Police request the following vehicles to pay the fine

Xuyên Đông |

According to the latest list announced by Bac Giang and Bac Ninh police, many vehicles were fined.

According to the latest list announced by Bac Giang City Police, from January 22-24, 2024, through the traffic surveillance camera system, Bac Giang City Police detected and imposed fines on 101 cases of traffic safety violations.

Of these, 58 vehicles ran red lights; 11 cases encroached on lanes and violated road markings; 14 cases turned left where there was a sign prohibiting left turns; 12 cases exceeded the speed limit; and 6 cases of people on motorbikes not wearing helmets.

List of vehicles violating from 12:00 on January 21, 2024 to 12:00 on January 24, 2024 as follows:

Red light violation:

, 30G-374.69, 30T-7708, 30F-012.51, 12A-211.28, 98A-123.35, 15A-216.18, 30P-2101, 30L-9434, 98A-444.89, 29A-725.61.

Motorcycle license plate 98B3-842.17, 98B3-877.04, 98B3-885.91, 98B3-847.20, 98B3-869.34, 98B3-074.22, 98B3-468.66, 98B3-874.94, 98B3-886.48, 98B3-679.39, 98B3-922.13, 98B3-536.96, 98B3-880.78, 98B3-107.01, 98B3-878.60, 98B3-486.13, 98B3-707.17, 98B3-681.57, 98B3-897.69, 98B3-891.16, 98B3-486.13, 98B3-897.33, 29D2-660.11, 98B3-258.58, 98B3-909.88, 98B3-904.74, 98B3-486.13, 98B3-135.39, 98B3-158.32, 98B3-926.40.

Lane encroachment, violation of road markings:

Cars with license plates 98A-396.56, 30F-304.20, 98A-366.31, 30E-564.37, 98A-052.02, 98A-192.47, 98A-448.86, 88A-022.20, 98A-420.43, 98A-516.74, 98A-336.09.

Turn left where there is a no left turn sign:

Cars with license plates 99C-159.13, 30A-838.53, 98A-491.43, 98H-0071, 30H-6855, 98A-205.33, 30Y-8171, 98A-040.51, 99A-031.50, 99A-303.04, 34C-336.71, 98A-490.58, 99A-211.23, 29A-756.08.


Cars with license plates 29A-192.57, 98A-413.09, 99A-610.49, 98A-163.89, 98A-283.68, 98A-004.46, 98A-205.33, 98A-328.68, 29A-949.91, 14A-004.94, 98A-090.63, 34C-295.14.

Motorcyclist violating without wearing helmet:

98B3-426.23, 98B2-956.23, 98B3-709.01, 98B3-775.56, 98B3-060.41, 98B3-888.01.

Xe oto vuot den do tai nga 4 Hung Vuong - Huynh Thuc Khang, xa Tan Tien, thanh pho Bac Giang. Anh: Cong an Bac Giang
Car ran a red light at the Hung Vuong - Huynh Thuc Khang intersection, Tan Tien commune, Bac Giang city. Photo: Bac Giang police
Xe oto vuot den do tai nga 4 Nguyen Van Linh - Truong Chinh, xa Tan Tien, thanh pho Bac Giang bi phat nguoi. Anh: Cong an Bac Giang
A car ran a red light at the Nguyen Van Linh - Truong Chinh intersection, Tan Tien commune, Bac Giang city and was fined. Photo: Bac Giang police
Xe oto vuot den do tai nga 4 Hoang Hoa Tham - Tran Hung Dao, xa Tan Tien, thanh pho Bac Giang. Anh: Cong an Bac Giang
Car ran a red light at the intersection of Hoang Hoa Tham - Tran Hung Dao, Tan Tien commune, Bac Giang city. Photo: Bac Giang police

From December 30, 2024 to January 5, 2025, through the traffic surveillance camera system, Bac Ninh Provincial Police detected and issued fines to 523 vehicles.

In which, the vehicles mainly violated the speed limit by driving from 5 km/h to under 10 km/h and from 10 km/h to 20 km/h.

