Desolate car factory project in the poorest province in the country

Văn Tùng |

Despite an investment of 42 billion VND, the Tralas Automobile Factory (Bac Kan City) still cannot operate after nearly 20 years, falling into ruin and being converted into a peeling wood factory, wasting land and air resources. environmental contamination.

Waste of land resources

In 2006, Bac Kan province recovered nearly 7 hectares of farmland from people in Xuat Hoa commune (now Xuat Hoa ward, Bac Kan city) to allocate land to Tracimexco Automobile Production and Manufacturing Joint Stock Company (Tracimexco Company). Deploying the Tralas Automobile Factory project . By 2010, the factory was officially built but only a few years later it fell into disrepair.

As recorded by the reporter in mid-July 2024, inside the Tralas Automobile Factory area, there were no car production or assembly lines installed. Instead, now a wood processing factory has sprung up with a mess of peeled wood and a campus overgrown with grass.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Nau (Na Ban village, Xuat Hoa ward) said that when the auto factory started construction, local people were very happy because the project would create jobs and develop socio-economic development. However, people's expectations have never come true as the factory has been abandoned and inactive for many years. Households whose land was previously confiscated for projects also no longer have arable land, they have to struggle, find every way and every job to find a livelihood.

"Their business is no longer producing cars, but has converted to a business model, processing wooden chopsticks, which also contributes to creating jobs for local people, but the wages they pay are not high, so Some people work for a while then leave to find another job" - Ms. Nau said.

Similarly, Mr. Nguyen Quang Huy (Bac Kan City) said that the reason the Tralas Automobile Factory could not operate was because at the time of implementation, the labor market in Bac Kan province was still small (population less than 300,000). people), lack of transportation infrastructure, so the implementation and operation of car production was not feasible at that time.

"Making a large investment to build a factory that cannot be put into operation, or even abandoned for a long time, is very wasteful. I hope the authorities of Bac Kan province will soon have a plan to remove or replace another project to put it into operation. into operation, helping the local economic development" - Mr. Huy said.

There is no definitive solution yet

According to research, Tracimexco Company was granted an Investment Certificate by the People's Committee of Bac Kan province on June 14, 2010 to implement a factory project, producing and assembling cars with a capacity of 6,000 trucks/year with a total investment capital then of about 42 billion VND. This used to be one of the province's key projects with the aspiration of becoming the leading automobile factory in the region.

According to document No. 246 dated August 21, 2018 of the Department of Planning and Investment of Bac Kan province, Tralas Automobile Factory has ceased operations since 2016 and currently the enterprise is implementing a forest product processing project (production wooden chopsticks for export) in the area inside the factory.

On July 14, informing reporters, Mr. Vy Cong Suat said that the abandoned Tralas Automobile Factory has been going on for a long time and currently this area is being used for wood processing.

"Currently there is no information about the Tralas Automobile Factory continuing to operate again. Meanwhile, the locality has recorded many opinions about environmental pollution caused by the wood factory" - Mr. Information capacity.

Previously, the People's Committee of Bac Kan City held a meeting with departments and branches of the province to discuss handling violations as well as the issue of Tralas Automobile Manufacturing Factory of Tracimexco Company. However, up to now there is still no solution to completely handle the ineffective operation and even abandonment of this unit for many years.

Văn Tùng

Cần thêm chính sách phát triển ngành sản xuất ôtô trong nước


Từ ngày 13 - 16.6, tại Trung tâm Triển lãm Quốc tế ICE, 91 Trần Hưng Đạo, quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Triển lãm quốc tế lần thứ 17 về Phương tiện Giao thông, vận tải và Công nghiệp hỗ trợ - Vietnam AutoExpo 2024 sẽ khai mạc. Đây là cơ hội để các nhà quản lý, lắp ráp và sản xuất ôtô trong nước tìm hiểu, gặp gỡ cũng như cùng nhau đưa ra giải pháp thúc đẩy công nghiệp ôtô Việt Nam.

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Cần thêm chính sách phát triển ngành sản xuất ôtô trong nước


Từ ngày 13 - 16.6, tại Trung tâm Triển lãm Quốc tế ICE, 91 Trần Hưng Đạo, quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Triển lãm quốc tế lần thứ 17 về Phương tiện Giao thông, vận tải và Công nghiệp hỗ trợ - Vietnam AutoExpo 2024 sẽ khai mạc. Đây là cơ hội để các nhà quản lý, lắp ráp và sản xuất ôtô trong nước tìm hiểu, gặp gỡ cũng như cùng nhau đưa ra giải pháp thúc đẩy công nghiệp ôtô Việt Nam.

Có doanh nghiệp sản xuất ôtô đứng trước sự sống còn

Anh Tuấn |

Do mức tồn kho ôtô tăng 347% so với cùng kì năm 2022, tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc và Hiệp hội các nhà sản xuất ôtô Việt Nam (VAMA) vừa kiến nghị tiếp tục giảm 50% lệ phí trước bạ với ôtô sản xuất trong nước để kích cầu tiêu dùng.

Giải pháp kịp thời nhằm hỗ trợ sản xuất ôtô trong nước

M.B |

Để kịp thời hỗ trợ các doanh nghiệp sản xuất, lắp ráp ôtô trong nước theo Nghị quyết số 11/NQ-CP, Chính phủ vừa ban hành Nghị định 32/2022/NĐ-CP gia hạn thời hạn nộp thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt đối với ôtô sản xuất, lắp ráp trong nước năm 2022 theo theo trình tự, thủ tục rút gọn.