After removing temporary houses, Bac Lieu still has to worry about jobs for people


Temporary houses in Bac Lieu province will be built and renovated; the province will try to create more jobs so that people can live in peace.

Ms. Tran Thi Luol, Vinh Trach Dong commune, Bac Lieu city, lives in a temporary house with her two grandchildren. Ms. Luoi is eligible for support in the province's temporary house removal program. Although she has not yet built a new house, she was happy to hear the news: "Having a house to protect me from the sun and rain, I am extremely grateful to the government."

Can nha cua ba Tran Thi Luol, xa Vinh Trach Dong, thanh pho Bac Lieu hien tai. Anh: Nhat Ho
The house of Mrs. Tran Thi Luol, Vinh Trach Dong commune, Bac Lieu city at present. Photo: Nhat Ho

Ms. Danh Thi Hong Loan, Vinh Trach commune, Bac Lieu city, wishes to have a solid and sustainable house. The dream seemed impossible to realize, but now it has become a reality when her family was called by the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee to benefactors, sponsors, and support units to help with part of the cost, the government, organizations, and neighbors, helping with labor to build a new house.

Ms. Loan excitedly said: "Having a solid house to shelter my family from the rain and sun has always been my dream and also the motivation for me to work hard and produce."

Ban giao nha tinh thuong cho ho ngheo, kho khan ve nha o tai huyen Phuoc Long, tinh Bac Lieu. Anh: Nhat Ho
Handing over charity houses to poor households with housing difficulties in Phuoc Long district, Bac Lieu province. Photo: Nhat Ho

In Phuoc Long district, from the beginning of 2024 to now, the entire Phuoc Long district has built 94 charity houses for poor and near-poor households facing housing difficulties.

Through review, Bac Lieu currently has 1,643 poor and near-poor households living in temporary and dilapidated houses that need to be built. To continue the task of supporting housing for poor and near-poor households, Chairman of Bac Lieu Provincial People's Committee Pham Van Thieu has sent an official dispatch to agencies, enterprises, organizations, groups and individuals in the province and outside the province to mobilize the implementation of the emulation movement "Join hands to eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses" in the province.

Ben canh xoa nha tam bo, tinh Bac Lieu cung khuyen khich xay dung nha o xa hoi, nha o cho nguoi thu nhap thap. Anh: Nhat Ho
Besides eliminating makeshift houses, Bac Lieu province also encourages the construction of social housing and housing for low-income people. Photo: Nhat Ho

The Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Lieu province emphasized: Due to the limited resources of the province, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee hope that agencies, enterprises, organizations, collectives and individuals inside and outside the province will support the province with more than 82 billion VND to build 1,643 houses (50 million VND/house) for poor and near-poor households who cannot build their own houses and to better implement the province's social security work. Call on units and enterprises to join hands in implementing social security work to contribute to effectively implementing the plan to reduce the poverty rate by 1% in 2024 in the province.

The Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Lieu province assigned provincial departments, branches, socio-political organizations, district and town People's Committees, banks and enterprises to help 2,273 poor households. 70 provincial departments, branches and enterprises sponsored 227 poor households, the rest were districts, towns and cities.

Chairman of Bac Lieu Provincial People's Committee Pham Van Thieu said: "The province will have specific and practical solutions to effectively solve social problems and better care for all aspects of people's lives. Eliminating temporary housing is a step, and in the near future, jobs will be created for people. Because only with jobs can poverty reduction be truly sustainable."

Bac Lieu also strives to reduce the average number of poor households to below 1% by the end of 2025. Of which, the rural area will reduce to below 2%; the urban area will reduce to below 1%; the poverty rate in ethnic minority areas will reduce by 1% each year...


Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu vận động xây 1.600 căn nhà cho các hộ nghèo, cận nghèo


Tỉnh Bạc Liêu còn 1.643 hộ nghèo, cận nghèo phải sống trong nhà tạm, nhà dột nát cần được xây dựng.

