The film "Dai Mong Quy Ly" revolves around the mission of capturing demons and quelling chaos of the members of Tap Yeu Ti including Trieu Vien Chu (Hau Minh Hao), Van Tieu (Tran Do Linh), Trac Duc Than (Dien Gia Thuy), Bui Tu Tinh (Trinh Tieu) and Bach Cuu.
Aired on the evening of October 26, the work has officially reached 6,000 heat points after 3 hours of airing. Along with that, the film recorded 6 commercials/episode, with a total duration of 147 seconds. This is considered a good achievement compared to other historical projects aired this year.
However, the film has received mixed reviews regarding its plot, camera angles, and character makeup. Audiences say that the plot is not that interesting, the pace is too slow and boring, leading to slow, powerless fighting scenes.
The film “Dai Mong Quy Ly” was also criticized for its unattractive dialogue and use of modern slang. The way the crew overused background music and created humor with special effects was also criticized.
The film's camera angles were commented to have many similarities with the film "Van chi vu". The actors' appearances were quite impressive, except for the male lead Hau Minh Hao, who was less attractive due to heavy makeup, many scenes clearly showing his foundation, making viewers feel uncomfortable.
In terms of acting, the cast is currently only average. Truong Mieu Di's character appears only briefly and does not leave an impression, while Tran Do Linh's role has not created emotional appeal. As for the male lead, Hau Minh Hao, he was also criticized for his awkward dialogue.
However, the film still has a bright spot in the way the male and female main characters of Hou Ming Hao and Chen Du Ling are built, creating a feeling of a couple. The female lead's appearance and beauty are impressive. Besides, the character that received the most love in the first 3 episodes of the film "Dai Mong Quy Ly" is the role of Thua Hoang played by Thua Loi.
However, if the current confusing and disjointed plot is maintained, producer Guo Jingming's work will hardly win in this year's historical drama race.