When can a landlord terminate a lease?

Nam Dương |

A reader with email ngochanxxx@gmail.com asked: When does the lessor have the right to unilaterally terminate the housing lease contract?

Lawyer Nguyen Thi Hoai Anh, YouMe Law Firm LLC answers:

Clause 2, Article 172 of the 2023 Housing Law (effective from August 1, 2024) stipulates the unilateral termination of the implementation of housing lease contract as follows:

2. The lessor has the right to unilaterally terminate the housing lease contract and reclaim the leased house in one of the following cases:

a) The lessor of public housing, social housing, housing for the people's armed forces, or workers' accommodation in industrial zones leases without proper authority or to the wrong subjects or without meeting the conditions prescribed by the law on housing;

b) The tenant fails to pay the full rent as agreed in the contract for 03 months or more without the reason agreed in the contract;

c) The lessee uses the house for purposes other than those agreed upon in the contract;

d) The tenant arbitrarily breaks, expands, renovates, or demolishes the rented house;

dd) The lessee converts, lends, or sublets the rented house without the consent of the lessor;

e) The tenant causes disorder and environmental sanitation, seriously affecting the lives of people around, and has been recorded by the landlord or the head of the residential group, village, hamlet, village, commune, village, or soc for the third time but still fails to remedy the situation;

g) Cases specified in Clause 2, Article 170 of this Law.

Clause 2, Article 170 of the Housing Law 2023 stipulates the rental term, rental price, and sublease of housing as follows:

2. In case the lessor renovates the house and the lessee agrees, the lessor has the right to adjust the rental price if the remaining rental period is one-third of the term of the rental contract or less. The new rental price is agreed upon by the parties; if no agreement is reached, the lessor has the right to unilaterally terminate the rental contract and must compensate the lessee according to the provisions of law.

Thus, the lessor has the right to unilaterally terminate the housing lease contract when one of the cases falls under the provisions cited above.

Legal advice

Call the legal advice hotline: 0979310518; 0961360559 to receive a quick, timely answer or email us: tuvanphapluat@laodong.com.vn for a reply.

The column is produced with support from the Company YouMe LLC Law

Nam Dương

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