Preparing to celebrate the 70th anniversary of welcoming the people of the South to gather

Trần Lâm |

Thanh Hoa has been actively preparing towards the 70th anniversary of welcoming compatriots , officers, soldiers and students from the South to the North.

On the morning of August 20, at a press conference to announce the plan to organize activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of welcoming Southern compatriots, officers, soldiers and students to the North, Mr. Pham Van Tuan - Deputy Head of the Propaganda Department Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee - said that the celebration will be held on the evening of October 27, at the memorial area for Southern compatriots, officers, soldiers and students gathering to the North (Quang Tien ward, Sam Son city).

This event was hosted by the Central Propaganda Department and broadcast live on Vietnam Television; Thanh Hoa Radio and Television Station; Ca Mau Radio and Television Station.

Towards this celebration, starting from September 1, there will be many events and activities taking place.

Specifically, on the evening of September 1, the City People's Committee. Ho Chi Minh City, Thanh Hoa province and Dong Thap will co-host a videoconference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Agreement (1954-2024). This event was televised on City Television. Ho Chi Minh; Thanh Hoa Radio and Television Station; Dong Thap Radio and Television Station.

Scientific conference "Thanh Hoa with compatriots, soldiers and students from the South gathering to the North - 70 years of profound friendship" chaired by the Standing Committee of Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, scheduled to take place at the end of September early October.

Inauguration ceremony of a memorial project for compatriots, soldiers and students from the South gathering to the North in the city. Sam Son, by the City Party Committee and City People's Committee. Sam Son organizes the implementation, expected to take place on October 27, 2024.

According to the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, this is a series of meaningful activities to review 70 years of friendship between officials and people of the North and South.

The symbol of the gathering ship is about to be completed in Quang Tien ward, city. Sam Son. Photo: Tran Lam
The symbol of the ship gathering to welcome compatriots is about to be completed in Quang Tien ward, city. Sam Son. Photo: Tran Lam

Accordingly, in order to leave behind for future generations a heroic time in the nation's history, the North-South solidarity is faithful and steadfast, meeting the longings of the people of the South who are always oriented toward love. people, love for the land of the North in the past, on August 28, 2022, the Liaison Committee of Southern compatriots gathered to the North in coordination with the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province to lead and direct the construction of the Memorial Area Project. Southern compatriots, officers, soldiers and students gathered to the North.

The memorial area will start construction in August 2022. The project is implemented on a scale of more than 40,000 m2, invested by Sam Son City People's Committee. The project has a total capital of nearly 255 billion VND, of which the provincial budget supports 76 billion VND, the city budget capital. Sam Son and other social mobilization sources are nearly 180 billion VND.

Currently, the monument and relief items (total construction value of more than 80 billion VND) have reached nearly 100% volume.

The highlight of the project is located in subdivision A with an area of ​​1.3 hectares. This subdivision includes the "Assembly Ship" monument, galleries, artifacts and bow-shaped reliefs. In particular, the exhibit house is designed inside the ship.

This is a project of great significance in educating revolutionary traditions for young generations, and is a red address for the whole country in general, compatriots, officers, soldiers in the South and the people of Thanh Hoa province in particular. private.

Previously, on the afternoon of August 19, Mr. Do Trong Hung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee - chaired a conference to give opinions on plans and scripts for the 70th Anniversary of welcoming compatriots and officials. , Southern soldiers and students gathered to the North and related events.

According to the Secretary of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, the event commemorating the 70th anniversary of Thanh Hoa welcoming compatriots, officers, soldiers and students from the South to the North has very profound political, social and humanistic significance. Help cadres, party members and people of all walks of life, especially the young generation, remember and deepen an important historical event in the revolutionary cause of the Party, the nation and our country.

During the period from October 15, 1954 to May 1, 1955, in Quang Tien commune, Sam Son town (now Quang Tien ward, Sam Son city), the Party Committee, government and people of Thanh Hoa province on behalf of the people The North welcomed 1,869 wounded and sick soldiers; 47,346 officers; 5,922 students and 1,443 families of officials in the South gathered to the North.

Trần Lâm

Hành trình tạo sinh kế bền vững cho đồng bào Hà Giang

Văn Tùng |

Trong nhiều năm qua, bằng việc hỗ trợ những phương thức sản xuất thiết thực cho đồng bào nghèo của xã Thượng Tân, một địa phương đặc biệt khó khăn của huyện Bắc Mê, tỉnh Hà Giang, Quỹ Xã hội từ thiện Tấm lòng Vàng đã giúp nhiều hộ gia đình nghèo có cuộc sống tốt hơn, tự vươn lên bằng sinh kế bền vững.

Khám sức khỏe miễn phí cho đồng bào Ca Dong ở Quảng Nam


Đồng bào Ca Dong ở xã Trà Tân, huyện Bắc Trà My, Quảng Nam có hoàn cảnh khó khăn được trao tặng nhiều phần quà có ý nghĩa và khám sức khỏe miễn phí.

Chăm lo đời sống đồng bào dân tộc thiểu số: Không để ai bị bỏ lại phía sau

Phương Anh |

Bà Nông Thị Hà - Thứ trưởng, Phó Chủ nhiệm Ủy ban dân tộc - trao đổi với Lao Động về đợt điều tra 53 dân tộc thiểu số cả nước lần thứ ba.

VĐV bóng chuyền Nguyễn Thị Xuân và sự bền bỉ ở tuổi U40


Góc nhìn thể thao số 181 có buổi trò chuyện với chủ công Nguyễn Thị Xuân về hành trình gắn bó với bóng chuyền cũng như dự định trong tương lai của tay đập 38 tuổi.

Ảnh hưởng thi công âu thuyền, nhà dân bị ngập sâu trong nước


Việc thi công công trình Âu thuyền Cái Khế đã khiến nhiều nhà dân tại TP Cần Thơ bị lún, nứt nghiêm trọng và ngập sâu trong nước.

Người dân ở Hoài Đức phải khám da liễu hàng tháng vì thiếu nước sạch


Suốt 6 năm qua, hàng tháng, vợ chồng anh Nguyễn Đình Minh (Hoài Đức, Hà Nội) đều đưa các con đi khám da liễu vì không có nước sạch sử dụng.

6 lần thu hồi đất bất thành của chính quyền TP Thái Nguyên

Lam Thanh |

Thái Nguyên - Dù các cơ quan chức năng có hàng loạt thông báo yêu cầu di dời tài sản, bàn giao lại đất nhưng Trung tâm Nông nghiệp công nghệ cao vẫn phớt lờ.

Tăng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% giúp người lao động yên tâm


Tăng mức hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% lương bình quân là mong mỏi của rất nhiều người lao động.