Don't let capital soak in, speed up disbursement of public investment

Phạm Đông |

Through the first half of 2024, public investment capital disbursement reached 29.39%, lower than the same period last year. Many drastic solutions have been and are being directed by the Government and the Prime Minister to prevent public investment capital from being soaked, while focusing on speeding up the implementation of projects, effectively serving development. Socioeconomic.

Drastically accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital

On July 16, the Government Standing Committee chaired a national online conference with ministries, central agencies, localities, State corporations and corporations assigned the State budget capital investment plan in 2024 to Evaluate the implementation of the public investment plan in the first 6 months of the year and implement tasks and solutions to promote disbursement of public investment capital in the last 6 months of 2024. This event is expected to further promote the speed of public investment. Disbursement of public investment capital in 2024, in addition to the drastic direction from the Government and Prime Minister in recent times, aims to promote the role of activating, creating new development space, and leading social resources. investment for development.

Previously, the Prime Minister requested to drastically promote further disbursement of public investment capital, continuing to promote the activities of the Prime Minister's 5 Working Groups and 26 Working Groups of Government members. Resolutely transfer 29.9 trillion VND of public investment capital that has not been allocated in detail; remove difficulties in disbursement of ODA capital; strive to disburse over 95% of the assigned plan.

Regarding the shortage of ground leveling materials affecting the progress of disbursement of public investment capital, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh directed "must be handled quickly, not to let the problem of sand and gravel get entangled." , and resolutely said, "only work, no backtracking" to promote public investment disbursement.

Just a few days after the Prime Minister's drastic direction, a working group of the Prime Minister arrived in the Mekong Delta. Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha also chaired a conference to resolve problems with leveling materials for key traffic projects in the southern region. The positive news is that at this conference, leaders of many localities committed to removing bottlenecks regarding leveling materials.

Most recently, on the morning of July 13, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh inspected the implementation of the Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang expressway, which is more than 188 km long in the provinces of Can Tho and Hau Giang.

The pressure to disburse public investment capital increases in the last months of 2024. Photo: Pham Dong
The pressure to disburse public investment capital increases in the last months of 2024. Photo: Pham Dong

Strictly handle slow disbursement of public investment capital

According to Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong, the most important solution is the self-awareness and determination of organizational units, ministries, branches and localities in organizing and implementing the competition. construction works. Along with that is a solution for smooth coordination between agencies, central and local levels in handling situations.

"The most important thing is to be quick so that localities can make the public investment process uninterrupted," Deputy Minister Tran Quoc Phuong emphasized.

National Assembly delegate Nguyen Thi Viet Nga (Hai Duong Delegation) emphasized that in the last months of 2024, in addition to strengthening discipline in disbursement of public investment capital, localities need to strictly handle illegal organizations. Officials and individuals intentionally cause difficulties, slow down the progress of capital delivery and slow disbursement of public investment capital.

It is necessary to resolutely transfer capital from projects without volume to projects with volume, and be ready to stop construction for contractors who do not ensure capacity. In particular, we must be determined not to soak public investment capital, especially capital for key projects, regional linkage projects and national target programs.

By June 30, 2024, disbursement of convention investment capital reached 196,700 billion VND, completing 29.39% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister, lower than 30.49% of the same period last year. Not only is the ratio lower, but the absolute amount of disbursed capital is also lower.
In 6 months, the disbursement rate of localities only reached 28.77%, while in the same period in 2023 it was 32.76%. In particular, some ministries and localities have planned capital for 2024 accounting for a large proportion of the total planned capital for 2024 of the country but disbursement is low such as: Ho Chi Minh City (allocated 79,263.776 billion VND, disbursement reached 13 .88%); Hung Yen (allocated 19,921.061 billion VND, disbursement reached 14.49%); Bac Ninh (allocated 8,558.869 billion VND, disbursement reached 12.58%); Quang Ngai (allocated 6,902.869 billion VND, disbursement reached 17.1%); Hai Duong (allocated 6,831.695 billion VND, disbursement reached 12.54%).

Transfer of staff causes congestion in the disbursement of public investment capital.
For ministries, branches and localities with a disbursement rate of public investment capital below the national average, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) recommends Resolutely recommend transferring officers who are afraid of making mistakes.

To be able to complete the disbursement target of over 95% of the 2024 State budget capital investment plan assigned by the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Planning and Investment requests ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, and agencies under the Government , other central agencies, Presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities establish steering committees and working groups to remove difficulties and obstacles, promote disbursement of state budget investment plans .

Develop disbursement plans monthly and quarterly for each task and project; Assign leaders to be responsible for monitoring the implementation progress and disbursement of each task and project according to the set plan, urging and promptly removing difficulties for each project; The disbursement results of each task and project assigned to monitor are the basis for evaluating and evaluating the emulation of all levels and branches and the level of task completion in 2024 by the leader. Strengthen the removal of difficulties and obstacles related to the exploitation and supply of construction materials.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment also requests ministries, branches and localities to carry out investment capital payment procedures within 5 working days from the date of acceptance of the volume according to regulations, not to accumulate payments at the end of the year; Urgently complete procedures for approving settlement and disbursement of capital for projects that have been completed and put into use.

Notably, with 33 ministries, central agencies and 29 localities having a disbursement rate of public investment capital below the national average, the Ministry of Planning and Investment requests ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and agencies to under the Government and other central agencies, the Chairmen of the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally run cities focus on drastically directing their affiliated units to implement stronger and more drastic solutions to overcome difficulties. difficulties and obstacles, speeding up the disbursement of capital for projects; Resolutely carry out the transfer of officials for those officials who are afraid of mistakes and responsibility, causing congestion in the disbursement of public investment capital. Cam Ha

Phạm Đông

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