Decentralization and delegation of authority must go hand in hand with inspection and supervision


Decentralization and delegation of authority must be associated with inspection, supervision and monitoring, with special attention paid to post-inspection work for special projects.

On September 12, according to information from the Ministry of Justice, this agency has just held a meeting to review the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Planning, the Law on Investment, the Law on Investment under the public-private partnership (PPP) method, and the Law on Bidding. Deputy Minister of Justice Tran Tien Dung chaired the meeting.

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the development and promulgation of the Law amending and supplementing the above laws will promptly remove difficulties and obstacles in terms of institutions and laws, and open up and promote resources for socio-economic development. It will also resolve urgent difficulties in practical implementation related to planning, investment and business activities, investment under the public-private partnership model and bidding activities.

At the same time, it contributes to simplifying administrative procedures, enhancing decentralization and delegation of power to localities, along with strengthening inspection and supervision.

Notably, regarding the policy of decentralizing investment authority to localities, the representative of the Ministry of Finance noted the case of decentralization for large-scale industrial park projects because these projects not only affect that locality but also affect many neighboring areas.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider classifying projects by scale to decentralize to localities; if decentralizing, it must be associated with an inspection and supervision mechanism.

At the same time, he requested the drafting agency to clarify some contents such as: How to handle the assets of the enterprise after the investment project is terminated due to the investor not complying with the law; which level has the authority to decide on special incentives; industries eligible for investment incentives, etc.

Concluding the meeting, Deputy Minister Tran Tien Dung highly appreciated the efforts of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in amending and supplementing laws to remove obstacles and difficulties in planning, investment and bidding.

The Deputy Minister said that the drafting agency needs to continue reviewing regulations related to decentralization and delegation of authority and must link this work with inspection, supervision and audit, especially focusing on post-inspection work for special projects.

Regarding special investment cases, Deputy Minister Tran Tien Dung suggested that the presiding agency consider assigning the Government or the Prime Minister to regulate the scale, capital, experience, and capacity of the investor; assigning the responsibility of inspection and supervision to the People's Committee instead of the Management Board of industrial parks, export processing zones, high-tech zones, and economic zones as in the draft to enhance the management responsibility of state agencies and effectively serve post-inspection work.


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