Discover the "hundred good" seeds that are loved by nutrition experts

Anh Sơn |

As one of the traditional foods with many modern benefits, soybeans are considered one of the top choices in current plant nutrition trends. Soy protein is a complete protein source with 9 essential amino acids with high biological value necessary for the body.

"Soybean protein is recognized as a perfect plant protein with 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own" - Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hanh
"Soybean protein is recognized as a perfect plant protein with 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own" - Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hanh

Not only is it a traditional and popular food for Vietnamese people, the small soybean seed also contains outstanding nutritional content, bringing many valuable health benefits, especially suitable for lifestyle. modern today.

Let's listen to the sharing from Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hanh - Member of the Executive Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Food Nutrition Association to better understand soybeans as well as the role of soybeans in the current plant nutrition trend.

Dear doctor, plant nutrition is a popular trend in the world recently. What is the reason for this change?

Firstly, due to the positive effects of plant nutrition on nutritional balance in particular and health in general. An unhealthy diet with lots of saturated fat, sugar, salt... is one of the factors causing obesity and chronic non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. At the same time, adding plant-based foods to meals helps balance protein and fat with foods of animal origin, making the diet more balanced. Plant foods also provide natural antioxidants that are beneficial to the body thanks to their ability to neutralize, inhibit the formation or increase the elimination of free radicals.

Second, because plant nutrition also brings many positive and sustainable effects to the environment. Plant nutritional foods in general and soy products in particular are also well received by consumers because the consumption of these products has the ability to minimize the impact of the livestock and farming industries on the environment. at the same time ensuring the sustainable development of the ecosystem.

Among foods rich in protein from plants, is soybeans the best choice, doctor?

Foods rich in plant protein can be found in green beans, soybeans, black beans, etc. However, soybeans can be considered one of the best options because they contain amino acids with high biological value, comparable to fish meat.

Soybeans have higher protein content and better quality than other beans. 100 grams of soybeans contain up to 38% protein content. Soy protein is also a complete protein by providing all 9 essential amino acids for the body in appropriate, balanced proportions. Soybeans do not contain cholesterol, so using soy foods in your diet will not increase blood cholesterol. When combined with proper exercise, soy protein also promotes muscle mass gain similar to animal protein.

In addition to quality protein, soybeans also have polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega 3, 6, and 9. These are unsaturated fats that are beneficial for heart health.

In addition to the above three ingredients, soybeans also contain vitamins (A, K1, B9, B1, B3...) and minerals, such as calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.

The 9 types of amino acids in soybeans are "powerful assistants" that bring many great benefits to the body. Photo: Fami
The 9 types of amino acids in soybeans are "powerful assistants" that bring many great benefits to the body. Photo: Fami

The doctor mentioned 9 types of amino acids found in soy protein. So what is the role of these amino acids?

Soy protein is recognized as the most perfect plant protein with 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own and must be supplemented through diet. The benefits of 9 essential amino acids are:

- Leucine (Leu.): Necessary for protein synthesis and muscle repair, helps regulate blood sugar, stimulates wound healing and supports growth hormone production.

- Phenylalanine (Phe.) - Reduces the risk of stress: Helps form the structure and function of proteins, enzymes and produce other amino acids such as L-tyrosine, which plays a role in increasing the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine , adrenaline and norepinephrine help regulate mood, improve memory, help clear the mind and increase concentration.

- Threonine (Thr.): Plays an important role in skin, connective tissue, fat metabolism and immune function.

- Isoleucine (Ile.): Participates in muscle metabolism, hemoglobin production, regulates energy and strengthens the immune system.

- Histidine (His.): Participates in creating important neurotransmitters in immune response, digestion and sleep. In particular, Histidine also plays an important role in maintaining the myelin sheath and protecting nerve cells.

- Tryptophan (Trp.): Is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates appetite, sleep and mood.

- Valine (Val.): Helps stimulate muscle growth and regeneration, participating in the body's energy production process.

- Methionine (Met.): Plays an important role in metabolism, detoxification, promoting tissue development, absorbing zinc and selenium - important minerals for human health.

