Exchange rate

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 20.9: Nguyên nhân USD giảm sốc

Nhóm PV |

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 20.9: Đồng USD giảm mạnh khi thị trường đang vật lộn với đợt cắt giảm lãi suất 50 điểm cơ bản từ Cục Dự trữ liên bang Mỹ.

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 19.9: Gold prices turn down

Phương Anh - Đinh Hiệp |

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 19.9: World gold prices suddenly dropped sharply after reaching a historic peak. Domestically, gold bar and gold ring prices remained stable.

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 18.9: Đồng loạt tăng

Nhóm PV |

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 18.9: Tại các ngân hàng thương mại, tỷ giá VND/USD của Vietcombank, VietinBank,... đồng loạt tăng.

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 17.9: Should we take profit in gold?

Nhóm PV |

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 17.9: World gold prices soared to a record high due to the weak USD and expectations that the Fed will cut interest rates sharply this week.

USD exchange rate today 9/16: Slipping without brakes

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today, September 16: This morning, the State Bank announced the central exchange rate of the Vietnamese Dong to the USD decreased sharply by 35 VND, down to 24,137 VND/USD.

USD exchange rate today 8/31: USD slightly increased

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today August 31: At the end of the trading week, the Dollar Index increased slightly to 101.73.

USD exchange rate today August 30: Continuously increasing

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today August 30: As of 11:00, the Dollar Index increased to 101.38 points.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 30.8

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 30.

USD exchange rate today August 28: Central exchange rate continues to weaken


USD exchange rate today August 28: This morning, the State Bank adjusted the central exchange rate by 12 VND compared to yesterday, down to 24,212 VND/USD.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 28: Domestic gold stabilized again


Gold and foreign currency prices August 28: Domestically, gold bar prices continued to anchor at 81 million VND/tael, while gold ring prices of some brands were slightly adjusted.

Update foreign exchange rates August 28

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 28.

Foreign exchange rate update August 27: Bank USD decreased simultaneously

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 27.

USD exchange rate today August 26: Central exchange rate VND/USD increased

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today August 26: The central VND/USD exchange rate announced by the State Bank is 24,254 VND, an increase of 4 VND compared to last week's closing session.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 26: There is still a lot of room for price increases

Nhóm PV |

Gold prices and foreign currencies August 26: World gold tends to increase in the near future, domestic gold remains stable.

Foreign exchange rate update August 26: USD/VND exchange rate may be only 25,300 VND

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 26.

Foreign exchange rate update August 25: Free USD price plummeted

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 25.

Foreign exchange rate update August 24: Free USD price decreased continuously

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 24.

Foreign exchange rate update August 22: USD and EUR bank prices increased

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates , Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today August 22.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 20: Gold ring prices may still increase

Nhóm PV |

World gold prices decreased slightly this morning. Domestically, gold ring prices recorded the same decline but are forecast to have an opportunity to increase in price in the coming months.

Gold and foreign currency prices August 19: Hold your breath waiting for gold's direction

Nhóm PV |

Gold prices and foreign currencies August 19: The Fed Chairman's statement this week may affect the direction of gold in the short term.