Pineapple trees help farmers in Tan Phuoc district escape poverty

Thành Nhân |

Choosing pineapple trees to plant has gradually helped people in Tan Phuoc district earn more income and escape poverty.

In 1994, when Tan Phuoc district (Tien Giang province) was first established, pineapple trees only appeared scattered in communes of My Phuoc, Thanh My, Hung Thanh... but up to now, most communes and towns in this district have pineapple trees are present. Pineapple is not only a key crop, contributing to local economic development, but also a tree to eliminate difficulties and reduce poverty for the people of Tan Phuoc - a place once known as "the alum navel, the flood navel".

Mr. Phan Van Nguyen (47 years old, living in My Phuoc town, Tan Phuoc district, Tien Giang province) recalls: 30 years ago, responding to the Party and State's policy of immigrating to explore Dong Thap Muoi, father His mother settled down in Tan Phuoc district.

In those years, the population was sparse, the land was deserted, and there were shortages in all aspects. His parents have just reclaimed and planted 3 hectares of rice for testing. However, the first rice crop failed because the soil was too acidic. After converting rice land into garden land, combined with dikes to prevent floods and converted to pineapple planting. Since then, pineapple trees have contributed to increasing income and improving the material and spiritual life of people here."

"Thanks to the pineapple tree , my family is well off until now, has a spacious house, full amenities, and children are studying well," Mr. Nguyen said.

It was thanks to the pineapple tree that helped Mr. Nguyen build a house. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Thanks to the pineapple tree, Mr. Nguyen's family was able to build a house. Photo: Thanh Nhan

As a pineapple trader for more than 10 years in Tan Phuoc district (Tien Giang province), Mr. Trinh Anh Phong (living in Go Vap district, Ho Chi Minh City) shared: Coming to Tan Phuoc district today is like being lost in "kingdom" of pineapple trees. There are pineapples everywhere, from vast, vast fields of pineapples as far as the eye can see, to along the roads connecting communes and hamlets, farmers also take advantage of growing pineapples.

“The pineapple tree is the savior for people in Tan Phuoc district to escape difficulties and eliminate poverty. Thanks to this tree, the lives of people here are better," Mr. Phong said.

Mr. Tran Hoang Phong - Chairman of Tan Phuoc District People's Committee - said that due to the ability to grow and develop well on alum soil, people have reclaimed and rehabilitated to plant pineapple trees. Since then, the area of ​​this tree has increased every year, until now, the whole district has more than 16,000 hectares.

Pineapple trees have contributed greatly to increasing income and improving the material and spiritual lives of people; reduce the rate of poor households in Tan Phuoc district," Mr. Phong said.

Chairman of the People's Committee of Tan Phuoc district said that in the coming time, the Party Committee, government and people of Tan Phuoc district will continue to be proactive and creative in following the conditions and advantages of the district, focusing on mobilizing resources for construction. Rural socio-economic infrastructure is planned, synchronous and modern in association with economic development to improve people's lives.

In particular, local authorities continue to pay attention to support and promote links in agricultural production, value chain links associated with building product brands, especially pineapple production - the district's main crop. Prioritize investment in essential, motivational infrastructure projects such as transportation, education, healthcare, culture... focusing on production development, income improvement, and environmental protection Food hygiene and safety must be performed regularly and continuously.

Thành Nhân

Làm du lịch trên ruộng khóm, nông dân vùng phèn mặn Hậu Giang thu lợi nhuận kép


Với việc linh hoạt kết hợp giữa sản xuất và du lịch trên ruộng khóm đã giúp nông dân vùng đất nhiễm phèn, mặn ở Hậu Giang mang về nguồn lợi nhuận kép.

Giá tiêu, khóm tăng cao gần gấp đôi, nông dân Kiên Giang phấn khởi


Hiện giá tiêu, khóm thương lái thu mua tại vườn tăng cao hơn nhiều so với đầu vụ, thậm chí giá khóm tăng gấp đôi so với cùng kỳ, nông dân Kiên Giang phấn khởi vì vừa trúng mùa lại được giá.

Giá khóm tăng cao, nông dân Kiên Giang thu hoạch không đủ bán


Những ngày qua nông dân trên vùng trồng khóm huyện Gò Quao, tỉnh Kiên Giang đang tất bật thu hoạch bán khóm cho thương lái, giá khóm hiện ở mức cao 12.000 đồng/trái.

Nguyện vọng của trái chủ trong vụ Vạn Thịnh Phát giai đoạn 2


TPHCM - Nhiều bị hại liên quan đến sai phạm xảy ra ở Tập đoàn Vạn Thịnh Phát, Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn đã có mặt tại TAND TPHCM để theo dõi phiên xét xử.

Mưa ngập, hơn 11.000 học sinh vùng trũng ở Hà Tĩnh nghỉ học


Sáng 20.9, tại huyện Hương Khê và Hương Sơn (Hà Tĩnh) xảy ra mưa lớn, ngập cục bộ nên hơn 11.000 học sinh ở khu vực trũng thấp được cho nghỉ học.

So sánh hình ảnh TP Yên Bái hiện tại và thời điểm bão lũ lịch sử

Trần Bùi - Vũ Bảo |

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Khương Duy |

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Giám đốc công ty làm máy nhắn tin cho Hezbollah bị điều tra

Anh Vũ |

Công ty Gold Apollo, có trụ sở tại Đài Loan (Trung Quốc), đang bị điều tra liên quan đến vụ nổ hàng nghìn máy nhắn tin của lực lượng Hezbollah.