Young people find their roots, the starting place of Lao Dong Newspaper

Minh Ánh |

Starting from the introduction of my seniors in the editorial office, I learned about the history of the 95-year-old newspaper - where I am working. The deeper I dig into the flow of history, the more proud I am to be a reporter for a newspaper called Lao Dong - the voice of the working class .

Find the first milestone

Because I love History, I always want to tinker and meticulously learn the memories of the day Lao Dong Newspaper was born. I found the house number 15 Hang Non after hearing the passionate and proud stories of my previous colleagues, about a newspaper printed in clay copies, on Da Cau paper with one side rough and the other smooth, large. 22x30cm, named Lao Dong Newspaper.

As is my habit, every time I celebrate the publication date of the first issue, I still visit this place and every time I am as moved as the first time. My head is filled with words.

If last year, I used my fledgling journalism skills to find living witnesses who still remember the old appearance of house number 15, then this year, I just stood still and looked at the house that has entered the memories of so many people. generation. Thanks to gathering many fragments of memories from books, newspapers, and previous generations, when I stood silently looking at the house, I immediately had the idea of ​​writing continuously from my imagination.

In the past, it was here that an important conference took place, which later became a historical event: the Conference to establish the General Red Congress of Tonkin , with the participation of 7 delegates, led by comrade Nguyen. Duc Canh presided. And also at the conference, comrade Nguyen Duc Canh was elected interim President and decided to launch a newspaper called Lao Dong Newspaper.

Later, the newspaper's location was a small house in Thong Phong alley, at the beginning of Hang Bot street (now Ton Duc Thang street). The house turns its back to Ho Giam Lake, across the lake is adjacent to the garden with a path to the large gate of the Temple of Literature.

In the book 90-year history of Lao Dong Newspaper, the authors write, through the words of Mr. Tran Hong Van - one of the first journalists at that time, "No. 1 of Lao Dong Newspaper appeared on August 14, 1929, exactly half a month later. conference to establish the General Red Congress of Tonkin".

Recalling the historical documents I had read, plus having vivid images before my eyes, I silently compared the day my grandparents made the first issue of the newspaper with the way we write newspapers now.

At that time, journalism was simple but also very complicated. Where is the paper bought and hidden, then the tray, the clay, the drying place, the writing place, the presentation place...

Today, fortunately, when the country is peaceful and developed, we are able to use the most modern means, then the editorial office is constantly converting digitally, we are provided with the smartest, most developed CMS software. Developed by the editorial staff and information technology engineers. Writing news and articles is not too difficult, sometimes I even feel leisurely, because wherever we go, when we introduce ourselves as reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper, we are also coordinated by the units to provide information smoothly and quickly. quickly.

On July 22, a working group of Lao Dong Newspaper returned to Thai Binh to offer incense to commemorate leader Nguyen Duc Canh. Even though I have read a lot of documents about the enthusiastic, intelligent, and multi-talented young man Nguyen Duc Canh, I still tear up when I see the relics at the Nguyen Duc Canh memorial site, read the articles, and the pens. The sharp battle of the first Editor-in-Chief of Lao Dong Newspaper.

For 95 years, the newspaper's position has been growing stronger and stronger. The contributions of our fathers and brothers' generation is something that we, the younger generation, are always grateful for.

Memories of a person who is passionate about Lao Dong newspaper

While engrossed in painting the historical scene in my mind, I suddenly remembered that there was another place I wanted to visit on this occasion: house number 51 Hang Bo. The July rain poured down from night to night, causing some areas of stagnant water to appear in Hanoi's Old Quarter. I walked through Hang Thiec street and turned right onto Hang Bo street. My sneakers were soaked in water but I didn't care, because I was eager to meet someone I just thought of.

The sign is mounted at house number 15 Hang Non. Photo: MINH ANH
The sign is mounted at house number 15 Hang Non. Photo: MINH ANH

Arriving at house number 51, I immediately saw a familiar figure attentively looking at the paper bulletin board at the headquarters door.

