Baby turtles continue to be born on Binh Dinh beach

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - Up to now, 3 nests of turtle eggs have hatched on the beach of Nhon Hai commune (Quy Nhon city), with about 170 baby turtles safely released to the sea.

On August 2, the leader of the People's Committee of Nhon Hai commune (Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh) - said that so far the third nest of sea turtle eggs has hatched 65/99 eggs, the egg hatching rate reached 65%.

Binh Dinh people enjoy watching baby turtles hatch. Photo: Hoai Luan

Previously, the hatching rate of 2 nests of turtle eggs also reached a relatively high rate, over 50%. Currently, in the beach area of ​​Nhon Hai commune, there are still 3 nests of turtle eggs being protected and hatched.

According to statistics, from the beginning of July 2024 until now, at Nhon Hai commune beach, there have been 3 nests of turtle eggs hatched with about 170 children.

To date, 3 nests of turtle eggs have hatched with about 170 baby turtles born. Photo: Hoai Luan

According to the Nhon Hai Commune Fishery Resources Protection Community Group, because mother turtles lay eggs near the water's edge, the eggs are easily swept away by ocean waves, so they must be moved to a safe place for incubation.

Up to now, all turtle eggs have been moved to a zoned area at Mui Con beach, Hai Dong village, Nhon Hai commune for protection and incubation.

According to people in Nhon Hai commune, from May to the end of September, many mother sea turtles go to the beach to find a place to nest and lay eggs, mainly green turtles (also known as turtles).

The baby turtle was born and released safely into the sea. Photo: Hoai Luan

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong (35 years old, Quy Nhon City) shared that since hearing that turtles often go to the beach to lay eggs, she often takes her children to the beach to play and watch turtles hatch. "Watching baby turtles compete to get out of their egg shells and crawl into the sea is very interesting. Every day my children ask their mother to go to the sea to see the baby turtles," Ms. Hong said.

According to the leaders of Nhon Hai Commune People's Committee, this is joy and the result of sea turtle conservation efforts of the people and authorities. In the coming time, the locality will continue to coordinate with community groups to protect aquatic resources. Protect sea turtle egg laying areas to increase the number of sea turtles.

Hoài Phương

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Dozens more baby turtles were born on the beach in Binh Dinh

Hoài Phương |

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