Heroic journey to protect the sea and sky of the homeland

Thùy Trang |

The program "Guarding the homeland's sea and sky " tells typical stories about our army and people 60 years ago.

Stemming from the determination to preserve the land, the sky, and the sea, Vietnam Television has chosen the theme "Keeping the homeland's sea and sky" for the program commemorating the 60th anniversary of the victory of the first battle of the Northern army and people in fighting against the sea. destructive war to protect the North (August 2 and 5, 1964 - August 2 and 5, 2024).

The program tells stories that represent the ingenuity, creativity and heroic spirit of our army and people, including the glorious victories of the Navy, Air Defense, and Self-Defense Forces recently. 60 years.

If in the Resistance War against the French, the Dien Bien Victory badge marked the resounding end of 9 years of resistance, then in the Resistance War against the US, the 5.8 Victory badge recognized the brilliant starting point for the fight against the war. sabotage war to protect the socialist North. Over the past 60 years, the small badge is still preserved by many veterans.

To search for materials, the team traveled to many locations such as Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, Nam Dinh, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City... to meet veterans and historical witnesses.

60 years have passed, but the battle of that year still appears vividly in the memories of many witnesses.

That was the moment when facing life and death, the captain of the torpedo boat T333 - Nguyen Xuan Bot bravely sped up, trying to drive the destroyer Maddox out of the Northern sea on August 2, 1964. Or the unparalleled fighting spirit of gunner Pham Van Nam (gunner number 1, Company 141, Battalion 217, Air Defense - Air Force) - who stepped on the trigger of the 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun, contributing shot down an enemy plane at Hon Gai, Quang Ninh.

Along with that is the story of female self-defense militiamen who selflessly sacrificed themselves, rushing into danger to fight, resupply bullets, and cure soldiers. We can mention the examples of Ms. To Thi Dao, Hoang Thi Khuyen, Vu Thi Tinh (Thanh Hoa province)...

Veteran Pham Van Nam. Photo: Manufacturer
Veteran Pham Van Nam. Photo: Manufacturer

One of the highlights of the program is the objective analysis from US historians themselves when decoding secret documents about the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident".

The scene was recorded at the Turner Joy Museum, Bremerton city, Washington state, with sharing from US National Security Agency (NSA) historian Robert.J.Hanyok. He is the author of the shocking work "Sskunks, monsters, silent hounds, flying fish: The mystery of the Gulf of Tonkin 2 - 4 August 1964".

In addition, music is also a highlight, connecting the stories told in the program. The songs performed were all written by the musicians from the burning emotions of those historic days in 1964.

We can mention "Clinging to the homeland" (Pham Tuyen), "The enemy comes to our house to fight" (Do Nhuan). Many performances are staged in an epic style, helping the audience understand more about the fierce battle of the past.

Singers participating in the performance include: Le Anh Dung, Hoang Viet Danh, Duong Tran Nghia, Hong Duyen, Phuong Anh, Le Viet Anh, Khuc Xuan Duc, Le Thi Nga.

The program "Keeping the homeland's sea and sky" is carried out by Vietnam Television in coordination with the Navy and the Air Defense - Air Force, broadcast live at 8:10 p.m. on August 3, 2024 on VTV1 channel.

Thùy Trang

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Mai Chi |

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Khánh Linh |

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Nhóm PV |

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Thanh Hà |

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