3 years have not completed the 778m long road, capital of 130 billion VND in Nha Trang

Hữu Long |

Khanh Hoa - The route is longer than 778m connecting two major roads in Nha Trang city with a capital of 130 billion VND. The road has been under construction for 3 years but has not been completed yet due to land problems.

The contractor stopped construction and demanded an adjustment to the contract unit price

Route named D30, 778.5m long, 30m wide, belongs to Vinh Hiep commune and Vinh Trung commune (Nha Trang city). The route connects two major roads in the city, October 23 with Vo Nguyen Giap. The project has a total estimated investment of nearly 130 billion VND from the provincial budget. Of which, the construction cost is nearly 80.7 billion VND, the rest is compensation for clearance, resettlement, project management,...

When the road is completed, the foundation will be asphalt concrete, with a rainwater drainage system, lighting and a bridge over the Quan Truong river made of reinforced concrete.

Route D30 is still in disarray, the contractor does not have a construction site. Photo: Huu Long
Route D30 is still in disarray, the contractor does not have a construction site. Photo: Huu Long

The project was started at the end of 2020, expected to be completed in 360 days. Because the project has not been cleared, the investor and contractor have signed to extend the completion time many times. The value of completed volume by contractors to date has reached 40.93 billion VND (reaching 78.34%).

According to the report of the investor, the Management Board of Investment and Construction of Agricultural and Rural Development Works of Khanh Hoa province, this project has 37 cases that must be cleared. Up to now, there are only 3 households on 23/10 street that just handed over the premises on June 27, 2024.

The remaining volume of items has not been constructed from October 23 Street to Quan Truong bridge; gravel foundation, asphalt concrete for road surface, tiled sidewalks, sidewalk soil embankment, traffic signal lights at 2 intersections...

For this unconstructed part, the contractor said that it will carry out the construction when price adjustment is allowed because otherwise, it will incur heavy losses due to increased raw material prices compared to the time of signing the contract in 2020.

In the report sent to the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province, the investor said that if the contract with the contractor is terminated, the project will not be completed in July 2024 as required by the province.

Not to mention, terminating the contract will lead to a higher re-estimation value compared to the time the contract was signed in November 2020 and the procedure for organizing and selecting a contractor to construct the remaining volume will take some time.

After calculation, the investor still proposed that Khanh Hoa province allow the termination of the construction contract for the remaining volume.

Road D30 has been under construction for 3 years but has not been completed yet, the contractor has asked to stop the project
Road D30 has been under construction for 3 years but has not been completed yet. The contractor has asked to stop construction due to increased construction costs. Photo: Huu Long

Khanh Hoa province does not agree to terminate the construction contract

Mr. Tran Hoa Nam - Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee requested the leaders of the Project Management Board to work again with the contractors to speed up the remaining volume of the D30 road project, ensuring completion. completed in July 2024.

Mr. Nam requested that, in case of failure to complete within the above deadline, the board's leaders must take full responsibility related to implementing the investor's tasks before the Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee.

According to the leader of the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province, the above project is not subject to unit price adjustment according to the above legal regulations. Therefore, the province does not agree to terminate the construction contract with the contractor as requested by the investor.

Mr. Quach Thanh Son - Director of Construction Investment Management Board of Agriculture and Rural Development Works of Khanh Hoa province said that after receiving instructions from the province, the investor organized a mobilization and the contractor agreed to work again.

Regarding the timeline of 7.2024 that Khanh Hoa province set for completion, Mr. Son assessed that it will be difficult to achieve but will work with the contractor to bring the project to completion as soon as possible.

Hữu Long

Gia hạn cho thuê hơn 8.000m2 đất vàng dọc bãi biển Nha Trang

Hữu Long |

Khánh Hòa - Hơn 8.000m2 đất mặt biển dọc bãi biển Nha Trang vừa được địa phương gia hạn thời gian sử dụng đất đến hết năm 2024.

Sau kiện sơ thẩm, Nha Trang điều chỉnh đối tượng thu hồi đất

Hữu Long |

Trước phiên phúc thẩm vụ công dân kiện TP Nha Trang về thu hồi đất thuộc diện vắng chủ, đến nay địa phương bất ngờ điều chỉnh đối tượng thu hồi đất.

Nha Trang đặt thêm biển cấm đậu đỗ ôtô trên 16 chỗ

Hữu Long |

Khánh Hòa – Trước phản ánh của dân về việc các xe du lịch trên 16 chỗ đậu, đỗ gây ùn tắc giao thông, TP Nha Trang thống nhất lắp thêm biển báo cấm...

Vấn đề bức xúc trong thanh toán chữa bệnh bảo hiểm y tế


Theo Ủy ban Xã hội, vấn đề bức xúc nhất hiện nay trong thanh, quyết toán chi phí chữa bệnh bảo hiểm y tế là việc đánh giá tính hợp lý của cung cấp dịch vụ y tế.

Đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích nhiều ngày tại Ninh Bình


Sau nhiều ngày tìm kiếm, lực lượng chức năng đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích tại xã Kim Tân, huyện Kim Sơn (Ninh Bình).

Rào chắn lại dự án làm đường sau phản ánh của Báo Lao Động


HUẾ - Sau phản ánh của Báo Lao Động, hiện trạng rào chắn sơ sài nơi Dự án mở rộng đường Phạm Văn Đồng (TP Huế) đã được khắc phục.

"Mất oan" 85 tỉ đồng vì sai phạm của Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục

Lam Duy |

Các sai sót, vi phạm tại Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam khiến phụ huynh học sinh phải mua sách giáo khoa với giá cao hơn tới 85 tỉ đồng.

Kiểm kê đất đai toàn thành phố Hà Nội

Minh Hạnh |

Ủy ban Nhân dân TP. Hà Nội yêu cầu các địa phương kiểm kê đất đai, lập bản đồ hiện trạng năm 2024 trên toàn thành phố.

Renewed lease of more than 8,000 square meters of golden land along Nha Trang beach

Hữu Long |

Khanh Hoa - More than 8,000 square meters of sea surface land along Nha Trang beach has just had its land use period extended by the locality until the end of 2024.

After the first instance lawsuit, Nha Trang adjusted the subject of land recovery

Hữu Long |

Before the appeal hearing of the case of citizens suing Nha Trang City to recover land with absent owners, the locality suddenly adjusted the object of land recovery.

Nha Trang places additional signs prohibiting parking of cars with more than 16 spaces

Hữu Long |

Khanh Hoa - In response to people's complaints about tourist cars with more than 16 parking spaces causing traffic jams, Nha Trang City agreed to install more signs prohibiting...