5 districts in Ha Tinh are allowed up to 8 public cars

Xuyên Đông |

Ha Tinh has just issued the quota of cars for public service, in which 5 districts in Ha Tinh are given the highest quota of up to 8 public cars.

The People's Committee of Ha Tinh province issued Decision No. 17/2024/QD-UBND effective from September 9, stipulating standards, norms, quantity, types, and methods of managing cars for general work, and the authority to allocate funds for car use at agencies, organizations, and units under the management of Ha Tinh province.

The decision on standards and norms for cars serving general work determined and announced in this clause shall be stabilized every 5-year cycle; after each stabilization cycle, it must be re-determined and publicly announced according to regulations.

Adjusting standards and norms for cars serving general work during the stable cycle only applies in case of changes in the organizational structure of provincial-level departments, branches, sectors and equivalents and district-level administrative units.

Types of cars serving general work for districts, cities and towns are regulated as follows: Equipped with a maximum of 02 7-8 seat 2-wheel drive cars to be arranged at the Office of the District Party Committee, City Party Committee, Town Party Committee and Office of the People's Council - People's Committee of the district, city, town (01 7-8 seat 2-wheel drive car/01 unit).

In case the district is located in a mountainous area, island area, or an area with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions according to regulations of the Government and the Prime Minister, it is allowed to equip 2 more 7-8 seat 2-wheel drive cars to be arranged at the Office of the District Party Committee, City Party Committee, Town Party Committee and the Office of the People's Council - People's Committee of the district, city, town (01 7-8 seat 2-wheel drive car/01 unit) but must not exceed the number of cars used for general work according to regulations.

In addition to the Office of the District Party Committee, City Party Committee, Town Party Committee and the Office of the People's Council - People's Committee of the district, city, town, do not provide 7-8 seat 2-wheel drive cars for other agencies, organizations, and units under the management of the district level.

Below are the standards for cars serving general work at the district level in Ha Tinh:

Xuyên Đông

Huy động 300 người chữa cháy rừng tại Hà Tĩnh


Chính quyề huy động khoảng 300 người tham gia chữa cháy rừng trên núi Động Nỏ (thôn Thượng Phú, xã Hồng Lộc, Lộc Hà, Hà Tĩnh) xảy ra chiều 28.8.

Bổ nhiệm, điều động nhiều cán bộ công an ở Hà Tĩnh


Ngày 26.8, Công an Hà Tĩnh công bố quyết định bổ nhiệm, điều động nhiều cán bộ công an tại huyện Kỳ Anh và thị xã Hồng Lĩnh.

Tăng tốc các công trình trọng điểm quốc gia ở Hà Tĩnh


Tại Hà Tĩnh hiện đang triển khai 2 công trình trọng điểm quốc gia là cao tốc Bắc - Nam và 500kV mạch 3. Tranh thủ thời tiết thuận lợi, các nhà thầu đang tập trung đẩy nhanh tiến độ.

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Minh Hạnh |

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Lam Thanh |

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