The gap in artist “training”

Nhóm PV |

As showbiz scandals spread across social networks, the education and training of future artists from university needs to change.

Times change

In a conversation with Lao Dong reporter, actress Bao Han said she was overwhelmed when she suddenly became famous from the movie “Come home, my child”. Bao Han (born in 2000) was chosen to play the role of Anh Duong when she was a second-year student at the University of Theatre and Cinema (Hanoi). Bao Han said that suddenly the role became popular, the movie became famous, she was completely surprised and did not know how to behave when she went out and was “recognized” by the audience.

It is increasingly necessary to prepare art school students with “soft skills” when they leave school and become famous.

In the age of technology, social networks are booming, the speed of spreading true and false information is measured by... light, famous people often have to face crises, being "exposed", defamed, or caught up in scandals, personal scandals.

The entertainment industry (showbiz) has never stopped being noisy with all kinds of scandals. According to media crisis management experts, when a scandal occurs, most Vietnamese artists are bewildered, confused, and do not know how to handle it. They often choose to stay silent, waiting for the wave of criticism to subside.

Many artists have shown their amateurishness in handling crises by making statements that “add fuel to the fire” and make public opinion even angrier. Personal scandals can end an artist’s career overnight.

Looking at countries like China and Korea, artists are all managed by professional entertainment companies. The company will have a training plan, instructing artists in avoiding scandals, having personal coaches to help artists orient, build their image, and know how to behave in front of the media and public opinion. When a crisis occurs, the company will step in to resolve it for the artist.

In Vietnam, the majority of artists work freely and independently. With the characteristics of working individually, and in the context of the operation of social networks strongly influencing the reputation and image of artists, changes in education and training for students of art schools (who are future artists) are urgently needed.

For artists, "training" talent is not enough

With art, talent and aptitude are always considered the most important deciding factors.

Nghe si o gioi giai tri can duoc trang bi nhieu “ky nang mem” tu khi con la sinh vien cac truong nghe thuat, nhat la trong boi canh, Viet Nam dang thuc hien chien luoc cong nghiep hoa van hoa, can doi ngu nhan su chuyen nghiep o moi khau. Anh: Nha san xuat phim Giao lo 8675
Artists need to be equipped with many "soft skills" from the time they are students of art schools, especially in the context that Vietnam is implementing a cultural industrialization strategy, requiring professional personnel at all stages. Photo: Producer of the film "Jiao Lo 8675"

For a long time, student training at art schools such as the University of Theatre and Cinema, Vietnam National Academy of Music, Military University of Culture and Arts, or Hanoi College of Art, has mainly focused on professional training, promoting students' talents and abilities.

Speaking to Lao Dong reporter, student C.T.Q - Musical Actor major, University of Theatre and Cinema (Hanoi) - affirmed that at school, they mainly study to develop their talent and artistic ability to the highest level. C.T.Q said that they do not have subjects on "soft skills" such as public behavior, facing scandals, or handling media crises.

“When learning about our majors, our teachers still weave stories about our profession and lifestyle into their lectures. They use real-life examples to teach us how to go in the right direction and develop our full potential...”, C.T.Q shared.

According to this student, incorporating "soft skills" in behavior, lifestyle, ethics, work practices, crisis management... into subjects for art school students is a good idea.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, Associate Professor Dr. Le Huy Hoang - Deputy Director of the Department of Education, Central Propaganda Department - gave his opinion: "In my opinion, training and equipping soft skills for students studying in the fields of art and culture is extremely important. You are the future generation of artists, and need to be equipped with other skills besides training and professional development, such as communication skills, actions in accordance with good customs and moral standards. When becoming famous, artists have a great impact on the public, need to promote civilized behavior, become role models to have positive influences on the audience.

Therefore, art and culture training schools need to focus on educating and training soft skills and cultivating cultural behavior for students.

Especially in the context that the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is implementing a strategy to develop cultural industries until 2030 with a vision to 2045 with 12 key areas including Cinema, Performing Arts, Fashion, etc. Investment in education and training of young artists in art schools needs more innovation and breakthroughs.

In the new era, with the new changes of the times, artists only need talent, which is not enough. Previously, answering the question of education and training for art students needing to be more comprehensive, the Principal of the Military University of Culture and Arts - Colonel, musician Ho Trong Tuan affirmed that the military environment always emphasizes the development of ethics, lifestyle, and honest work for students, in addition to developing talent. And the Military University of Culture and Arts will increasingly focus on training and educating "Heart, Virtue" in addition to "Talent".

Among them, many "soft skills" can become official subjects in art universities such as media crisis handling, rumor handling, how to face scandals, how to behave in front of the media and the public...

Nhóm PV

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