The people of Rolling Stone village in Lao Cai are excited about having a new place to live

Đinh Đại |

People in Va Thang village, Tung Chung Pho commune (Muong Khuong district), where the phenomenon of rolling stones often occurs, are happy and excited to have a new place to live.

Danger lurks

Va Thang village, Tung Chung Pho commune is located in the basin area, where the rolling stone phenomenon has occurred for more than 10 years.

According to local people, almost every year there are a few incidents of rocks rolling from above to the residential area below, posing unpredictable dangers. There are boulders rolling close to the living areas of some households.

In 2023, being approved by the province for an investment project to arrange population out of dangerous natural disaster areas, landslides, and rolling rocks is a long-standing joy and dream of the people in Va Thang village. .

People in Va Thang village, Tung Chung Pho commune (Muong Khuong district, Lao Cai), live in constant fear of rolling stones. Photo: Dinh Dai
People in Va Thang village, Tung Chung Pho commune (Muong Khuong district, Lao Cai), live in constant fear of rolling stones. Photo: Dinh Dai

Ms. Thao Seo Du (residing in Va Thang village) said: "Every year in this village, rocks roll down from high hills. Although no one has been injured, people always have to live in insecurity and worry. Especially every time floods occur. Therefore, people hope to move to another area."

According to Ms. Du, after many years of anticipation, now that the government cares, invests, and arranges for people to move to a new location, everyone is extremely excited.

People are waiting for a new place to live

Mr. Thao Chinh Diu (residing in Tung Chung Pho commune) excitedly shared: "Dozens of households here are just waiting for the project to be completed so they can relocate. Facilitated by the government, people hope to settle down soon. Although rolling rocks have not caused any damage to people, they make people feel uneasy because rocks can fall into houses at any time."

At the foot of the hill is where dozens of households live. Photo: Dinh Dai
At the foot of the hill is where dozens of households live. Photo: Dinh Dai

On the afternoon of August 25, talking with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Hang Seo Sung - Chairman of Tung Chung Pho Commune People's Committee - said that the immigration project was implemented in December 2023 in accordance with the wishes and expectations of the people. According to the plan, the commune arranges a land fund for people to move to a new, safe location, about 3km from their old residence on an area of ​​nearly 3 hectares.

Up to now, the project has completed compensation and site clearance for the contractor to carry out construction. The households in the village all agree with moving to a new place and hope to move as soon as possible.

“The whole village has 53 households. In 2021, 12 households have been transferred, currently there are 41 households still living in the village. Ground leveling is being implemented by the construction unit and will be completed by the end of this year," Chairman of the Commune People's Committee Tung Chung Pho added.

It is known that this phenomenon of rocks rolling from hills and mountains is completely natural, and happened more than ten years ago. Photo: Dinh Dai
This phenomenon of rocks rolling from hills and mountains is completely natural, and has been happening since 2012. Photo: Dinh Dai

According to the reporter's research, in May 2023, the People's Committee of Lao Cai province approved a project to arrange population out of dangerous natural disaster areas of landslides and rolling stones for about 50 households in Va Thang village with a total investment. investment 20 billion VND; Assign the Construction Investment Project Management Board of Muong Khuong district to be the investor.

The project will be implemented from November 2023, completion time is 360 days.

The unit in charge of construction is Son Dong Construction Private Enterprise Joint Venture - Lao Cai Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company.

Đinh Đại

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