Move towards the superior version of you: when dreams are nurtured

Hồng Thắm |

Techcombank's brand story Outstanding Edition in You has spread, awakening in the community dreams and efforts to excel every day.

Relentless drive for glory calls to name

Obviously, when people have dreams, they always make efforts to gradually conquer their dreams.

Nguyen Thuy Linh's journey from Phu Tho to the international arena affirms that her dream of reaching out and success only comes to those who make efforts.

"From the first days of practicing, I have had a big dream of greater success. To realize that dream, I decided to leave my family and go to Hanoi to raise a family. Joined the badminton club. Here, I learned and trained from people I thought I would only meet in my dreams, those are professional athletes and talented, enthusiastic coaches.

However, there is no easy path? Every trip is a big challenge, there were times when I felt tired and lonely when I looked around and there was no one with me. Every time that happens, the strong passion and desire to win arise, helping me strengthen my spirit and overcome everything."

KOLs Nguyen Thuy Linh. Photo: Techcombank
KOLs Nguyen Thuy Linh. Photo: Techcombank

Glory came to Thuy Linh after a journey to pursue her dream. Linh became the number one female tennis player in Vietnam, but she constantly trained to continue aiming for other international tournaments at the 2024 Olympics. Recently, at the 2024 German Badminton Open, Thuy Linh also appeared. won the runner-up position.

Success is also the name for a part of the brand that carries many personal efforts of Quoc Khanh, a famous MC in the financial industry who is also the leader of a program to inspire and spread motivation for success among Vietnamese people. . Vietsuccess is the brainchild of Quoc Khanh's passion and personal development journey to always find a superior version throughout his journey.

"From small steps in life to big steps in career, I always believe that perseverance and passion will guide one's progress, leading to an outstanding version of oneself." . Quoc Khanh shared.

Graduated with a major in finance in 2009, right at the time of the global financial crisis, making the opportunity to find a suitable job extremely challenging. Khanh decided to try a new direction that is different from the industry but also related: exploring the television segment specializing in business/financial content.

"In the first steps, I co-founded, produced and hosted two prominent talk shows on the financial and economic television channel FBNC at that time: "Smart Money" and "Smart Money" and "Smart Money" and "Smart Money". Me and Vietnam". Next, I founded my personal YouTube channel "The Quoc Khanh Show", to convey content in my own way on topics about management, startups, finance, personal development, etc.

Then, a big turning point came for me, when I decided to switch from my personal brand to a common brand, changing the name of The Quoc Khanh Show to Vietsuccess. This is a big challenge but I still want to pursue it! Because diversifying valuable content for the audience from the power of the collective is something I have cherished for a long time!

The brand story "Moving towards the superior version of you" from Techcombank has also spread to the community, affirming the journey of dreams and motivation for self-development to become a better version. your own.

Techcombank Marathon. Photo: Techcombank
Techcombank Marathon. Photo: Techcombank

Increase motivation with ally Techcombank

Positive spreads "Moving towards the superior version in you" from Techcombank to Thuy Linh - an athlete or MC - founder of Quoc Khanh and many other stories shared in the community with hashtags to arouse and encouragement in each person in life's journey to become better.

Ms. Thai Minh Diem Tu - Director of Techcombank Marketing Division shared about the brand story: " Stemming from Vietnamese DNA, with the spirit of autonomy, always learning and developing, Techcombank wishes to accompany Vietnamese people. We believe that, whether big or small, extraordinary or unusual, every dream and ambition is worthy of respect and is given the conditions to come true. As long as you take action, those dreams and ambitions can come true. On that path, we hope to become a long-term development ally with every customer and every Vietnamese business.

Join us in spreading that concept, together building an outstanding Vietnam, where every individual can be themselves and be given the opportunity to become better. Because we believe that, when everyone strives for a superior version of themselves, the whole community and country will also rise to new heights together, becoming an even superior version of Vietnam.” Ms. Diem Tu shared more.

