Overcoming consequences of natural disasters in Bac Lieu and Ca Mau


It's not yet a storm, but the two provinces of Ca Mau and Bac Lieu suffered a lot of damage. These two provinces are making efforts to overcome the consequences of natural disasters and help people stabilize their lives.

On the afternoon of July 28, the Chairman of Ca Mau Provincial People's Committee sent an official dispatch requesting provincial departments, branches, branches and organizations; The People's Committees of Ca Mau districts and city continue to strengthen direction to overcome damage and proactively respond to natural disasters. Since the beginning of the year, natural disasters have robbed Ca Mau people of over 35 billion VND in assets.

To promptly help households affected by natural disasters quickly stabilize their lives, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province, along with leaders of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of U Minh district, visited, encouraged, and gave money to support collapsed households. house, the roof was blown off due to a tornado that occurred in Hamlet 8, Khanh Tien commune on the same morning.

Impacted by heavy rain, many houses in Ca Mau collapsed and lost their roofs. Photo: Nhat Ho
Impacted by heavy rain, many houses in Ca Mau collapsed and lost their roofs. Photo: Nhat Ho

Accordingly, the delegation gave support money to 6 households whose houses collapsed and 7 households whose roofs were blown off, helping them overcome the damage and stabilize their lives.

In the early morning of July 26, during heavy rain, a tornado appeared, causing many houses to collapse and blow off their roofs in Hamlet 8, Khanh Tien commune, with estimated damage of over 1 billion VND.

Mr. Do Minh Dien, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue of Ca Mau province, said that from the beginning of the year until now, natural disasters have damaged 110 houses (48 houses collapsed). ; damaged, unroofed 62 houses), 80 riverside locations were eroded with a length of 2,120 m (including 53 m of exposed concrete); Heavy rain caused flooding, damaging 575 hectares of summer-autumn rice; Drought caused landslides and subsidence in 730 locations with a total length of 19,056 m. The total accumulated property damage to date is about over 35 billion VND.

Many roads in Tran Van Thoi district, Ca Mau province will seriously erode in the dry season of 2024. Photo: Nhat Ho
Many roads in Tran Van Thoi district, Ca Mau province will seriously erode in the dry season of 2024. Photo: Nhat Ho

In Bac Lieu, facing the unpredictable developments of natural disasters, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to closely monitor warning reports and forecasts on weather and natural disasters; Timely and regularly notify and guide authorities and people at all levels to proactively prevent, avoid and minimize damage. At the same time, coordinate with the People's Committee of Bac Lieu City and relevant agencies and units to review, compile statistics and assess the level of damage to houses and other structures (if any) caused by tornadoes. , promptly synthesize and report to the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Committee.

Helping people rebuild their houses affected by rain and tornadoes in Vinh Trach commune, Bac Lieu city, Bac Lieu province. Photo: Nhat Ho
Helping people rebuild their houses affected by rain and tornadoes in Vinh Trach commune, Bac Lieu city, Bac Lieu province. Photo: Nhat Ho

Organize close monitoring of natural disaster situations, proactively direct and deploy the response and overcoming of natural disaster consequences according to the motto "four on the spot" to ensure timeliness and effectiveness to reduce damage to people. people.


Hàng trăm ha lúa tại 1 huyện của Cà Mau ngập sâu


Ông Nguyễn Việt Khái, Phó trưởng Phòng NNPTNT huyện Trần Văn Thời, tỉnh Cà Mau cho biết, ảnh hưởng bão số 2, mưa lớn những ngày qua khiến 260 ha lúa chìm sâu trong nước.

Mưa lớn làm sạt lở 15 điểm trên Quốc lộ 32

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Yên Bái - Mưa lớn xuyên đêm khiến 15 điểm trên tuyến Quốc lộ 32 qua địa phận huyện Mù Cang Chải sạt lở, một số đoạn xe ôtô không qua lại được.

Sạt lở gây chết người, Lâm Đồng làm rõ trách nhiệm các đơn vị

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UBND tỉnh Lâm Đồng yêu cầu làm rõ trách nhiệm của các đơn vị liên quan khi thiếu kiểm tra, giám sát dẫn tới tiếp tục xảy ra sạt lở làm chết người.

Mưa lớn, hàng trăm ha lúa tại Cà Mau chìm trong nước


Ít nhất 600 ha lúa tại Cà Mau chìm trong nước do mưa kéo dài, nhiều khả năng không thể phục hồi do dự báo những ngày tới mưa vẫn tiếp tục.

Cà Mau lên phương án ứng phó bão, siêu bão


Trước tình hình thời tiết, mưa bão diễn biến phức tạp, tỉnh Cà Mau lên phương án ứng phó với bão mạnh, siêu bão có khả năng diễn ra.

Chuẩn bị nâng cấp, mở rộng nhưng sân bay Cà Mau vắng khách


Theo quy hoạch đến năm 2030, Cảng Hàng không Cà Mau được mở rộng, đón được tàu bay lớn. Tuy nhiên, hiện tại, cảng hàng không này vẫn thưa khách đến mức phải giảm tần suất bay.

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