- Lysine (Lys.): Has a major role in protein synthesis, calcium absorption and hormone and enzyme production. This amino acid is also important in energy production, immune function as well as collagen and elasticity production.

With outstanding benefits from soybeans, soy milk is considered a nutritional solution that is both delicious and healthy for the whole family. Doctor, can you share more about this?

Soy milk is one of the soybean products that has a delicious taste and is popular with many people. For teenagers, soy milk helps develop physically and intellectually, increases resistance, and reduces the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases. For women, soy milk helps them control weight and beautify the skin. For middle-aged and elderly people, it helps maintain physical health and avoid cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.

Suitable for all ages, satisfying all tastes, it can only be soy milk. Photo: Fami
Suitable for all ages, satisfying all tastes, it can only be soy milk. Photo: Fami

So doctor, is all soy milk good? What should you keep in mind when choosing to buy soy milk and how many ml/day is enough?

To evaluate the quality of soy milk, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the origin of the soybean ingredients is of guaranteed quality or not. To date, the safety of genetically modified soybeans is still controversial. There is currently no research on the long-term effects of this type of soybean on health, so to ensure safety, you should choose non-GMO types. In addition to homemade soy milk products, for convenience and time saving, you can choose to use canned soy milk. Priority should be given to choosing reputable brands with modern technology, advanced production lines, ensuring food quality and safety, not using preservatives, and carefully reading the nutritional value on the product packaging. .

Regarding the amount of soy milk put into the body, it depends on the needs and physical condition of each person and can be balanced with other foods.

Thank you doctor!

Anh Sơn

3 kiểu kết hợp sữa đậu nành giúp giảm béo, đào thải mỡ nhanh chóng


Uống sữa đậu nành không đường vào bữa sáng là một cách giảm béo, đào thải mỡ. Sữa đậu nành rất giàu saponin và axit béo không bão hòa, có thể phân hủy cholesterol trong cơ thể, thúc đẩy quá trình chuyển hóa lipid, ngăn ngừa sự tích tụ mỡ dưới da.

Khách Hàn thích mê bữa sáng kiểu Việt Nam: Ăn xôi uống sữa đậu nành

Thanh Hải |

Lần đầu ăn xôi thập cẩm và sữa đậu nành, thực khách Hàn Quốc tỏ ra vừa bất ngờ vừa thích thú.

4 lí do uống sữa đậu nành nóng vào buổi sáng giúp giảm mỡ nội tạng


Sữa đậu nành có nhiều lợi ích, việc uống sữa đậu nành nóng vào buổi sáng được khuyến khích. Bởi sau khi uống, các dưỡng chất sẽ được cơ thể hấp thụ dễ dàng hơn. Đồng thời, uống sữa đậu nành nóng để làm ấm cơ thể cũng có thể giúp thúc đẩy quá trình trao đổi chất, giảm mỡ nội tạng.

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3 types of soy milk combinations help lose weight and eliminate fat quickly


Drinking unsweetened soy milk for breakfast is a way to lose weight and eliminate fat . Soy milk is rich in saponins and unsaturated fatty acids, which can decompose cholesterol in the body, promote lipid metabolism, and prevent subcutaneous fat accumulation.

Khách Hàn thích mê bữa sáng kiểu Việt Nam: Ăn xôi uống sữa đậu nành

Thanh Hải |

Lần đầu ăn xôi thập cẩm và sữa đậu nành, thực khách Hàn Quốc tỏ ra vừa bất ngờ vừa thích thú.

4 lí do uống sữa đậu nành nóng vào buổi sáng giúp giảm mỡ nội tạng


Sữa đậu nành có nhiều lợi ích, việc uống sữa đậu nành nóng vào buổi sáng được khuyến khích. Bởi sau khi uống, các dưỡng chất sẽ được cơ thể hấp thụ dễ dàng hơn. Đồng thời, uống sữa đậu nành nóng để làm ấm cơ thể cũng có thể giúp thúc đẩy quá trình trao đổi chất, giảm mỡ nội tạng.