Vietnam Association of Youth with Disabilities has the first President

Thu Giang |

Mr. Pham Van Thanh was elected as Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Youth with Disabilities, Term I.

On October 7, at the Vietnam Youth Academy (Hanoi), the first Congress of the Vietnam Association of Youth with Disabilities for the 2024-2029 term took place with the participation of 133 delegates representing more than 2 million disabled youth nationwide.

According to the report of the Steering Committee for the establishment of the Vietnam Disabled Youth Association, currently 13/63 provinces and cities have established provincial-level associations, clubs, and branches of disabled youth, which are collective members of the Vietnam Youth Union in the localities, with 208,581 disabled youth currently active.

The Congress consulted and elected the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Disabled Youth Association, Term I, consisting of 44 members; consulted and elected 5 members to participate in the Association's Inspection Committee.

Bi thu Thuong truc Trung uong Doan, Chu tich Trung uong Hoi Lien hiep thanh nien Viet Nam Nguyen Ngoc Luong phat bieu tai Dai hoi. Anh: Hai Dang
Standing Secretary of the Central Youth Union, President of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Youth Union Nguyen Ngoc Luong speaks at the Congress. Photo: Hai Dang

Speaking at the Congress, Standing Secretary of the Central Youth Union, President of the Central Vietnam Youth Union Nguyen Ngoc Luong said that the Party, State, Central Youth Union, and Central Vietnam Youth Union always identify disabled youth as a very important part of Vietnamese youth.

In many specific policies and action plans, the Central Youth Union and the Central Vietnam Youth Union have always given the best possible conditions to disabled youth.

Mr. Pham Van Thanh was elected as the first President of the Vietnam Association of Youth with Disabilities. Photo: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Luong also expressed his hope that after the congress, the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Disabled Youth Association should urgently issue a working program for the term, continue to strengthen the Association's organization and attract, unite and gather members.

Besides, it is necessary to strengthen coordination with relevant agencies in the Vietnam Youth Union to connect and mobilize resources from international organizations...

The first meeting of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Association of Youth with Disabilities, term I, 2024-2029, consulted and elected 14 personnel to join the Standing Committee of the Association, term I.

Accordingly, Mr. Pham Van Thanh (born in 1983, Hanoi) was elected as Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Disabled Youth, Term I; and 4 Vice Chairmen of the Vietnam Association of Disabled Youth, Term I were elected.

In his acceptance speech, Chairman of the Vietnam Disabled Youth Association, Term I, Pham Van Thanh affirmed that with a sense of responsibility, solidarity and high determination, the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Disabled Youth Association will work with disabled youth to build a better future, contributing to the overall development of the country.

Thereby, we unite and are determined to excellently complete the goals, directions and tasks set out by the congress, based on the slogan of action "Vietnamese Youth with Disabilities - Unite to rise up - Affirm our determination - Confidently step forward - Conquer the future".

Thu Giang

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