Pink water discharged from wood factory in Hoa Binh

Khánh Linh - Đặng Tình |

Hoa Binh - People in Mong Hoa commune, Hoa Binh city are worried because of the strange colored wastewater from the wood processing factory of Son Thuy Joint Stock Company.

Green, pink, black wastewater

Reporting to Lao Dong Newspaper, many households in Mong Hoa Commune, Hoa Binh City expressed their indignation and anxiety when the Wood Processing Factory of Son Thuy Joint Stock Company (Mong Hoa Commune) discharged strangely colored wastewater into the environment.

Arriving at the scene on the afternoon of October 18, the group of reporters directly witnessed the waste discharge situation of this factory.

Dong nuoc thai tu khu vuc cong giap ranh giua Cong ty Co phan Son Thuy va Cong ty TNHH MTV Tien Dat xa ra moi truong. Anh: Khanh Linh
Pink wastewater discharged into the environment. Photo: Khanh Linh

The waste dyed the canal pink and flowed straight into the fields and Bay Chau stream - where people in Ao Kenh and Dong Giang villages irrigate and cultivate.

Sharing with reporters, Mr. Nguyen Duc Theu - a resident of Mong Hoa commune - said: "The discharge has been going on for nearly a year now. Every early morning and afternoon or when it is about to rain, the factory starts discharging."

Dong nuoc thai nhuom hong ca con muong
The wastewater dyed the entire canal pink, flowing straight into the fields of Dong Giang village. Photo: Khanh Linh

According to Mr. Theu, since this company discharged waste, the fish caught from the fields and ditches are inedible because they smell too bad.

Similarly, Ms. Nguyen Thi My Hung's family is also miserable because of this company's waste discharge.

Ms. Hung shared: "Wastewater is usually green, pink, or black. Some days it smells, some days it doesn't, but it has foam. For a long time, we didn't dare drink well water and had to buy water from the stream in Dong Giang village."

Video PV recorded about waste discharge

According to Ms. Hung, due to polluted wastewater, even if rice can be grown here, people do not dare to eat it. All the harvested rice can only be used to feed poultry.

"Even without gloves and boots, we dare not go into the fields. We have petitioned the authorities many times, but the situation remains the same," said Ms. Hung.

Nguoi dan xa Mong Hoa xac dinh vi tri nguon nuoc thai chay ra. Anh: Khanh Linh
People of Mong Hoa commune identify the source of wastewater. Photo: Khanh Linh

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan - Head of Dong Giang village - said that half of the wastewater flows into the stream and the other half flows into the fields of Dong Giang village. People are extremely worried that this situation will seriously affect the water source, health and farming area.

Detecting a series of business violations

On October 21, speaking with reporters, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc - Chairman of Mong Hoa Commune People's Committee confirmed that the pink wastewater was discharged into the environment by Son Thuy Joint Stock Company.

"Immediately after receiving the news, the leaders of the Commune People's Committee were present with the police force to make a record and take water samples to send to superiors for appraisal," said Mr. Phuc.

Nuoc thai den ngom duoc nguoi dan ghi lai vao sang 18.11.2024. Anh: Khanh Linh
Black wastewater was recorded by residents on the morning of October 18, 2024. Photo: Khanh Linh

Regarding the people's complaints about pollution that were not handled or responded to, Mr. Phuc said that he did not know about this information before.

On the same day, a representative of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Hoa Binh City said that Hoa Binh City has just established a team to inspect the discharge of Son Thuy Joint Stock Company.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thuy - Director of the company said that the factory mainly produces wood presses, with a production capacity of 10,000m3/year. During the production process, no wastewater is generated. Wastewater is mainly generated from the daily activities of workers.

Nguoi dan buc xuc trao doi voi PV Bao Lao Dong. Anh: Khanh Linh
People indignantly talk to reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper. Photo: Khanh Linh

Regarding procedures and documents to meet environmental standards - at the time of inspection, the company had not yet presented a license to discharge wastewater into water sources; environmental quality monitoring results of the monitoring area of ​​the enterprise's forest product processing factory.

In particular, at the time of inspection, this company had not arranged a temporary storage area for hazardous waste and did not collect and store hazardous waste according to regulations.

According to research, Son Thuy Joint Stock Company (Mong Hoa commune, Hoa Binh city) specializes in producing formwork plywood, plywood, plywood... The factory area is nearly 16 hectares with 180 workers.

Khánh Linh - Đặng Tình

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Đặng Tình |

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