With a good moral foundation, teenagers will be able to "resist" bad behavior

Huyền Chi |

International Youth Day (August 12) aims to focus on solving youth problems, promoting human rights and the comprehensive development of the young generation.

In the context of widespread internet penetration, experts believe that schools, families, individuals and groups need to have close coordination to have appropriate and timely educational measures during the youth process. mature.

Opportunities and challenges

The emergence of social networks such as Facebook, Zalo, TikTok, Instagram... reflects the inevitable development trend of society in the context of global internet coverage, becoming an effective tool. In 2023, a UNICEF survey shows that 82% of Vietnamese children aged 12-13 years old use the internet daily, this number for 14-15 year olds is 93%. Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the time Vietnamese children use social networks is 5-7 hours a day.

Ms. Vu Thi Xuan (45 years old, Hanoi) expressed her concerns and worries when her two children (one in 8th grade, one in 2nd grade) spent the summer at home and depended on forms of entertainment on mobile devices. mobile, computer. She said that not only her family and many parents share the same concern when their children have access to a huge information network on the internet but without strict control and supervision from adults, especially during vacations. summer.

Similarly, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Truong (40 years old, Hai Phong) is also worried that his 9th grade son who is exposed to electronic devices from a young age may be negatively affected. He said: "My son entered puberty, his thoughts changed, I could no longer confide in him like before. Since childhood, I often watch YouTube, now have my own phone, and use social networks every day. Busy parents may not be able to closely monitor their children. I'm worried that my children will learn bad habits online and have incorrect perceptions."

With the ability to connect everyone, anytime, anywhere, social networks have become a giant information network, a place where users can share feelings, thoughts, and opinions. However, if users do not know how to use or cannot actively control information, they can be caught up in negative and misleading information. In particular, adolescents are the most vulnerable to these negative impacts.

Talking to Lao Dong, Associate Professor Dr. Le Huy Hoang, Deputy Director of the Department of Education, Central Propaganda Department, emphasized that the development of current technology not only creates opportunities but also poses challenges in the educational process. Educate children and control the information that children access every day.

“However, it is not just because of the challenges that we do not exploit its benefits. Schools need to orient, guide and raise children's awareness of using the digital environment. Thereby, students will have the skills to exploit the digital environment to serve their learning, personal development, and adapt to new trends.

For families, educating children is more difficult because many parents do not know how to use technology and social networks effectively. Even parents are the ones who are lazy, not consciously accessing the internet proactively, and are negatively affected by the online environment. From there, orienting your children will be difficult" - Mr. Le Huy Hoang said.

Form a moral and cognitive foundation

The relationship between family - school - society in forming personality and guiding behavior for adolescents is extremely important. In the context of widespread internet access, students and adolescents have access to harmful information but do not have the skills or good awareness to distinguish the information, which will leave unpredictable consequences.

Schools need to educate and build qualities in students such as patriotism, compassion, honesty, hard work and responsibility. From there, they will have a moral foundation and a sense of respect for the law. On the family side, parents need to closely monitor and discuss with their children about right and wrong, wrong things, and opinions that do not conform to good customs and traditions that their children may face.

Sharing with Lao Dong, MSc Le Dinh Quyet - Lecturer at Hanoi Law University, Senior Advisor of LVI Law Firm - affirmed that early propaganda and education helps people under 18 years old to be aware of legal actions. behavior, thereby knowing how to handle legal situations and how to protect your legal rights and interests.

Mr. Le Dinh Quyet commented that it can be seen that teenagers have multidimensional personalities, are curious and active, but are also easily manipulated and vulnerable. Therefore, the surrounding environment is a combination of many factors, both negative and positive, that can impact children's cognition and behavior. The difficulty for adults to control the content that children access every day can cause them to lack direction, thereby forming bad habits and, more seriously, breaking the law.

Experts believe that schools, families, individuals and groups who are close to teenagers also need to have close coordination to have appropriate and timely educational measures during the youth process. mature teenager.

