Proposal on motorbike insurance takes effect from 2025

Xuyên Đông |

According to the draft decree effective from January 1, 2025, there is content related to motorbike insurance .

The Ministry of Public Security is drafting a Decree detailing a number of articles of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety. The draft decree takes effect from January 1, 2025.

Clause 5, Article 6, draft regulations on insurance database for owners of motor vehicles and specialized motorbikes, including motorbike insurance as follows:

Information about the motor vehicle owner: Name, address, phone number (if any), motor vehicle owner identification number or passport number (for individual motor vehicle owners).

Information about motor vehicles: license plate number or chassis number, engine number, vehicle type, tonnage (for cars), number of seats (for cars), purpose of vehicle use (for cars) car), brand, capacity, paint color, year of manufacture.

Information about the insurance company : Name, address, hotline phone number.

Civil insurance liability level for third parties and passengers.

Responsibilities of motor vehicle owners and drivers when an accident occurs.

Insurance period, insurance certificate number, insurance premium, premium payment period, date of application, place of issuance of application; application issuer.

Compensation information for compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners; Accident information, administrative penalties, registration and registration related to motor vehicles are collected through connection with the database of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport.

The draft Decree also stipulates principles for building, managing, exploiting and using databases on road traffic order and safety, including civil liability insurance data, including insurance motorbike as follows:

The database on road traffic order and safety is built and managed centrally and uniformly from central to local levels and relevant ministries, departments and branches.

The database on road traffic order and safety is updated fully, accurately and promptly immediately after administrative procedures and related professional work have been completed; Maintain continuous, stable and smooth operations to meet the exploitation and use requirements of agencies, organizations and individuals in accordance with the law.

The database on road traffic order and safety is stored and kept confidential, ensuring information security.

The construction, management, exploitation and use of the database on road traffic order and safety complies with the provisions of the Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety and the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations , Law on Information Technology, Law on Cyber ​​Information Security, Law on Cyber ​​Security, Law on Electronic Transactions; legal regulations on Vietnam's e-Government architecture; regulations on management, connection and sharing of digital data by state agencies; regulations on ensuring and protecting privacy, personal secrets and other relevant laws.

Xuyên Đông

Bảo hiểm xe máy có cả bắt buộc và tự nguyện

Xuyên Đông |

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Trách nhiệm của đơn vị bảo hiểm xe máy theo luật mới

Xuyên Đông |

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Xuất hiện thư nặc danh dọa đặt bom sân bay Cam Ranh

Hữu Long |

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Chờ hướng xử lý loạt công trình sai phép ở Bắc Ninh

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Một nhà hàng ở Yên Bái bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện bão lũ

Trần Bùi |

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Bão áp sát, một trường ở Quảng Bình vẫn thi sát hạch lái xe


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Motorcycle insurance is both compulsory and voluntary

Xuyên Đông |

According to current regulations, motorcycle insurance includes both compulsory and voluntary insurance.

Regulations on checking motorbike insurance according to the new draft

Xuyên Đông |

According to the new draft of the Ministry of Public Security on checking documents, there are regulations on checking motorbike insurance .

Responsibilities of motorbike insurance units under the new law

Xuyên Đông |

According to the new law, motorbike insurance continues to be mandatory insurance. The new law also clearly stipulates the responsibilities of insurance units.