List of violating vehicles as follows:

30H-852.00; 29A-667.42; 30E-734.96; 34A-129.22; 89C-307.48; 99A-481.75; 30G-989.16; 99A-268.83; 21A-105.50; 99A-448.54; 30A-601.72; 29E-067.11; 30H-209.66; 29C-662.42; 29R-075.46; 29H-069.56; 30K-478.42; 29K-002.22; 30F-518.03; 99A-222.05; 30G-926.07; 30Z-8339; 30H-730.60; 29K-106.57; 99A-476.48; 29A-155.40; 15A-951.68; 89A-570.52; 99A-178.55; 29K-048.91; 29LD07295; 30E-326.77; 29K-056.06; 29A-611.44; 99A-431.50; 30H-052.96; 30H-804.24; 29K-114.76; 30H-794.79; 89A-513.32; 29K-078.34; 30E-310.67; 30F-621.76; 99A-599.90; 30K-954.72; 30K-940.83; 29K-008.52; 30K-553.26; 30H-743.52; 30A-097.10; 30H-801.49; 30H-661.63; 99E-012.71; 98A-389.43; 99A-363.83; 90R-009.21; 99A-695.04; 99A-688.38; 30A-158.14; 14F-001.42; 12B-005.14; 98A-739.94; 98R-003.32; 98A-759.28; 99C-273.01; 30A-673.93; 29K-211.72; 30F-691.57; 99C-208.67; 30A-977.96; 98A-798.49; 89E-000.06; 99A-345.87; 30G-890.51; 34LD01213; 34A-129.22; 14D-006.32; 30K-212.68; 99A-379.74; 99A-712.41; 29H-513.08; 99A-597.40; 30H-831.75; 30H-376.73; 98A-379.16; 98A-579.54; 99A-557.64; 99A-433.18; 99A-345.20; 29C-805.81; 30A-239.59; 12A-129.71; 98A-288.43; 99A-443.28; 99A-013.03; 98LD00736; 30G-270.17; 99A-048.30; 98A-792.49; 98A-569.45; 98A-483.16; 12C-091.45; 30E-820.33; 98A-001.44; 98A-834.61; 99A-526.74; 90A-150.24; 30G-500.75; 30A-755.99; 98A-193.24; 98A-587.51; 30F-953.14; 98A-509.45; 99A-795.45; 14C-328.22; 99A-313.93; 30G-978.37; 99A-780.38; 98A-348.35; 99A-406.33; 14A-731.48; 99A-299.84; 99A-814.30; 34A-767.22; 99A-493.06; 18A-167.68; 98A-588.00; 14A-840.80; 98A-671.98; 30L-424.07; 99A-159.00; 30G-475.97; 99A-110.87; 12A-067.13; 99A-077.15; 79A-221.31; 99A-349.05; 98A-186.42; 98A-502.72; 88A-660.81; 30F-260.89; 98A-357.89; 36A-459.95; 99A-815.55; 98A-629.26; 99A-447.34; 98A-328.53; 34A-142.79; 30A-981.49; 98A-304.58; 30F-363.68; 30E-568.74; 30F-123.02; 30H-178.08; 99A-156.79; 30G-827.84; 12A-137.70; 29K-093.90; 99A-702.59; 15A-519.17; 99A-564.46; 99A-180.71; 98A-218.44; 98A-180.21; 29D-331.92; 29D-594.37; 30K-135.02; 98A-162.19; 99A-752.04; 11B-003.24; 30G-396.74; 99A-430.27; 99A-730.33; 15R-152.96; 99A-766.82; 99A-382.48; 29H-542.31; 29C-498.51; 86A-174.50; 98C-370.95; 29D-222.75; 99A-534.09; 34A-261.21; 12A-191.32; 98C-305.75; 99A-497.17; 36A-393.14; 29A-139.50; 29B-164.45; 99A-153.19; 99A-814.61; 99A-131.76; 99A-448.32; 99A-675.83; 99C-242.76; 29H-031.50; 29H-294.47; 30L-489.66; 30H-997.99; 98B-008.19; 30K-276.12; 29H-529.58; 30F-218.08; 99A-011.76; 99A-666.26; 30E-213.23; 29K-011.60; 29K-053.64; 99A-602.19; 99A-292.24; 88A-216.83; 89C-097.13; 29C-830.61; 34A-350.59; 30F-678.06; 30L-6859; 99A-197.10; 20A-250.07; 30K-310.03; 30A-344.56; 17A-398.19; 30F-674.01; 30E-928.72; 30G-919.85; 99A-519.70; 99C-302.62; 88C-113.87; 36A-923.66; 88A-145.53; 15A-248.35; 99A-172.25; 20A-124.30; 30E-776.73; 99A-836.07; 29A-130.80; 29A-951.15; 29D-421.31; 30G-093.92; 29F-041.96; 34A-830.51; 15A-135.42; 29H-943.74; 99A-614.55; 30A-936.06; 99A-833.14; 29H-057.52; 88E-010.62; 99A-541.24; 99E-008.34; 99C-271.85; 99C-299.31; 88A-058.20; 30H-683.84; 29H-670.41; 30H-742.30; 99A-564.45; 89K-9617; 99A-490.75; 99A-417.41; 35A-229.68; 99C-013.68; 29LD-302.62; 