Bạc Liêu lý giải xin 3.400 tỉ đồng phòng chống thiên tai


Con số 3.400 tỉ đồng chỉ là 5 dự án cấp bách; về lâu dài, tỉnh Bạc Liêu cần đến 28.000 tỉ đồng để thực hiện 77 công trình, dự án.

Bạc Liêu công bố tình huống khẩn cấp sạt lở đê biển Đông


Chiều ngày 7.8, Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Bạc Liêu chính thức quyết định công bố tình huống khẩn cấp sạt lở đê biển Đông

Sạt lở khắp nơi, Bạc Liêu ra sức ứng phó


Sạt lở từ sông ra biển, từ vùng ngọt đến vùng mặn. Dù chưa đến cao điểm mùa mưa, nhưng Bạc Liêu hứng chịu nhiều thiệt hại do sạt lở.

Khắc phục hậu quả thiên tai tại Bạc Liêu, Cà Mau


Chưa chính vụ mưa bão nhưng 2 tỉnh Cà Mau, Bạc Liêu chịu nhiều thiệt hại. Hai tỉnh này đang nỗ lực khắc phục hậu quả thiên tai, giúp dân ổn định cuộc sống.

Bí thư Bạc Liêu sốt ruột khi cán bộ 6 tháng không xuống cơ sở


Bí thư Tỉnh uỷ Bạc Liêu nêu tình trạng có lãnh đạo sở 6 tháng không đi cơ sở, ngồi trong phòng nghe báo cáo rồi chỉ đạo báo cáo lên, chỉ đạo xuống.

Cả tỉnh không có nhà máy xử lý, rác tại Bạc Liêu chất cao như núi


Tỉnh Bạc Liêu chưa ban hành giá xử lý rác thải do phải đợi Bộ Tài nguyên Môi trường ban hành định mức kinh tế kỹ thuật đơn giá về thu gom, vận chuyển và xử lý chất thải rắn sinh hoạt. Nhiều năm nay, tại thành phố Bạc Liêu, huyện Vĩnh Lợi, Hoà Bình rác sinh hoạt chất cao như núi.

Lào Cai thông tin về nhu cầu, đầu mối hỗ trợ bà con vùng lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

Tỉnh Lào Cai vừa thông tin cụ thể về nhu cầu hỗ trợ người dân vùng lũ và đầu mối tiếp nhận cứu trợ của các huyện, thị xã trên địa bàn.

Bac Lieu Chairman mobilizes to build 1,600 houses for poor and near-poor households


Bac Lieu province still has 1,643 poor and near-poor households living in temporary and dilapidated houses that need to be built.

Bac Lieu explained asking for 3,400 billion VND to prevent natural disasters


The figure of 3,400 billion VND is only 5 urgent projects; In the long term, Bac Lieu province needs up to 28,000 billion VND to implement 77 works and projects.

Bạc Liêu Announces Emergency Situation of Seabed Erosion Along the Đông Sea Dyke


Afternoon of August 7, Chairman of the People's Committee of Bạc Liêu Province officially decided to declare a state of emergency due to the landslide of the Eastern Sea dike

Landslides everywhere, Bac Lieu tried its best to cope


Erosion from river to sea, from freshwater to salty areas. Although the rainy season has not yet reached its peak, Bac Lieu has suffered a lot of damage due to landslides.

Overcoming consequences of natural disasters in Bac Lieu and Ca Mau


It's not yet a storm, but the two provinces of Ca Mau and Bac Lieu suffered a lot of damage. These two provinces are making efforts to overcome the consequences of natural disasters and help people stabilize their lives.

Secretary of Bac Lieu was impatient when officials did not go to the base for 6 months


The Secretary of the Bac Lieu Provincial Party Committee mentioned the situation of department leaders who did not go to the base for 6 months, sat in the room listening to reports and then directed the reports up and down.