First time establishing a free transportation bridge for flood relief goods

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First time establishing a free transportation bridge for flood relief goods.

Transport businesses registering to participate in the program, providing free cargo vehicles, please contact BTC phone number 0912.000416.

Individuals and organizations needing free transportation, please contact hotline: 0901.514.799 and 0914.799.709

Doan vien thanh nien cua Bao Giao thong va Hiep hoi Van tai o to Viet Nam tham gia boc xep hang len cac chuyen xe mien phi cho hang toi Yen Bai
Youth Union members of Giao thong Newspaper and Vietnam Automobile Transport Association participate in loading goods onto free trucks to transport goods to Yen Bai. Photo: Giao thong Newspaper

Program rules:

- The sender signs a commitment to take legal responsibility for the quality and origin of the relief goods.

- Only accept orders for one trip of 3.5 tons, 5 tons, 7 tons.

- The person with the goods to be transported provides: Loading time, quantity, type of goods, weight, pick-up location, drop-off location, deliverer, recipient.

- The person with the goods needs to arrange for people to load the goods onto the vehicle, unload the goods from the vehicle, and send someone to go with the transport vehicle.

- The Organizing Committee will respond to the provision of transportation vehicles within 3 hours of receiving the information. For requests after 5:00 p.m., the Organizing Committee will notify the time of provision of transportation vehicles the next morning.

- Only deliver to locations with the consent or supervision of agencies and organizations such as People's Committees at all levels, Fatherland Front, Red Cross, schools, border guards, etc.

Lanh dao Hiep hoi Van tai o to VN va Bao Giao thong ky thu keu goi ung ho Chuong trinh va truc tiep dieu phoi cong viec ngay tai cac diem cau trong ngay dau trien khai diem cau. Anh: Bao Giao thong
Leaders of the Vietnam Automobile Transport Association and Giao Thong Newspaper signed a letter calling for support for the Program and directly coordinated work at the bridge points on the first day of the bridge point implementation. Photo: Giao Thong Newspaper

People with cars connect with people with goods

Sharing about the program, Editor-in-Chief of Giao Thong Newspaper Nguyen Thi Hong Nga said that although the operations of transport enterprises are facing many difficulties due to the impact of floods. However, as soon as Giao Thong Newspaper proposed to establish a bridge to transport relief goods, Mr. Nguyen Van Quyen - Chairman of Vietnam Automobile Transport Association and many transport enterprises enthusiastically responded.

From today, organizations and individuals with relief goods for flood victims but without vehicles to transport them can contact the program to be provided with free transport.

The program will receive orders weighing 3.5 - 5 - 7 tons at points in Hanoi and transport them to areas affected by storms and floods.

- Encourage the transportation of essential goods such as life jackets, clean water, food, medicine, etc. to isolated areas with no electricity or water. When the water recedes, encourage the transportation of goods to help people rebuild their lives such as blankets, household items, school supplies, cash, etc. The transportation is expected to be deployed within 30 days.

- The program only accepts free relief goods distributed to people through organizations and units such as the Red Cross, local Fatherland Front, People's Committees at all levels, schools, border guards, etc.

Mr. Nguyen Cong Hung - Vice President of Vietnam Automobile Transport Association said that he has done many charity and flood relief activities but has never established a meaningful and long-term program like the goal set this time.

When people are in trouble, those working in transportation want to join hands to contribute with their own strengths and fields of operation. This is a very meaningful thing to do, Mr. Hung shared.

Lanh dao Hiep hoi Van tai o to VN va Bao Giao thong tai diem cau van chuyen mien phi hang cuu tro ba con vung bao lu. Anh: Bao Giao thong
Leaders of the Vietnam Automobile Transport Association and Giao thong Newspaper at the free transportation point for relief goods for people in flood-hit areas. Photo: Giao thong Newspaper

As soon as receiving the request to participate in the relief goods transportation bridge, a number of transport units in the Association immediately responded to the call, arranged vehicles, and registered to carry out 0 VND trips.

The first 7 free transportation trips arrived in Cao Bang, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Bac Giang, Phu Tho on September 12-13, carried out by ALPHAT Vietnam Co., Ltd. and DELTA International Joint Stock Company...

Fast delivery platform Lalamove has also donated VND50 million to the delivery package program.

Mr. Hung hopes that the program will continue to receive more support from transportation businesses and help relief goods reach people in flood-affected areas faster and more.

Bao Giao thong phat dong quyen gop ung ho ba con vung bao lu. Anh: Bao Giao thong
Giao thong Newspaper launched a fundraising campaign to support people in flood-hit areas. Photo: Giao thong Newspaper

Before announcing the construction of the transport bridge, responding to the call of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Ministry of Transport, and the Vietnam Journalists Association, on September 12, editors, reporters, and employees of Giao Thong Newspaper donated 100 million VND to help people facing difficulties due to rain and floods, and soon stabilize their lives.

In the coming days, Giao Thong Newspaper will, on behalf of sponsors, organize relief shipments and provide cash directly to people in difficulty in some localities where landslides have buried houses such as Yen Bai, Cao Bang...

phóng viên

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