globally connected capital Hanoi".

This is one of two national events in a series of events celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day (October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024).

Attending the conference, on the Central side were Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia; Politburo member, President of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council Nguyen Xuan Thang; Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of National Defence; Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security...

On the Hanoi side, there were Central Party Committee member, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh; Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyen Van Phong.

In his welcoming speech at the workshop, Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh said that the 70th anniversary of the Liberation Day of the Capital is an opportunity to look back and evaluate the city's proud results and achievements in the recent period. Entering the period of innovation, Hanoi has made strong and comprehensive changes, achieving many achievements in all aspects of economic and social life.

“Today’s workshop is an opportunity for city leaders to absorb and assimilate valuable opinions from experts and scientists to realize the orientation and goals of developing Hanoi into a cultured, civilized, modern, globally connected city,” the Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee emphasized.

At the workshop, experts also focused on analyzing the achievements and results of the capital's socio-economic development over the past 70 years, affirming that Hanoi is a major economic center, making an increasing contribution to the country's economic development.

In particular, many experts and scientists have analyzed and summarized domestic and international lessons learned. In order to truly create a breakthrough in the development of the capital in the coming period, it is necessary to prioritize focusing on service and urban economic issues - these are considered the economic pillars of Hanoi. Developing cultural industry combined with services and tourism to become a spearhead economic sector.

Truong ban Tuyen giao Trung uong Nguyen Trong Nghia phat bieu be mac. Anh: Viet Thanh
Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia delivered the closing speech. Photo: Viet Thanh

In his closing speech, Politburo member, Party Central Committee Secretary, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia assessed that the presentations and opinions of experts, scientists, and delegates with many different perspectives on fields related to the conference's theme focused on analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, and clarifying the contents of the groups of issues, providing arguments and bases for evaluating the achievements, significance, and historical lessons learned in 70 years of struggle, construction, innovation, and development of the capital city of Hanoi.

At the same time, providing new information and new awareness, contributing to proposing solutions for development orientation, realizing the aspiration to rise up, determined to build the capital Hanoi as a Cultured - Civilized - Modern - Creative City, globally connected.


Hàng nghìn người tái hiện mốc son lịch sử của Thủ đô


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