Secretly recorded to handle motorbike taxis entering prohibited roads in Hanoi

Tô Thế |

Hanoi - Traffic police secretly recorded and handled the situation of motorbike taxis stopping at the Thang Long bridgehead area (the section connecting to the elevated beltway 3).

On August 22, Traffic Police Team No. 6 (Traffic Police Department, Hanoi City Police) arranged a task force to inspect and address the situation where many motorbike taxi drivers were stopping, picking up and dropping off passengers in violation of regulations in the area near the beginning of Thang Long Bridge (the section connecting to the elevated Ring Road 3).

In order to handle the problem effectively, ensuring the safety of the force on duty and the safety of other traffic participants, the working group has divided into 2 groups.

In particular, a group will use professional equipment to secretly record vehicles and violators. The images are then sent to the force who is setting up a public checkpoint to stop the vehicle and handle violations.

This location often has buses stopping to pick up/drop off passengers, along with motorbike taxi drivers standing to pick up passengers. Photo: Century

This location often has buses stopping to pick up/drop off passengers. Photo: Century

In just a short time of deploying forces, the working group discovered and prepared a record to punish a series of motorbike taxi drivers who violated the law.

"Many people, after having their vehicle stopped and reporting an error, denied it and said they did not violate it. However, all images of violations were recorded by the working group, so they were forced to comply. ", Major Le Van Dong, officer of Road Traffic Police Team No. 6 shared.

In addition to motorbike taxi drivers, many other traffic participants were also stopped for handling motorbikes on prohibited roads or on the car road on Thang Long bridge. There are cases where people use the wrong route because they don't know where to go or use the wrong navigation mode on Google Maps to get into the car's lane.

However, the working group persistently explained the danger of the above behavior, and at the same time showed the violators the signs on the road.

Many motorbike taxi drivers were fined for driving motorbikes on prohibited roads. Photo: Century

Many motorbike taxi drivers were fined for driving motorbikes on prohibited roads. Photo: Century

Some people did not observe the signs and drove motorbikes to the 2nd floor of Thang Long bridge. Photo: Century

Some people did not observe the signs and drove motorbikes to the 2nd floor of Thang Long bridge. Photo: Century

In the morning shift of August 22 alone, 10 cases of violation were recorded and fined by the working group of Road Traffic Police Team No. 6.

According to Major Le Van Dong, in recent times, the unit has regularly set up checkpoints to handle motorcyclists who intentionally go to the 2nd floor of Thang Long bridge and motorbike taxis stop and park to pick up and drop off passengers at the bridgehead area. However, when violators see the authorities, they often avoid them by moving to another place. When the traffic police leave, they continue to violate.

Thang Long bridgehead currently has pick-up/drop-off points for passengers and goods of many bus companies. There is always a team of motorbike taxi drivers here, ready to take passengers downstairs when needed. Photo: Century

Thang Long bridgehead currently has pick-up/drop-off points for passengers and goods of many bus companies. There is always a team of motorbike taxi drivers here, ready to take passengers downstairs when needed. Photo: Century

To overcome this situation, in the coming time, Road Traffic Police Team No. 6 will continue to use the public disguise method to handle violations. Fines will be imposed for drivers who intentionally resist and run away.

The Traffic Police force also advises all citizens that the 2nd floor of Thang Long Bridge and the elevated Ring Road 3 prohibit motorbikes and pedestrians from traveling. Intentionally walking on this road will cause traffic insecurity, potentially causing traffic accidents. hide the risk of accidents.

Tô Thế

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