* International Youth Day was chosen by the United Nations General Assembly on August 12 every year, starting in 1999 to promote human rights and human development, especially of the young generation.

After 25 years, the role and voice of youth is increasingly respected and plays an important role in implementing sustainable development goals. In Vietnam, teenagers currently make up the majority of the country's population, this is the force that helps Vietnam stay in the "golden population" period. This shows that, more than ever, youth play an important role in building and protecting the Fatherland during the period of industrialization, modernization and international integration.

* Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Hoai Son - Standing Member of the National Assembly's Culture and Education Committee - emphasized that youth are the future of the nation. Caring for youth is also caring for the country's bright future.

However, a problem that today's youth have to face is problems such as cyber violence and the impact of harmful information on teenagers. Even youth criminals who commit socially dangerous acts such as murder, robbery, illegal drug trading... are increasingly alarming.

“We are very saddened by the negative phenomena and law violations of teenagers. Culture needs to be in a pioneering position, creating a moral regulation system to overcome this situation" - Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Hoai Son stated.

According to Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Hoai Son, we need to focus on building a healthy cultural environment and creating resistance for teenagers. In that environment, the media, especially social media, need to convey more messages about values, beautiful lifestyles and moral examples, condemning unhealthy behaviors. , opposes objectionable and inappropriate lifestyles; Youth unions and youth teams need to organize attractive and appropriate movements and activities to attract the participation of young people.... VUONG TRAN

Huyền Chi

Xử lý 225 thanh thiếu niên lạng lách, đánh võng

Bảo Nguyên |

Công an tỉnh Hà Nam đã phát hiện, xử lý 225 trường hợp thanh thiếu niên tụ tập, điều khiển xe tốc độ cao, lạng lách, đánh võng.

4 thanh thiếu niên đi xe môtô diễu oai trên phố bị khởi tố


Công an thành phố Đông Hà, tỉnh Quảng Trị khởi tố 4 người vì gây rối trật tự nơi công cộng.

4 cách tăng chiều cao hiệu quả dành cho thanh thiếu niên


Tăng chiều cao ở tuổi thanh thiếu niên là vấn đề được nhiều phụ huynh quan tâm. Đây cũng chính là “giai đoạn vàng” để chiều cao, thể trạng phát triển vượt trội.

Khởi tố hàng chục thanh thiếu niên chặn đánh người đi đường


Ngày 23.7, Công an TP. Ninh Bình cho biết, vừa khởi tố bị can, và lệnh bắt tạm giam đối với 25 đối tượng về hành vi “Gây rối trật tự công cộng”.

Xử lý nhóm thanh thiếu niên mang dao diễu phố ở Hạ Long

Diệu Hoàng |

0h30 ngày 17.7, Công an thành phố Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh) vừa phát hiện xử lý nhóm 7 thanh, thiếu niên mang theo vũ khí tự chế diễu phố.

Hà Nội có thêm lực lượng xử lý nghiêm thanh thiếu niên vi phạm giao thông

Tô Thế |

Hà Nội - Tình trạng vi phạm Luật Giao thông đường bộ trong lứa tuổi thanh, thiếu niên vẫn đang là một vấn đề nhức nhối. Trong thời gian tới, 10 tổ công tác đặc biệt mới thành lập của Công an Hà Nội sẽ tập trung xử lý các vi phạm liên quan đến đối tượng này, không kể thời gian, địa điểm.

Nguyện vọng của trái chủ trong vụ Vạn Thịnh Phát giai đoạn 2


TPHCM - Nhiều bị hại liên quan đến sai phạm xảy ra ở Tập đoàn Vạn Thịnh Phát, Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn đã có mặt tại TAND TPHCM để theo dõi phiên xét xử.

Mưa ngập, hơn 11.000 học sinh vùng trũng ở Hà Tĩnh nghỉ học


Sáng 20.9, tại huyện Hương Khê và Hương Sơn (Hà Tĩnh) xảy ra mưa lớn, ngập cục bộ nên hơn 11.000 học sinh ở khu vực trũng thấp được cho nghỉ học.