Doctor Bach Mai entered Dak Lak without prior notice


Dak Lak - Doctors from Hanoi to Dak Lak province performed procedures without prior notice to the leaders of Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.

Patient NTÂ (born 1957, residing in Da Nang city) died on July 28 after percutaneous aortic valve replacement at Buon Ma Thuot Medical and Pharmaceutical Hospital.

Talking to a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Vo Minh Thanh - Director of Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital (Dak Lak) confirmed that Ms. Â's death at the hospital was objectively a professional accident. in a team of doctors at Bach Mai Hospital (Hanoi) to treat and perform the procedure.

However, during the process of performing the procedure for the patient, the doctors made some mistakes. In addition, doctors from Hanoi to Dak Lak province did not have a program to notify the leaders of Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.

Some people at the Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology (under Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital) had previously interacted and arbitrarily invited doctors at Bach Mai Hospital to handle patient Â's case.

"If the leaders of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital do this case, they will proceed more closely and carefully, avoiding unnecessary mistakes" - Mr. Vo Minh Thanh emphasized.

According to records collected by Lao Dong Newspaper reporters, the crew participating in the procedure for patient NTÂ included 8 people, of which 5 were staff at Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.

The rest came from Bach Mai Hospital. Professor, Dr. H, Interventional Cardiologist (Bach Mai Hospital) acted as the main surgeon.

Previously, Lao Dong Newspaper reported the article " Patient died unexpectedly after aortic valve replacement ".

On August 12, the Department of Health of Dak Lak province established a professional council consisting of 9 members to evaluate the case of Ms. Â's death.

According to the Dak Lak Department of Health, when complications or accidents occur, the indication for thoracotomy is not appropriate because there is no cardiac surgery team, no extracorporeal circulation and machines to support cardiac resuscitation. . The treating doctor has not performed a cardiac CT so the damage to the heart valve structure and myocardium cannot be assessed.

In addition, there are some errors in the consultation regulations such as the consultation process not following regulations, no consultation at the department, inter-department, or hospital-wide level before inviting experts, and no surgical consultation before surgery.


BV Bạch Mai nói về việc bác sĩ tham gia ca thay van tim

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Liên quan đến trường hợp tử vong tại Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược Buôn Ma Thuột có bác sĩ Bệnh viện Bạch Mai tham gia, bệnh viện đang làm rõ vụ việc.

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