15C-360.82; 20LD-005.17; 21H-018.87; 29H-153.12; 29H-668.95; 29K-074.27; 30F-524.02; 30F-655.26; 30K-355.98; 30K-474.26; 34A-587.86; 36K-023.61; 88A-631.34; 99A-010.13; 99A-077.56; 99A-271.48; 99A-299.04; 99A-368.08; 99A-627.52; 99A-652.40; 99A-712.47; 99A-721.38; 99A-767.05; 99A-780.41; 99A-787.02; 99A-803.20; 99C-196.12; 99D-017.54; 99E-000.94; 99LD-031.77; 15A-647.44; 16N6566; 29H-705.92; 29K-062.13; 30H-964.55; 34A-228.27; 34C-409.27; 34LD01091; 89A-116.28; 89A-268.15; 89A-376.23; 89C-284.26; 89C-325.20; 98A-173.23; 98A-253.64; 98A-325.84; 98A-409.12; 98A-673.80; 98H-012.35; 99A-072.96; 99A-079.35; 99A-101.69; 99A-148.84; 99A-219.03; 99A-237.44; 99A-272.83; 99A-298.51; 99A-338.76; 99A-360.30; 99A-382.39; 99A-458.22; 99A-489.54; 99A-558.33; 99A-612.87; 99A-669.84; 99A-682.75; 99A-695.86; 99A-711.82; 99A-719.08; 99A-722.39; 99A-722.65; 99C-257.31; 99C-303.13; 14A-627.91; 14C-284.44; 15A-425.72; 15A-506.65; 20A-057.92; 26C-100.56; 29A-651.35; 29B-214.47; 29C-357.59; 29C-648.23; 29D-224.00; 29H-210.71; 29H-503.55; 29H-693.79; 29H-763.69; 29H-852.17; 29LD04886; 30F-732.46; 30G-427.48; 30G-897.41; 30K-822.52; 30L-155.58; 30L-601.84; 34C-332.29; 37K-180.54; 61A-899.89; 88A-270.10; 98A-192.86; 98A-749.60; 98A-774.37; 98C-309.08; 98RM-00258; 99A-051.39; 99A-155.11; 99A-231.90; 99A-341.30; 99A-369.67; 99A-406.59; 99A-413.08; 99A-526.04; 99A-544.01; 99A-621.90; 99A-665.15; 99A-710.74; 99A-712.13; 99A-768.81; 99A-838.24; 99C-108.74; 99C-121.19; 99C-244.89; 99C-271.68; 99C-297.10; 99C-308.97; 99C-310.83; 99H-026.53; 99K-9399; 99LD-0301; 29C-994.12; 99A-771.78; 29D-051.83; 99A-492.81; 99C-222.39; 34A-750.10; 14B-046.97; 99A-625.96; 99A-440.11; 99C-257.68; 99C-283.22; 99C-098.23; 99C-269.74; 99A-821.47; 30G-821.30; 30F-049.22; 14A-816.30; 14A-780.25; 99A-679.02; 99LD03468; 31F3705; 51F-828.98; 15A-022.66; 30H-361.56; 30K-278.92; 29C-994.12; 34A-671.35; 34A-359.73; 29D-401.51; 99A-565.83; 99A-702.59; 30G-970.71; 20C-195.11; 89A-311.22; 99C-255.16; 99E-015.44; 29H-458.74; 98A-617.20; 99A-666.64; 99LD02493; 30Z5698; 29B-418.30; 99A-835.70; 99C-230.48; 99C-269.74; 99A-628.46; 99A-609.92; 99A-779.72; 30A-631.52; 99A-595.25; 14B-046.60; 29G-018.71; 99A-591.59; 20A-601.69; 99A-247.32; 99C-254.33; 14A-195.79; 29H-929.44; 92C-074.88; 99A-575.80; 98A-676.74; 99A-741.85; 29D-060.77; 99A-427.98; 99E-014.51; 88A-525.17; 29K-020.15; 30G-474.36; 99A-706.37; 29K-214.05; 99C-161.43; 99B-024.22; 30A-004.07; 99C-176.17; 99A-114.04; 29T5049; 99A-156.38; 99A-841.71; 99C-272.20; 99E-006.28; 99A-119.47; 99C-272.51; 99A-020.05; 99A-344.75; 15A - 90643; 15H - 03256; 15H - 03655; 15K - 04430; 20A - 57922; 20A - 83652; 29A - 91284; 29C - 61547; 29D - 01289; 29D - 07976; 29D - 10461; 29F - 00987; 29H - 65374; 29H - 72525; 29H - 75104; 29H - 83193; 30F - 56259; 30F - 89964; 30K - 70055; 30L - 17560; 34A - 77793; 34A - 79281; 34A - 89205; 34C - 10347; 34C - 14228; 34C1 - 54491; 34C - 19302; 34C - 25271; 34C - 26818; 35A - 08500; 88C - 03325; 88H - 01973; 99A - 28417; 99A - 46615; 99A - 51589; 99A - 70611; 99C - 26248; 99C - 21446; 99E - 00484; 99E - 01615; 99F - 00996; 99H - 01573; 99H1 - 01766; 99H1 - 11279; 99H1 - 37509; 99K1 - 16172; 99K1 - 41435.

