Proposing cases where people are not allowed to drive cars from 2025

Hiếu Anh |

According to the new draft of the Ministry of Health, the following people will be able to drive cars from 2025.

The Ministry of Health develops a Circular regulating health standards , health checks for drivers, special-use motorbike drivers, and periodic health checks for car drivers. The Circular is expected to take effect from January 1, 2025.

Comparing with Appendix 1 of the health standards table, group 2 is group 2 (for class B drivers).

Class B is issued to drivers of passenger cars with up to 8 seats (not including the driver's seat); trucks and specialized cars with total design weight up to 3,500kg; Types of cars required for class B driving licenses that pull trailers with a total design weight of up to 750kg.

Accordingly, people with the following diseases and disabilities are not allowed to drive class B cars, including:

Psychiatric group:

Acute psychosis was completely cured but not for 6 months.

Chronic mental disorder cannot control behavior.

Nerve group:

Persistent epileptic seizures within the last 24 months (without/with medication).

Motor paralysis of two or more limbs.

Extrapyramidal syndrome.

Deep sensory disturbances.

Dizziness due to pathological causes.

Eye group

Binocular distance vision: < 5/10 (including correction with glasses).

If one eye remains, visual acuity <5/10 (including correction with glasses).

Disorder of recognition of 3 basic colors: red, yellow, green.

Double vision, even when corrected with prisms

Cardiovascular group

Second-degree atrioventricular block or bradycardia accompanied by clinical symptoms (even if treated but unstable).

Heart failure level III or higher (according to the classification of the New York Heart Association - NYHA).

Respiratory group

Diseases and illnesses causing difficulty breathing level III or higher (according to mMRC classification).

Group on muscles - bones - joints

Amputation or loss of function of 01 hand or 01 foot and one of the remaining legs or arms is incomplete (amputee or reduced function).

Use of drugs, alcohol, narcotics and psychotropic substances

Use of drugs.

Using alcohol with concentrations exceeding the prescribed limit.

Hiếu Anh

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