The most popular cheap restaurant in Ha Long is being boycotted

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quang Ninh - The Propaganda Department of Ha Long City Party Committee has sent an official dispatch requesting that the authorities intervene in the case of Ms. Lien's Clean Rice restaurant, which has been requested by public opinion to be boycotted.

As of this morning (September 16), the debates and calls for boycotts against the Mrs. Lien Clean Rice restaurant chain in Ha Long have not ended. This is considered one of the most popular affordable rice restaurant chains in Ha Long.

The incident started when a group of 7 people went to Mrs. Lien's Clean Rice restaurant in Bai Chay ward on September 9 - two days after storm No. 3 - but the restaurant did not accept the transfer. The group collected 280,000 VND and asked to eat 7 meals for 40,000 VND but were refused service.

There was an argument between the restaurant owner and the group of guests. The group of guests were upset with the restaurant's service attitude and left.

The incident was then posted on social networks, causing strong reactions from the online community towards the above restaurant chain.

Afterwards, Ms. Lien's Clean Rice restaurant also posted on social media that the guests' reflection was not true; at the same time, it said it was ready to confront relevant parties at the authorities to prove the incident.

However, many people later expressed their anger about having to endure the same situation when eating at Mrs. Lien's Clean Rice restaurant chain during stormy days, when the electricity was out and they could not cook at home.

According to some regular customers of this restaurant chain, the prices of meals during the storm increased quite high. Meanwhile, some restaurants that were heavily damaged in storm No. 3 organized thousands of free meals for people.

“The storm caused severe damage, affecting the supply of food and provisions. If there was an increase, it would have been just a little increase. But the prices have increased sharply. Not to mention, the restaurant only accepts cash, not payment via account like usual, which is inconvenient for people because many people do not carry cash,” said Mr. Le Van Binh, residing in Hong Hai ward, Ha Long city.

This morning (September 16), the Propaganda Department of the Ha Long City Party Committee sent an official dispatch requesting the City's Department of Culture and Information and the City Security - Police Team to investigate the incident.

According to the document, in recent days, a number of electronic newspapers and social networks have posted many articles and clips with content related to Ms. Lien's Clean Rice business's behavior with customers.

The posted content has created negative information and public opinion on social networks, especially in the context of storm No. 3 (Yagi) making landfall in Ha Long city, causing heavy damage to people and property, seriously affecting people's lives and production and business activities in the city.

The Propaganda Department of the Ha Long City Party Committee requested the City's Department of Culture and Information to coordinate with the City Security - Police Team to work with the owner of Ms. Lien's Clean Rice business, the customer in the clip and related parties to clarify the content of the incident and widely inform about the results of the case resolution on the City's mass media and social networking platforms to publicize public opinion.

The Propaganda Department of the Ha Long City Party Committee requests that units submit the results of implementing the above content to the Propaganda Department of the City Party Committee before 5:00 p.m. on September 17, 2024.

Nguyễn Hùng

Người dân thành phố Hạ Long tổng lực dọn vệ sinh sau bão

Đoàn Hưng |

Nhiều người dân TP Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh đã đổ ra đường dọn dẹp vệ sinh sau bão số 3. Nhiều tuyến phố đã phong quang, nhịp sống dần bình thường trở lại.

Những vật dụng người dân vùng lũ Hạ Long cần nhất lúc này

Đoàn Hưng |

Ngày 11.9, khoảng 46 hộ dân xã Thống Nhất, TP Hạ Long, tỉnh Quảng Ninh vẫn bị cô lập. Vật dụng mà người dân cần nhất lúc này là đèn pin, bếp gas mini.

Đội xung kích vệ sinh môi trường tại Hạ Long

Đoàn Hưng |

Đã có 208 đội xung kích vệ sinh môi trường được thành lập tại TP Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh) nhằm giúp người dân nhanh chóng ổn định cuộc sống.

Vinafco lãi 2,8 tỉ, chưa bồi thường vụ rơi pin xuống biển

Lục Giang |

Vinafco đang phối hợp cùng các chủ hàng, công ty bảo hiểm và các cơ quan chức năng giải quyết sự cố vụ 37 container rơi xuống biển, trong đó có hơn 10 tấn pin.

Giới đầu cơ có thể đứng sau loạt lô đất đấu giá bỏ cọc


Giới chuyên gia cho rằng, người tham gia đấu giá đất chủ yếu là nhóm nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp, rất ít người địa phương tham gia.

Bắt 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép hơn 2,5 tấn xyanua ở TPHCM

Minh Tâm |

TPHCM - Ngày 18.9, Công an quận Bình Thạnh đã bắt giữ 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép chất độc xyanua với khối lượng lớn ra thị trường.

Đường đi của áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Chiều nay 18.9, cơ quan khí tượng của Việt Nam cho biết áp thấp nhiệt đới đang ở trên khu vực quần đảo Hoàng Sa; sắp mạnh lên thành bão.

Người dân Huế di chuyển ôtô lên chỗ cao đề phòng ngập do mưa to


HUẾ - Trong trưa và chiều 18.9, mưa to đã khiến một số đoạn đường tại TP Huế bị ngập, nhiều người dân di chuyển ôtô lên chỗ cao đề phòng thiệt hại.

Ha Long City residents work together to clean up after the storm

Đoàn Hưng |

Many people in Ha Long City, Quang Ninh took to the streets to clean up after storm No. 3. Many streets have been cleared, and life is gradually returning to normal.

The items that people in the flooded area of ​​Ha Long need most right now

Đoàn Hưng |

On June 11, about 46 households in Thong Nhat Commune, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province were still isolated. The items that people needed most at the moment were flashlights and mini gas stoves.

Environmental sanitation shock team in Ha Long

Đoàn Hưng |

208 environmental sanitation shock teams have been established in Ha Long City (Quang Ninh) to help people quickly stabilize their lives.