Ninh Bình issues resolution to build 26 police station houses for communes


The Provincial People's Council of Ninh Bình has recently issued a resolution to construct 26 additional rural police stations on the province's territory.

According to that, the Provincial People's Council of Ninh Binh Province has approved the investment plan for the project of Building the Police Station of 26 remaining communes under the Scheme "Ensuring the Basis and Material for the Police of Communes in Official Uniform in Ninh Binh Province" (the first batch is 16 communes) managed by the Provincial Police of Ninh Binh.

Specifically, the Scheme "Ensuring the Basis and Material for the Police of Communes in Official Uniform in Ninh Binh Province" has been concretized and approved by the People's Committee of Ninh Binh Province at Decision No. 308/QĐ-UBND dated March 31, 2022, in order to ensure the conditions of the basis and material to serve the work and combat of the police force of communes, to meet the requirements of gradually building a regular, elite, and modern People's Public Security Force, contributing to maintaining national security, social order and safety, and developing the local economy.

Phase 1, implementing the construction of 16 police stations, each station is expected to have a scale of one two-story working house; a dining room and kitchen. Constructing and completing essential auxiliary items to ensure operation such as: leveling the ground, parking lot, drainage ditch, concrete yard, water tank, fire-fighting equipment, and other necessary auxiliary items.

The project is classified as Group B, with a total investment of 1.8 trillion VND, from the provincial budget in the medium-term public investment plan for the period 2021-2025 and the medium-term public investment plan for the period 2026-2030.

The implementation locations of the projects are at Gia Hưng, Gia Tân, Gia Thanh, Gia Trấn, Gia Phong communes (belonging to Gia Viễn District); Lạc Vân, Đồng Phong, Gia Lâm, Phú Lộc communes (belonging to Nho Quan District); Chất Bình, Kim Đông, Hồi Ninh communes (belonging to Kim Sơn District); Khánh Hội commune (belonging to Yên Khánh District); Khánh Dương, Yên Hòa, Yên Phong communes (belonging to Yên Mô District).

The implementation time of the projects is from 2024 to 2027.


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