Eliminate "3 no" fishing boats in Quang Binh


Quang Binh is actively finding a way for "3 no" fishing boats , to help fishermen go out to sea and stick to the sea.

720 fishing vessels licensed in 2 months

Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Binh province, Tran Quoc Tuan, said that he is going to each commune to mobilize local fishermen to have "3 no" fishing boats (no registration, no registration, no license). ), accelerate the progress of completing licensing for these vehicles.

In just over 2 months, Quang Binh province has completed procedures and licensing documents for more than 720 "3 no" fishing vessels, helping the vehicles go offshore and stick to the sea.

Stated more clearly, Director of Quang Binh Provincial Fisheries Sub-Department Le Ngoc Linh said that since the date the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued Circular No. 06 dated May 6, 2024 on amending and supplementing a number of regulations on fishing vessel registrars. ; recognition of fishing vessel registration facilities ; ensure technical safety of fishing vessels and fisheries surveillance vessels; registration of fishing vessels and fisheries service vessels; Delete the registration of fishing vessels and mark fishing vessels. Quang Binh province has more than 780/3,999 "3 no" fishing vessels.

Among these, there are more than 700 fishing boats from 6m to under 12m in length, concentrated in Ba Don town, Quang Ninh district and Quang Trach district.

Director of Quang Binh Provincial Fisheries Branch Le Ngoc Linh said that since the 2017 Fisheries Law took effect, all boats 6m or longer in length that are managed by district-level localities will be under the management of the branch.

Therefore, when the locality transferred the list of ships to the department, the records were inaccurate, especially the data related to the ships were almost incomplete. In addition, the vehicle owners themselves converted the machinery and changed the size of the hull, so they could not register it... Mr. Linh explained the reason why many "3-no" fishing vessels still exist.

Circular of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with many amendments and supplements to regulations on registration of fishing vessels. In particular, some ship owners who installed engines that did not comply with regulations were invited to be appraised by the authorities. This helps localities check to determine whether the ship is eligible to operate or not, thereby removing difficulties in management and licensing.


Mr. Truong Ninh (Bao Ninh commune, Dong Hoi city), owner of a 24CV fishing boat, was happy to receive support from the Provincial Fisheries Department and the registration agency, his vehicle was quickly inspected.

"In just a little time, my fishing boat will be able to sail, something I have wanted for a long time," Mr. Ninh recalled.

The Department of Fisheries of Quang Binh province has promoted propaganda work, sent officials to localities, coordinated with party committees, local authorities and relevant units to support vehicle owners to declare and register their names. The book carries out registration and inspection procedures according to new regulations.

Since the Circular of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was issued until now, Quang Binh province has completed operating licenses for 720 fishing vessels that were once "3 no". The number of "3 zero" fishing vessels currently has nearly 60 vehicles.

“Currently, we are continuing to coordinate to speed up the progress of completing licensing for the remaining ships this July. This is the last chance for vehicle owners, because after that time, Quang Binh province will no longer issue licenses for "3-no" fishing vessels" - Mr. Linh emphasized.

Recently, the Border Guard of Quang Binh province has also supported fishermen in completing necessary procedures according to regulations. At the same time, strengthen strict management of import and export activities of fishing vessels, resolutely not allowing unsecured fishing vessels to go out to sea.


Bình Định tạm thu hồi giấy phép khai thác của 190 tàu cá

Hoài Phương |

Chi cục Thủy sản tỉnh Bình Định vừa có quyết định tạm thu hồi giấy phép khai thác thủy sản đối với 190 tàu cá chưa lắp đặt thiết bị giám sát hành trình.

Kiên Giang có hơn 2.700 tàu cá chưa đăng ký


Kiên Giang có hơn 2.700 tàu cá chưa đăng ký, trong đó huyện Kiên Lương và TP Phú Quốc có số lượng tàu cá chưa đăng ký lớn nhất.

3 tàu cá gặp nạn gần bờ ở Quảng Bình


Ngày 23.7, Bộ đội Biên phòng tỉnh Quảng Bình cho biết, mưa giông trong đêm đã khiến 3 tàu cá trên địa bàn bị thiệt hại.

Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Một đối tượng nghi sử dụng ma túy đã cướp ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn tại khu vực trước cổng Khu Công nghiệp Trà Nóc, quận Bình Thủy, TP Cần Thơ.

Cho thôi Đại biểu Quốc hội đối với Phó Bí thư Lâm Đồng

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Giá vàng nhẫn đu đỉnh, người dân rút tiền tiết kiệm vẫn khó mua

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Binh Dinh temporarily revoked the exploitation licenses of 190 fishing vessels

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh Provincial Department of Fisheries has just decided to temporarily revoke the fishing license for 190 fishing vessels that have not installed cruise monitoring equipment.

Kien Giang has more than 2,700 unregistered fishing boats


Kien Giang has more than 2,700 unregistered fishing vessels , of which Kien Luong district and Phu Quoc city have the largest number of unregistered fishing vessels.

3 fishing boats encountered an accident near the shore in Quang Binh


On July 23, the Border Guard of Quang Binh province said that overnight thunderstorms caused damage to 3 fishing boats in the area.