Behind the mission of escorting a vehicle carrying a donor heart

Tô Thế |

The mission to escort a vehicle carrying a donated patient's heart from Saint Paul General Hospital to Noi Bai airport encountered many unplanned situations.

Information from Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital said that the "trans-Vietnam" heart transplant surgery was successful, the patient's health is stable and progressing well.

Achieving that result requires the efforts of staff, doctors, and medical experts at hospitals. In addition, the timely and professional support of the Hanoi Traffic Police Department has helped make the journey of bringing the "gift of kindness" to patients absolutely safe.

Unplanned situation

On the morning of August 24, 2024, the Hanoi Traffic Police Department received information from the Director of Saint Paul General Hospital about requesting the Traffic Police force to support and ensure safety for medical experts to transport a donated heart. . The transportation journey is from the hospital to Noi Bai airport. The heart then "flew" immediately to Ho Chi Minh City to be transplanted to the patient.

Immediately upon receiving the information, Colonel Tran Dinh Nghia - Head of the Traffic Police Department (Hanoi City Police) directly directed the Patrol Team to arrange 2 specialized cars and a crew to immediately take them to Green General Hospital. Pon for support.

At 10:00 a.m. on the same day, the team of the Traffic Police Department was present at Saint Paul General Hospital, coordinating with medical experts to prepare the best conditions in terms of people and vehicles to carry out the task. A test lead plan is also implemented to ensure accuracy.

The surgery was delayed compared to the planned time. Photo: Century
The surgery was delayed compared to the planned time. Photo: Century

However, the surgery then had to be postponed from the original plan so that experts and doctors could continue to consult.

Because the plan is constantly changing, it may be necessary to move at any time, depending on the patient's condition, so the staff in charge of leading and ensuring traffic on the team's route must be on duty at all times. in ready position. At 5:00 p.m. on the same day, a request arose to instruct experts to bring patient samples to the airport to check compatibility and prepare a treatment regimen; Then bring the expert back to the hospital to proceed with the steps to remove the organ...

"The Traffic Police Department decided to bring experts and medical samples to the airport in specialized vehicles of the Traffic Police to ensure the required time schedule. At the same time, local Traffic Police teams were requested to support and open road for vehicles to perform tasks.

After checking the patient sample, on the way back to the hospital, it rained heavily, the traffic situation suddenly became complicated, greatly affecting the operation of the vehicle transporting experts. However, with flexible management direction and smooth coordination between the crew and local units, the traffic police brought the expert back to the hospital safely and on schedule..." - Colonel Tran Dinh Meaning of sharing.

Overcome difficulties, complete missions

Each year, the Hanoi Traffic Police Department takes care of conducting and protecting the safety of an average of 900 large and small arrests. To carry out those tasks, it requires officers and soldiers to be carefully selected, regularly trained to use specialized means and equipment, and each plan must be developed. Detailed and meticulous construction, smooth rehearsal organization.

In particular, smooth and flexible coordination between Area Teams and related forces is extremely important. For this mission, even though there were sudden and unexpected situations, the crew still completed the mission well.

Accordingly, around 7:50 p.m. on August 24, about 15 minutes before the departure time, the field teams reported to the command center that many points were flooded due to heavy rain, making the convoy unsecured.

At this time, to ensure accurate lead times, the Department must make an important decision. That is to switch to a backup plan, mobilize the forces of road traffic police teams No. 1 and 15 to go to intersections on the backup route, open the road, and give priority to the convoy carrying experts and hearts to the airport.

Minute of silence for organ donation patients. Photo: Century
Minute of silence for organ donation patients. Photo: Century
The heart began to be transported under the escort of traffic police. Photo: Century
The heart began to be transported under the escort of traffic police. Photo: Century
When the group moved, it was raining heavily. Photo: Century
When the group moved, it was raining heavily. Photo: Century

"The traffic situation was constantly updated by the local teams, and the team leading the group was also very stressed. Fortunately, plans were made for situations that could arise, and the leading team completed the task well" - Colonel Tran Dinh Nghia shared.

As for the officers and soldiers on the team, this is a special, unforgettable mission, requiring experience, professionalism and bravery... All were relieved when the "gift of kindness" arrived. ” arrived at the airport safely, and was even more happy when that heart beat healthily again on the body of another patient.

Tô Thế

CSGT Hà Nội và nhiệm vụ đặc biệt - hộ tống "sự sống"

Tô Thế |

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Thùy Linh |

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Uống cà phê 5 ngày/tuần có thể ảnh hưởng đến tim mạch

Ngọc Linh (Nguồn: Medicalnewstoday) |

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Mưa ngập, hơn 11.000 học sinh vùng trũng ở Hà Tĩnh nghỉ học


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Khương Duy |

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Anh Vũ |

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