"Mr. Bao", I often call Mr. Quoc Bao (74 years old - manager of a recent temple) like that and then call him my nephew. I know Mr. Bao and once wrote about the story of reading the newspaper at 51 Hang Bo. He maintains the habit of reading newspapers here every day.

Mr. Bao was also a worker, and after retiring, he joined the neighborhood protection force. Reading the newspaper every day for him is a way to maintain sanity every day. Mr. Bao was happy to see me, quietly asking me where I had been in the rain and wind, because he knew I worked at the newspaper's headquarters at 6 Pham Van Bach, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

I still remember every story he told about Hang Bo Street and Lao Dong Newspaper in the past, but when he met a reporter "curious to hear the story" like me, Mr. Bao recounted the days when the house at 51 Hang Bo was crowded with people. People come in to read newspapers and buy newspapers.

Back then, early in the morning, retail agents gathered at the door of the headquarters at 51 Hang Bo to pick up newspapers. From the circulation staff to the security guard, everyone diligently brushed the newspaper onto the floor, smeared it with glue to stick it on the bulletin board.

It's like squeezing a picture, every day, thousands of people in front of the newspaper's headquarters, readers from old to young, everyone waits to read the news and articles of Lao Dong Newspaper. There are hot news, private news of the newspaper, people gather in groups of five or three to read diligently, competing for space to read the newspaper.

I had heard this story from a senior at the newspaper, but when I heard Mr. Bao tell it, I was still happy and proud. Even if I have to listen to it hundreds or thousands of times, I still want to hear it. The 95-year historical journey of Lao Dong Newspaper moving up with the country with many special milestones has fascinated me. Learning about that journey makes me even more proud to be a reporter for Lao Dong Newspaper.

Minh Ánh

Chúng tôi đã trưởng thành từ Báo Lao Động

linh giang |

Năm 2012, tôi ra trường, bước chân vào nghề báo, chứng kiến những năm đầu của giai đoạn khó khăn của các tòa soạn báo. Nhưng ở Báo Lao Động, càng khó khăn càng thấy nhiều nỗ lực. Chúng tôi - những nhà báo trẻ đã và đang trưởng thành trong một môi trường làm báo chuyên nghiệp, mạnh mẽ như vậy.

Sức hút của Báo Lao Động với người trẻ

Nhóm PV |

Thông tin nhanh, đa chiều, cách thể hiện sáng tạo và có nhiều tính mới là những điều Báo Lao Động thu hút giới trẻ.

Những người thợ cống hiến cả thanh xuân để in Báo Lao Động

Việt Anh - Hoàng Xuyến |

Ở xưởng in của Công ty Cổ phần In Công đoàn Việt Nam có những người thợ in đã cống hiến cả thanh xuân, gắn bó với những số báo in của Báo Lao Động.

Bắt nguyên Trưởng phòng Tài nguyên và Môi trường huyện Bảo Lâm


Cơ quan chức năng vừa bắt nguyên Trưởng phòng và một cán bộ Phòng Tài nguyên và Môi trường huyện Bảo Lâm (Lâm Đồng) để phục vụ công tác điều tra.

Bão số 3 Yagi - cơn bão khác thường mạnh nhất châu Á năm nay

Thanh Hà |

Bão Yagi gây ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến nhiều quốc gia, bao gồm Philippines, Trung Quốc, Lào, Myanmar và Thái Lan, Việt Nam.

Một học sinh lớp 2 bị xe ôtô cán tử vong trong sân trường


Đắk Lắk - Một phụ huynh lái xe ôtô bán tải đã vô tình cán tử vong một nữ học sinh lớp 2 ngay trong sân trường.

Đắk Nông điều động, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt


Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đắk Nông vừa quyết định điều động, phân công, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt.

Hà Nội còn hơn 30.000 người phải sơ tán tránh ngập lụt


Trên địa bàn TP Hà Nội còn khoảng 30.536 người phải sơ tán tránh ngập lụt, chưa trở về nơi ở cũ.