There is no glory or success that is easily achieved. On the journey of difficulties and challenges, passions and dreams are always nurtured by will, determination and encouragement from relatives, friends, community... Therefore, spiritual allies will always Accompanying each journey to overcome difficulties and challenges. Techcombank is also one such ally in the story of young people, because more than anyone else they believe in the values ​​they strive to achieve.

“The next road is still full of thorns. However, I know that there is always a strong ally, Techcombank, who will accompany me and create conditions for me to conquer my dreams. We believe that no matter how big or small it is, as long as it is a legitimate dream, if you and I always try and believe in ourselves, make constant efforts, success will come one day soon. Please join me and Techcombank in moving towards a superior version every day" shared Nguyen Thuy Linh.

It is no longer the development of an individual, but the excellence of an organization, and from there, building an outstanding community as Quoc Khanh shared: "As a leader, I always Try to develop with young people in the field they are passionate about! As for me, I want to improve myself to lead the team well, in the right direction and open up learning opportunities for me and my team.

Of course, my journey with my team doesn't stop there! I will strive for new turning points with our ally Techcombank, we always believe that as long as you dare to dream, dare to act, no matter how big or small, extraordinary or unusual, you will reach success and success. superior version of yourself.

Let's move towards a superior version of ourselves, the most perfect, the most effortless."

Hồng Thắm

Lối mở để doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa tái cấu trúc

Minh Anh |

“Nếu không có chiến lược tái cấu trúc để thích ứng thì doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ sẽ gặp rất nhiều khó khăn”.

Đào tạo nguồn nhân lực "tại chỗ" - Nền tảng phát triển bền vững của doanh nghiệp

Thanh Thảo |

Để có nguồn nhân lực chất lượng, đáp ứng yêu cầu thực tiễn, nhiều công ty, tập đoàn lớn đã nghiên cứu đầu tư mô hình trường học trong doanh nghiệp. Trường Cao đẳng THACO là một điển hình thành công của mô hình này sau gần 15 năm hoạt động. Không chỉ đáp ứng nguồn nhân lực cho các nhà máy, nông trường, nông trại của THACO mà trường còn cung ứng lực lượng lao động chất lượng cho các doanh nghiệp tại miền Trung.

Doanh nghiệp Việt Nam tận dụng sự dịch chuyển chuỗi cung ứng toàn cầu

Phương Hà |

Các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam được khuyến khích tận dụng sự dịch chuyển chuỗi cung ứng toàn cầu khi Việt Nam đang trở thành một điểm đến đầu tư hấp dẫn. Xu hướng đưa nguồn cung gần hơn với thị trường tiêu dùng nhằm giảm thiểu rủi ro đang được nhiều tập đoàn đa quốc gia áp dụng, mở ra cơ hội cho các doanh nghiệp công nghiệp hỗ trợ trong nước.

Kê biên khối bất động sản khủng của bà chủ Xuyên Việt Oil

Việt Dũng |

Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh - bà chủ Công ty Xuyên Việt Oil - bị cáo buộc gây thiệt hại hơn 1.400 tỉ đồng nên cơ quan chức năng đã kê biên hàng chục bất động sản.

Cấp dưới Trương Mỹ Lan khai: Không ngờ hậu quả quá lớn

Tú Tâm |

TPHCM - Tại phiên xử Trương Mỹ Lan giai đoạn 2, trong phần thẩm vấn, nhiều cấp dưới thừa nhận hành vi như cáo trạng truy tố.

Sắp triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương

Xuyên Đông |

Ngày 20.9, Bộ Giao thông Vận tải cho biết, sẽ triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương trong năm 2025.

Lào Cai phạt quán ăn tăng giá bất thường mùa mưa lũ

Đinh Đại |

Lực lượng chức năng tỉnh Lào Cai đã tiến hành lập biên bản và xử phạt cơ sở kinh doanh dịch vụ ăn uống tại huyện Bảo Thắng.

Trường sạt lở nghiêm trọng, hàng trăm học sinh Thanh Hóa nghỉ học


Thanh Hóa - Do ảnh hưởng của mưa bão, một trường học đang xây dựng thì bị sạt lở nghiêm trọng. Ngay sau đó, ngành chức năng đã cho toàn bộ học sinh nghỉ học.