People in highland areas are struggling because of strange rice varieties bought online

An Nhiên |

Yen Bai - This year, many people in the highland communes of Lao Chai and Khao Mang of Mu Cang Chai district lost their crop due to buying rice seeds floating on social networks.

While harvesting, gathering and threshing rice on the terraced fields in time to prepare the land for the crop, the faces of Mr. Giang A Nu and his wife, Khao Mang village, Khao Mang commune, clearly showed sadness and disappointment because of the flowers. flat rice.

Pointing to the bundles of rice lying on the side of the road, Mr. Nu said: "From morning until now, not even half a bag has been harvested. Most of them are flat seeds, without kernels. Every year in this field, my family harvests about 30 bags. , each bag is 40 kg, equivalent to 1.2 tons. It took a lot of work to care for, prepare the land, and drain water, but now everything is lost because of strange rice varieties.

Mr. Giang A Nu in Khao Mang commune, Mu Cang Chai district was bored holding a bundle of rice with a flat grain rate of up to 80%. Photo: An Nhien
Mr. Giang A Nu in Khao Mang commune, Mu Cang Chai district was bored holding a bundle of rice with a flat grain rate of up to 80%. Photo: An Nhien

A Nu said that he heard some people in the village say that although the rice was a bit hard, the rice yield was high, so he went online to buy it and plant it. Even though adequate water and fertilizer levels are still ensured, the rice plants grow and develop normally, but when harvested, the rice heads do not bow, and most of the seeds do not have kernels.

Along with Khao Mang, some households in Lao Chai commune also fell into crop failure when cultivating a rice variety called LC 25. It was noted that in the fields of Co De Sang A village, many rice fields were still green but the flowers were not blooming. Few seeds, high flat rate.

The rice plant grows and develops well, but after flowering, the rice "does not bow its head". Photo: An Nhien
The rice plant grows and develops well, but after flowering, the rice "does not bow its head". Photo: An Nhien

Mr. Giang A Vang - one of the households that "lost their crop" because of the "strange" rice variety said: "Listening to everyone's advice, last spring, I bought 10 kg of LC 25 variety to plant. Even though I had Provide enough water for irrigation and fertilizer, but when harvested, all the seeds are flat."

According to Mr. Vang, this rice variety has eye-catching labels and packaging with images of round, heavy rice grains. However, the reality when harvesting is far different from advertising.

People randomly checked an ear of rice and counted a total of 177 grains, of which 27 were plump and the remaining 150 were flat. Photo: An Nhien
People randomly checked an ear of rice and counted a total of 177 grains, of which 27 were plump and the remaining 150 were flat. Photo: An Nhien

In Xeo Di Ho A village, many households' fields also fall into the situation of "not bowing their heads" when cultivating the LC 25 variety.

"More than 1 hectare of mine is planted with LC 25 rice variety. However, from January until now, the rice plants are still green and continue to branch out, while other rice varieties have been harvested for a long time. From now on, no Dare to buy more floating seeds on the market," said Mr. Sung A Nang.

People tried to harvest and salvage the failed fields. Photo: An Nhien
People tried to harvest and salvage the failed fields. Photo: An Nhien

On July 16, talking to a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Luong Van Thu - Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mu Cang Chai district said that after receiving feedback on some 2024 spring rice crop areas of Khao Mang and Lao Chai communes about the situation. In the case of rice blooming "without bowing" and with many flat seeds, the district sent officials to coordinate with communes to directly check the fields.

Inspection and verification results show that the total area of ​​white rice crop in Khao Mang and Lao Chai communes is 3.4 hectares with 11 affected households. These field areas are guaranteed water for irrigation and are not subject to drought. Households do not apply too much inorganic fertilizer. After purchasing rice seeds, they plant and care for them, and the rice plants grow and develop. Normal. At the time of flowering, the rice appears in a state where the grain does not enter and the grain is many flat.

"The main cause of the phenomenon of rice blooming "without bowing" and many flat seeds in Khao Mang and Lao Chai communes is because people buy floating seeds on the market, product information is only taken from social networks, not quality assurance", Head of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mu Cang Chai district informed.

An Nhiên

Gian nan phủ sóng di động giữa núi rừng Mù Cang Chải

An Nhiên |

Gọi điện thoại nói chuyện, được nhìn thấy hình ảnh trực tiếp - ước mơ bao năm của đồng bào dân tộc thiểu số ở xã Chế Tạo, huyện Mù Cang Chải, tỉnh Yên Bái nay đã trở thành hiện thực.

Mua lúa giống trên mạng, 300 hộ dân điêu đứng vì lúa trổ bông nhưng không có hạt

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Đặt mua giống lúa được quảng cáo trên mạng xã hội Facebook, hơn 300 hộ dân điêu đứng vì đến mùa thu hoạch, lúa dù trổ bông nhưng không có hạt.

Khởi tố đối tượng làm gần 4 tấn lúa giống giả bán cho nông dân Lai Châu


Sáng 31.3, Công tỉnh Lai Châu thông tin về việc khởi tố vụ án, bắt tạm giam Dương Ngọc Duy để điều tra về hành vi sản xuất gần 4 tấn lúa giống giả.

Lượng rác khổng lồ trôi nổi trên vịnh Hạ Long

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Sẽ mất rất nhiều thời gian để xử lý lượng rác khổng lồ tràn ra vịnh Hạ Long, chủ yếu từ các khu nuôi trồng thủy sản bị bão số 3 đánh tan tành.

Cựu sếp Nhà Xuất bản Giáo dục nhận hối lộ đều đặn

Việt Dũng |

Suốt quá trình tạo điều kiện cho doanh nghiệp trúng các gói thầu tổng trị giá cả nghìn tỉ, hàng năm ông Nguyễn Đức Thái nhận hối lộ tới 20 tỉ của nữ đối tác.

Cả gia đình thoát nạn lở đất nhờ sơ tán kịp thời


Thanh Hóa - Một gia đình may mắn thoát nạn bởi mới di dời khỏi căn nhà được vài chục phút thì lở đất ập tới làm sập nhà.

Nhanh chóng khắc phục sự cố rò rỉ bờ đê sông Mã ở Thanh Hóa


Sau nỗ lực xuyên đêm, lực lượng chức năng tỉnh Thanh Hóa đã cơ bản khắc phục xong sự cố rò rỉ bờ đê sông Mã (đoạn qua xã Vĩnh An, huyện Vĩnh Lộc).

Loạt bất động sản khủng Trương Mỹ Lan dùng để khắc phục


TPHCM - Trương Mỹ Lan bày tỏ sự hối hận sâu sắc về hậu quả vụ án gây ra, khẳng định sẵn sàng dùng các siêu dự án để khắc phục hậu quả cho trái chủ.