Joining hands to reinforce many weak dike points in Nam Dinh

Lương Hà |

With water levels on major rivers still at alert level 3, many key dike points in Nam Dinh province are being urgently reinforced.

In recent days, people living along the dikes of major rivers passing through Nam Dinh province have been focusing on reinforcing many vulnerable locations at risk of overflow or breakage when water levels rise.

Mr. Nguyen Van Tan (Phuong Dinh commune, Truc Ninh district) shared: "Because the dike section of Lo Xuyen village is weak, each of us has a hand in building the dam, stacking sandbags to reinforce many dike locations to prevent water from overflowing inside."

Joining hands to build the critical dike of Phuong Dinh commune, the people and officials of Co Le town (Truc Ninh district) also packed nearly 1,400 sandbags to send to this commune. Mr. Nguyen Quang Trinh - Chairman of Co Le town People's Committee said that as soon as receiving information from the Chairman of Truc Ninh district People's Committee, the town mobilized forces to pack nearly 1,400 sandbags to send to Phuong Dinh commune on September 11.

Nguoi dan va can bo thi tran Co Le chung tay dong cat chuyen den xa Phuong Dinh. Anh: Luong Ha
Residents and officials of Co Le town join hands to pack sand and transport it to Phuong Dinh commune. Photo: Luong Ha

Meanwhile, Yen Phuc is a key commune along the dike of district Y Yen with 2.7km of Dai Ha dike and 8.6km of embankment. To ensure the safety of people's lives and property, in recent days, local authorities have mobilized forces to implement a dike protection plan to prevent natural disasters.

Previously, Nam Dinh City mobilized local forces including 130 officers and soldiers of the City Police; 30 officers and soldiers of the City Military Command and the militia of My Tan commune, Loc Ha ward to pack 10,000 sandbags to prepare for dike protection. At the same time, functional forces were on duty to closely monitor the flood situation to promptly respond to arising situations.

10.000 bao cat duoc luc luong chuc nang va nguoi dan dong de chuan bi ho de. Anh: Phan Nam
10,000 sandbags were placed by authorities and local people to protect the dike. Photo: Phan Nam
Nguoi dan xa Yen Phuc (huyen Y Yen) chung tay dap de ngan nuoc. Anh: Cong TTDT huyen Y Yen
People of Yen Phuc commune (Y Yen district) join hands to build a dike to prevent water from entering. Photo: Y Yen district portal
Nguoi dan xa My Tan chung tay dap de chong lut. Anh: Luong Ha
People of My Tan commune (Nam Dinh city) join hands to build a dike to prevent floods. Photo: Luong Ha

According to the latest information at noon today (September 12) from the Nam Dinh Province Hydrometeorological Station about emergency flood news on rivers in Nam Dinh Province, the water level on Dao River and Ninh Co River changes slowly according to the tide trend and then continues to rise slowly again, the water level on Red River and Day River rises slowly.

At 11:30 am today (September 12), the water level on the Dao River at the Nam Dinh hydrological station was 5.26m (0.96m above alarm level III); On the Ninh Co River at Truc Phuong station was 3.77m (1.17m above alarm level III).

At 11:00 am today (September 12), the water level on the Day River at Ninh Binh hydrological station was 4.09m (0.59m above alarm level III); at Phu Ly hydrological station it was 515m (1.15m above alarm level III), and the Red River at Tien Duc hydrological station was 6.87m (0.57m above alarm level III).

Water levels on rivers are forecast to rise slowly again and are likely to peak this afternoon and evening (September 12), after changing according to tidal trends. Flood amplitude is 2 - 3.2m, flooding depth on riverbank alluvial plains is 0.7 - 1.7m.

Lương Hà

Đứt cầu phao Ninh Cường - Nam Định do nước lũ

Lương Hà |

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Ninh Cuong - Nam Dinh pontoon bridge broken due to flood water

Lương Hà |

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Lương Hà |

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