Details Chevrolet Corvette C3 only 2 cars in Vietnam

Thanh Vũ |

Currently, in Vietnam there are only 2 Chevrolet Corvette C3 cars. One of them is still in pretty good shape with a striking yellow paint color.

Chevrolet Corvette is a famous American sports car, known to car enthusiasts in Vietnam mainly through 3 generations C6, C7 and C8. In particular, the Corvette C7 line has nearly 10 imported cars, with 2 main versions: the standard version and the high-performance version Z06.

However, currently in Vietnam there are still 2 cars belonging to the rare generation of this car line, the C3. The C3 generation of Corvette was produced from 1967 to 1982. The highlight of this car line is that the engine and chassis are almost the same as the previous generation, but the body and interior have been improved.

In 1979, the Chevrolet Corvette C3 set a record with 53,807 units produced.

One of the most expensive Corvette C3s is a 1969 L88 Lightweight. It was one of only four ever built and sold for $2.86 million at a Barrett-Jackson auction in January 2014.

During its development from 1964 to 1968, the Corvette C3 was completely redesigned in terms of body and interior. It was available in two versions: a coupe with a removable roof and a convertible with a folding soft top.

The Chevrolet Corvette C3 retains the previous generation's engine and 3- and 4-speed manual transmissions, while the RPO M40 automatic replaces the 2-speed Powerglide. A 300-horsepower 5.4L L30 V8 and 3-speed manual transmission are standard.

However, only a limited number of vehicles are equipped with this type of transmission. The 4-speed manual transmission is available with two gear ratio options: M20 or close-ratio M21.

Thanh Vũ

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