Removing obstacles in planning project suspended for more than 20 years in Quang Nam

Hoàng Bin |

Quang Nam - The Nui Thanh district government has requested the management agency to cancel the decision to reclaim land in a planning area that has been suspended for more than 20 years, causing people to suffer.

Many shortcomings in the suspended planning village

As Lao Dong has reported, for more than 20 years, the Ky Ha Port Administrative Area project, Nui Thanh (also known as the Free Trade Zone Phase 1) has been at a standstill, leaving nearly 30 households stuck in the project area, suffering from poor infrastructure conditions.

Hien trang xuong cap o Lang quy hoach treo
Current state of degradation at the suspended project of Ky Ha Port Administrative Area, Nui Thanh, Quang Nam. Photo: Hoang Bin

Mr. Le Tan Ngon and his wife (93 years old) have lived in a dilapidated house in Trung Toan village, Tam Quang commune, Nui Thanh district for nearly 40 years. Due to the planning of the Ky Ha Port Administrative Area project, the dilapidated house has only been repaired and not rebuilt. Many generations of the family have had to live together in the cramped, cracked house.

Responding to Lao Dong newspaper, Mr. Phan Vinh Tien - Chairman of Tam Quang Commune People's Committee admitted that the suspended planning has made people's lives extremely difficult, with a lack of traffic and electricity infrastructure due to lack of investment... Many families have large areas of land, many children living together in one house, their houses are increasingly degraded, forcing them to build houses (illegally - PV).

Co khoang 10 ngoi nha trai phep xay dung trong vung quy hoach treo o thon Trung Toan, Tam Quang, Nui Thanh. Anh: Hoang Bin
There are about 10 illegal houses built in the suspended planning area in Trung Toan village, Tam Quang, Nui Thanh. Photo: Hoang Bin

“Even though the government knows that the houses are not built according to the law, they still accept the construction so that people can have housing. The people also have a commitment that if the government implements the project in the future, they will not pay compensation, they still accept it,” said Mr. Tien.

Proposal to cancel the land acquisition decision

Regarding this project, on October 2, Mr. Le Van Sinh - Chairman of Nui Thanh District People's Committee said that he had sent a document requesting the Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee to consider canceling the land recovery decision because the project had not been implemented.

According to Nui Thanh district, in January 2008, the People's Committee of Quang Nam province issued a Decision to reclaim more than 262 hectares of land in Tam Quang and Tam Nghia communes of this district, to hand over the land to the Chu Lai Open Economic Zone Management Board (now the Management Board of Economic Zones and Industrial Parks of Quang Nam province) for management and use, to build the Free Trade Zone Phase 1 of the Duty Free Zone Phase 1.

Du an Khu hanh chinh cang Ky Ha trien khai nham nho. Trong anh: Ngoi nha bo hoang phe sau khi bi thu hoi dat. Anh: Hoang Bin
The Ky Ha Port Administrative Area project is being implemented in a haphazard manner. In the photo: An abandoned house after its land was confiscated. Photo: Hoang Bin

“In fact, it has been more than 16 years since the decision to reclaim the land was made, but the project has not been implemented. This has affected the lives and legitimate rights of the people, such as: not being granted a Certificate of Land Use Rights, dividing plots, changing purposes, transferring rights, mortgaging land use rights, building houses... causing resentment among the people.

In order to ensure local land management and avoid wasting land resources, Nui Thanh district has proposed that the province consider canceling the land recovery decision, in order to have a basis for infrastructure investment and ensure the legitimate rights of people in the area where the land recovery decision has been made," said Mr. Le Van Sinh.

The Ky Ha port administrative area project had a planning decision since 2003. Group 1, Trung Toan village has 50 affected households, 22 households have been relocated, currently 28 households are still stuck, due to the prolonged project - according to Mr. Phan Vinh Tien - Chairman of Tam Quang Commune People's Committee.

Hoàng Bin

Ngôi làng hơn 20 năm bị “bỏ quên” vì quy hoạch treo

Hoàng Bin |

Quảng Nam - Con đường đất bụi bặm, quanh co, dẫn vào khu nhà cấp 4 lụp sụp - là nơi cư ngụ của 28 hộ dân “bị bỏ quên” trong vùng quy hoạch treo suốt 20 năm qua.

Bất cập làm nhà trái phép trong vùng quy hoạch treo

Hoàng Bin |

Trong vùng quy hoạch treo hơn 20 năm của dự án khu hành chính cảng Kỳ Hà, Núi Thành, Quảng Nam, nhiều ngôi nhà kiên cố mọc lên, dù không được cấp phép.

Những người già cô đơn ở làng quy hoạch treo Quảng Nam

Hoàng Bin |

Hơn 20 năm sống trong điều kiện hạ tầng thiếu thốn, người trẻ lần lượt rời làng, khiến người cao tuổi ở làng quy hoạch treo Quảng Nam mang nỗi buồn đau đáu.

Bí thư huyện bức xúc về việc 300 sổ đỏ của dân bị thu hồi

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Về việc tham mưu UBND huyện thu hồi 300 sổ đỏ của người dân, Bí thư Huyện ủy Phù Mỹ cho rằng, đây là vấn đề gây bất ổn trong xã hội.

Khởi tố, bắt tạm giam người cha bạo hành con trai 6 tuổi

Tâm Tú |

Ngày 4.10, Công an Quận 8 (TPHCM) đã khởi tố vụ án, khởi tố bị can và lệnh bắt tạm giam người cha trong vụ bé trai 6 tuổi nghi bị bạo hành.

Xét tặng danh hiệu Anh hùng Lao động cho ông Mai Đức Chung


Bộ Nội vụ tiến hành lấy ý kiến nhân dân đề nghị tặng danh hiệu “Anh hùng Lao động” đối với ông Mai Đức Chung.

Dự báo vùng ảnh hưởng của cơn bão mới mạnh ngang Helene

Thanh Hà |

Tin bão mới nhất cho hay, bão Kirk mạnh lên thành bão cấp 4 ngày 3.10, trở thành bão mạnh thứ 3 trong mùa bão 2024 sau siêu bão Beryl và Helene.

Bất ngờ lý do không đội mũ bảo hiểm của nam sinh lớp 9

Tô Thế |

Khi bị lực lượng CSGT Hà Nội dừng xe kiểm tra vì không đội mũ bảo hiểm, nam sinh lớp 9 tỏ ra bất ngờ.

The village has been "forgotten" for more than 20 years due to suspended planning

Hoàng Bin |

Quang Nam - A dusty, winding dirt road leads to a dilapidated residential area - home to 28 "forgotten" households in a planning area that has been suspended for the past 20 years.

Illegal construction in suspended planning areas

Hoàng Bin |

In the planning area of ​​the Ky Ha port administrative area project, Nui Thanh, Quang Nam, which has been suspended for more than 20 years, many solid houses have sprung up, even though they were not licensed.

Lonely old people in the suspended planning village of Quang Nam

Hoàng Bin |

After more than 20 years of living in poor infrastructure conditions, young people have left the village one by one, causing the elderly in the suspended planning village of Quang Nam to carry a deep sadness.