The “universal charging station” model will be a strong lever for the green transition in Vietnam

Thu Hương |

The franchise charging station model with strong benefits for V-GREEN partners is considered unprecedented in Vietnam. This will be a strong push for the electric vehicle charging station system to flourish in the coming time and further accelerate the green transition in Vietnam.

Unique model with safe business opportunity

On September 4, V-GREEN Global Charging Station Development Joint Stock Company officially announced the launch of the franchise charging station model in Vietnam. With this model, in addition to the charging stations invested and built by V-GREEN, there will be more partners participating in the above cycle and sharing profits with V-GREEN. V-GREEN's partners include a variety of subjects, from parking lots, gas stations, supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, hotels... to households with enough space to "plug in" charging stations.

In fact, in other industries, the franchise business model is not too strange. However, the special feature that makes V-GREEN's way of doing things "take over the airwaves" as soon as it is announced is the privileges that V-GREEN gives to franchise partners.

Accordingly, the owners of premises investing in V-GREEN franchise charging stations will share a fixed revenue of 750 VND/kWh of electricity. The company also supports partners in all operational management technology, revenue and expenditure management, maintenance, and marketing to attract customers to the charging station throughout the cooperation process.

In particular, V-GREEN also commits to accompany for at least 10 years. If the commitment is terminated before the deadline, V-GREEN will compensate the charging station owners.

Evaluating the above model, economic data analyst Nguyen Thanh Nhan said that V-GREEN is posing a very good business problem for franchise partners. According to him, the revenue sharing level above is very beneficial for partners. “Each time charging, depending on the type of vehicle, franchise charging station owners can collect 15,000-90,000 VND. If a minimum of 3-4 charging times per day is calculated, the revenue in a month can be up to 11 million VND. The actual revenue can be many times higher than the current number of electric vehicles,” said Mr. Nhan.

In particular, the commitment to accompany for up to 10 years is very rare in franchise models, especially with compensation clauses if the business stops before the deadline, according to him.

According to Mr. Nhan, normally, in addition to the initial investment, franchise partners have to spend billions more to get the right to do business. Meanwhile, with V-GREEN's franchise model, partners, who can be families or businesses, will have a lighter initial burden, no franchise fee, and both have income from their current business (restaurants, eateries, supermarkets, etc.), and have additional revenue from charging stations while still being guaranteed safety for a long time.

“In essence, V-GREEN's model is a way for businesses to use their own resources to support franchise partners with the goal of developing a charging station system in Vietnam,” Mr. Nhan assessed.

Powerful lever for green transformation

With the above advantages, Mr. Nhan believes that the newly announced model of V-GREEN will create a large enough leverage to create changes for the charging station infrastructure in Vietnam in the coming time. "The franchise business model in the restaurant and eatery system in Vietnam is developing very quickly. With V-GREEN's strong investment, I believe that the charging station system will have an even faster coverage speed" - the expert said.

Agreeing with this view, economist, Associate Professor, Dr. Dinh Trong Thinh said that the V-GREEN model is “a target that hits many targets”. This is a way to both create additional income for many families and businesses operating in other fields, and create opportunities for these same groups to actively participate in a meaningful green transformation.

“Not only do people who switch to green vehicles feel they are making meaningful contributions to the environment and the green transition, but service providers are also more motivated to contribute to this process,” the expert said.

Associate Professor, Dr. Dinh Trong Thinh also commented that, on the contrary, when the charging station system is more widespread, people will have an easier time transitioning to green.

Looking more broadly at a series of Vingroup's recent actions, from launching the campaign "Fierce Vietnamese Spirit - For a Green Future" with many policies to support users such as free charging, parking... along with special preferential policies, the expert said that Vingroup is mobilizing all resources to do exactly what this business is aiming for.

“Vingroup is proving that “for a green future” is not just a call but is being strongly realized by the pioneering spirit of the enterprise itself,” the expert assessed.

Thu Hương

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