Police note that when coming to pay fines, people need to prepare the following documents:

For cars: Vehicle registration, certificate of technical safety and environmental protection inspection, driving license of the violator, citizen identification card of the violator (1 photocopy of each type of document).

For motorbikes: Vehicle registration, driver's license of the violator, citizen identification card of the violator (photocopy 1 copy of each document).

Xuyên Đông

Hanoi license plate car owner goes to provincial police station after paying fine


According to the list of fines announced by Bac Giang and Thai Binh provinces, in January 2025, there were many vehicles with Hanoi license plates.

Car with the following license plate contacted the police to pay a speeding fine


Police in provinces and cities have just announced a list of fines for January 2025, including speeding violations.

Motorbike drivers fined in January 2025 need to contact the police


According to the newly announced list of provinces, many motorbikes were "hit" with fines in January 2025.

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Hanoi license plate car owner goes to provincial police station after paying fine

Đức Vân |

According to the list of fines announced by Bac Giang and Thai Binh provinces, in January 2025, there were many vehicles with Hanoi license plates.

Car with the following license plate contacted the police to pay a speeding fine

Minh Châu |

Police in provinces and cities have just announced a list of fines for January 2025, including speeding violations.

Motorbike drivers fined in January 2025 need to contact the police

Xuyên Đông |

According to the newly announced list of provinces, many motorbikes were "hit" with fines in January 2025.