Flood water on Buoi River is gradually receding, many houses are less flooded


Due to the impact of storm No. 3, hundreds of houses in Thanh Hoa were damaged, flooded, and floodwaters also killed 1 person and injured 2 others.

According to the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue and Civil Defense of Thanh Hoa province, as of the afternoon of September 13, due to the impact of storm No. 3 and floods, nearly 300 houses were damaged and nearly 400 houses were flooded. In particular, 1 person died and 2 people were injured.

Mua lu khien nuoc song Buoi (o huyen Thach Thanh, tinh Thanh Hoa) dang cao lam hang tram can nha bi ngap sau. Anh: Quach Du
Heavy rains and floods caused the Buoi River (in Thach Thanh district, Thanh Hoa province) to rise, inundating hundreds of houses. Photo: Quach Du

Floods also caused severe damage to thousands of hectares of rice and crops; hundreds of hectares of aquaculture areas; many national highways, provincial roads, and construction works were eroded and cracked.

Notably, in Thach Thanh district, due to rising flood waters of the Buoi River, nearly 400 houses were flooded, affecting and making people's lives difficult.

According to information from the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue and Civil Defense of Thach Thanh district, after reaching its peak at 5:00 p.m. on September 13 (11.86 m - 0.14 m below alert level III), the flood on the Buoi River is receding. The water level measured at Kim Tan Hydrological Station at 9:00 a.m. on September 14 was 11.65 m.

Nguoi dan o thon Da Dun, xa Thanh Truc, huyen Thach Thanh (Thanh Hoa) bi bom trong nuoc lu. Anh: Quach Du
People in Da Dun village, Thanh Truc commune, Thach Thanh district (Thanh Hoa) wade through flood water. Photo: Quach Du

According to the People's Committee of Thach Thanh district, by the morning of September 14, the floodwaters had receded, so the number of flooded houses had also decreased significantly compared to the peak of the flood yesterday afternoon. Therefore, many households have started cleaning their houses.

In Thanh Truc commune, some roads are still flooded, however the water level is not too high, people can travel.

The representative of the People's Committee of Thanh Truc commune said that because the water receded, people were able to proactively obtain food, so from the morning of September 14, the locality announced to stop receiving relief goods, to give the opportunity to people in other localities facing more difficulties.


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