Charity Club Kim Hằng Donates EEG Machine to Children's Hospital

Anh Sơn |

On the morning of 25.07.2024, Kim Hằng Aluminum Plastic Joint Stock Company collaborated with Kim Hằng Charity Club to present a digital meter to Children's Hospital 1.

Attending the gift-giving ceremony of a 32-channel video EEG machine was Mr. Tran Kien An – Deputy General Director of Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang, Mr. Vo Phuong Thai – Chairman of Kim Hang Charity Club, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hung – Director of Children's Hospital 1, and leaders of various departments and units of Children's Hospital 1.

Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang and Kim Hang Charity Club have collaborated to present a 32-channel video EEG machine worth 945 million VND to Children's Hospital 1. Photo: Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang
Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang and Kim Hang Charity Club have collaborated to present a 32-channel video EEG machine worth 945 million VND to Children's Hospital 1. Photo: Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang

At the ceremony, Mr. Tran Kien An – Deputy General Director of Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang shared and conveyed his feelings to the children: "Today, on behalf of Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang, I am honored and proud to join in the charitable activities to support medical equipment to help children, especially those with difficult circumstances at Children's Hospital 1. For Kim Hang, children are the future of the country, so the company hopes to continue supporting charitable activities, prioritizing children."

Mr. Vo Phuong Thai – Chairman of Kim Hang Charity Club shared his emotions: "Firstly, on behalf of Kim Hang Charity Club, I would like to express our gratitude to the hospital for giving us the opportunity to present this machine to the hospital to support doctors and medical staff in providing the best possible care for the children, patients. I am very happy that the company and Kim Hang Charity Club can continue to help the hospital as per the direction of Kim Hang's leaders from the past to the present."

Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hung – Director of Children's Hospital 1 also spoke on behalf of the entire staff, doctors, and children: "Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang and Kim Hang Charity Club have a long history of supporting Children's Hospital 1. In 2015, Children's Hospital 1 received 09 ventilators from the company. In addition to the machines already installed, the machine presented today has made it easier for the hospital to treat children, especially those with severe illnesses, congenital heart disease requiring prolonged ventilation. After nearly 10 years of use, these machines are still in good working condition."

Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hung – Director of the hospital expresses his gratitude to Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang and Kim Hang Charity Club for their support and gift. Photo: Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang
Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hung – Director of the hospital expresses his gratitude to Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang and Kim Hang Charity Club for their support and gift. Photo: Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang

Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hung also expressed his gratitude to Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang and Kim Hang Charity Club for their meaningful gift and requested that the unit receiving the 32-channel video EEG machine to properly maintain and use it to improve the quality of care and treatment for children.

It is known that the 32-channel video EEG machine has been allocated to the Neurology – Neurosurgery department, which has a high demand for use, contributing to improving the quality of treatment for children. The machine is a very meaningful gift with a high level of humanity. This is a motivation for the doctors and medical staff of the Neurology – Neurosurgery department to work harder in treating children and protecting the lives of children.

Photo of the 32-channel video EEG machine worth 945 million VND. Photo: Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang
Photo of the 32-channel video EEG machine worth 945 million VND. Photo: Aluminum and Plastic Joint Stock Company Kim Hang
Anh Sơn

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